Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Crochet Edging Tutorial - 6" Round Pot Holders!

I've been having so much fun
 playing with my latest 
fabric collection...
Bake Sale 2!

A few weeks ago I made these 
potholders for my kitchen...

and today I'm going to 
show you how I did it:)

I really LOVE the look and feel
 of fabric and crochet together...
so vintage!!

 I cut a bunch of squares
 from my Bake Sale 2 
so that I can make some 
super fun projects using my
and fabric together.

First project up are the 
6" round pot holders 
with a crochet scalloped edge.

I'm using just the 2 1/2" squares 
for today's project.

I grabbed six of my design boards 
and laid out a 
scrappy happy nine patch block
 on each one...
using the 2 1/2" squares:)

I used just one 
Sampler Package of
one cute little skein
 for each pot holder.

 Also... a Bake Sale 2
 5" Stacker 
would also work perfectly
 for these potholders!

I sewed the nine patches together
 using a 
1/4" seam allowance 
and pressed them nice and flat.

Next I cut six 7" square of batting
 and another 7" square of that silver
fabric that's used to 
cover ironing boards. 

I layered the block on top...
silver fabric on the bottom
 and batting in the middle.

I machine quilted them 
using a walking foot 
and also using the 
foot as my stitch guide.

All quilted!

From this point on I'm going to 
show you how I made one pot holder...
but keep in mind that 
I did all six exactly the same way:)

This is what the back 
looks like after quilting!
It's the back now...
But will soon be in the center...

Because I cut 2 - 6 1/2" squares
 to use for the final back:)

I pressed them in half like this...

And laid them over the center
 of the quilted block like this.
But I didn't pin yet!

First...I used my
and placed it exactly in the center.
The lines marked on the ruler
 make it easy peasy to line up!

I traced around the ruler like this...
for my stitching line:)

And then I pinned it into place...

And stitched directly on the line...
all the way around and backstitched 
over the folds in the center.

I trimmed an approximate
 1/4" seam allowance.

And turned it right side out!
I used the 
Clover Point to Point Turner 
to help shape it.

Now the silver fabric is in the middle
 and I can put a hot plate on it:)

I could easily hand sew this
 opening closed with a blind stitch...
but I like that these are open 
so that I can place my hands inside.

They work perfectly for hot plates...
but also to save my fingers when I'm
 getting a hot mug or bowl out of the microwave:)

Or maybe some muffins:)

Before I started playing with the
 Chunky Thread
I used these 5 prints and finished up
 the other 5 pot holders 
up to this point as well:)

Now for the Chunky Thread!

I grabbed my "Chunky Needle" from my 
There are six different 
types of needles and all are 
color coded for 
easy identification.
Meaning..the aqua is for embroidery...
the mint ones are for appliqué etc:)
You can see here that the
 red ones are for my Chunky Thread:)

I cut about 2 1/2 yards from the
 little skein of the pink
 and used it to do a button hole stitch
 all the way around my pot holder.
This is so that I have a base
 to do my crochet in:)

I did them about 1/4" apart 
for an ideal total of about 95.

When I did the other pot holders...
some ended up with 97 or 92 etc...
it really doesn't matter...
that's close enough!

I started and stopped inside the back
 because its a perfect place 
to hide my knots!

Button hole stitching completed.

Here's a view of the back:)

I used a E/3.5mm size hook
 which is the smallest in my
100% Cute Crochet Hook Set!

I started by doing a
 single crochet stitch
 in each buttonhole stitch.

A close up of the back:)

Now for the scallop!
These single crochet stitches are now the base that I used to crochet the edging.
I did a single crochet in the first one...

Then in the next one I did a double crochet..

And then two more in the same one.
This means a total of 
3 double crochet stitches 
in the same single crochet base stitch.

In the next base stitch
 I did a single crochet...

And then ended that scallop 
with a slip stitch in the next base stitch.

The next scallop begins again 
with a single crochet 
in the next base stitch...

3 double crochets in the next base stitch...

A single crochet in the next base stitch...

And again ending with a slip stitch
 in the next base stitch.

I continued all the way around using the same pattern for each scallop:
1 Single Crochet 
3 Double Crochet
1 Single Crochet
1 Slip Stitch

One more scallop left!

On the other pot holders 
that were a few more or 
a few less buttonhole stitches...
I simply stretched out or 
squished in the scallop
 and it worked fine:)

I ended with a slip stitch...

Pulled my loop large like this...

And cut my end and placed inside the loop

And pulled the end up to make a knot.

These are the two ends from 
starting and stopping.
I use a big crochet needle 
(they have a large eye and a blunt end)
to weave and hide the ends 
into the back of my crochet. 

First I place the needle through
 the back of one scallop like this...

Then I thread both ends through the needle...

And pull them through like this.

And trim off the remaining ends!

First pot holder is completed!

Once again...a close up of the back:)

All six together!!

I really love the way that 
these turned out and I 
can't wait to make more!

They are going to be so cute
 as well as handy:)

Here are the little bitty skeins
 that are leftover after 
making each pot holder...

How cute!!!

Thanks for joining me for my first ChunkyThread/Fabric project...
I have more in the works and
 I'll show you as each one is completed.

P.S.I did a tutorial/recipe last week
 on my Pie Pincushion...
if you missed it

See you on Monday for the
 next block tutorials in the
 Let's Bake Sew Along!