Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Clothesline Club -

I want to share with you the show and tell part of my Clothesline Club this week...

As usual...It will be more show than tell...

Isn't this mini whirly gig of Sandra's amazing?

My BFF Rae Ann's vintage aprons...

I hope you were inspired by all of the wonderful quits and aprons!

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Crossroads Block...

Last month I told you about our Yo-Yo Mama's project that we are working on together...if you can go HERE to read about it.....
long story short, we exchanged 2 1/2" squares and we are all doing something different with them.

So I've had a little bit of time to work on mine...

It feels great to be able to work on something that I can show you!

I'm making a crossroads block that finishes 16 inches square....

This is what the blocks look like with 4 together... I am making 16 blocks total for my quilt. I"m going to skip putting on a border and just bind it after the quilting is complete. The quilt will finish 64" x 64" and I am making it for my kitchen table.
I'm really pleased with the way that it's turning out...very scrappy and vintagey favorite kind of quilt!

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Vintage Monday - more thrifting...

Last week I went thrifting again and I was so thrilled when I found this darling little childs cupboard for only 3.99. I know! Can you believe it! It's sturdy and in really good shape other than needing a paint job.
The cupboard is tiny...only 38" tall and 2 feet at its widest point. I am going to paint it and put it in my studio...I'll show you what I am going to use it for when I get it done!

This is a grab bag that I picked up for 1.99. The store does not allow you to open it until after you purchase...

But I could obviously see some good stuff in there!
I was happy with the contents when I got home and opened it on my studio cutting table.... I'll show you what was in it...

There are 12 of the above...

And two of these...pretty good for 1.99 huh?

I also got this cream colored ceramic pear with a really neat crackle finish on it...the leaf and stem are metal. I think it will look good under a cloche.
The plate is a perfect yellow with an adorable edging and I will put some vinyl lettering on it.

I also found another creamer to add to my collection....and 4 vintage china plates that are the same pattern as my great grandma Butterfield's dishes.

I found these 3 wooden butterflies from the 70's for Kassidy's room. We will paint them different colors and hang them on the wall....she loves them.

And last but not least...2 more vintage china plates with beautiful know by now that they are something that I can never pass up.
All in all it was another good day at the thrift shop!

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Scripture Sunday

...and when thou risest in the morning.....
let thy heart be full of thanks unto God...

Alma 37:37

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Peachy Pizza for Family Night...

Every Monday night at our house we have family time.
We do all kinds of different things each week and sometimes we take what we call a "fieldtrip" together...but most of the time we stay at home....we read together...learn and study games together... guessed it! The theme is always togetherness!
After all, the family that plays together...stays together.....right?

The end of the evening always results in a special treat....made by whomever's turn it happens to be that week. This week it was Kassidy's turn.
She chose to make mini fruit pizza's using the peaches from our trees...yum!

All you need besides fresh fruit for the toppings are these 3 coconut and vanilla.
Of course you could make your own sugar cookies which taste better...and we usually do...but this was a shortcut for family night!

Bake your cookies/aka crust...and let them cool completely.

Fold 4 ounces of softened cream cheese into 8 ounces of cool whip. Add a little vanilla...or maybe a drop of pure almond extract.

Spread the frosting/aka sauce on the cookies/aka pizza crust...and then lick remaining sauce off the spatula.

Arrange fresh fruit slices on top....we usually use bananas too...but we were out.

Sprinkle generously with coconut/aka cheese....and enjoy!

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