Monday, June 15, 2020

Bee Patriotic Sew Along - Week Three!!

Hello there! 
Welcome to Week Three of the 

For this sew along we are
sewing patriotic things from the 
or of course you can use 
fabric from your stash:)

Grab your book
and let's do 
three more blocks this week.

This sew along will be 
easy to follow...
simply sew directly from the book!

You can make your blocks in the
 exact same prints that I did 
by of course looking at each 
block photo for placement 
or you can 
"bee the boss of your own quilt"
 and switch it up!

to download the schedule of what 
blocks that we are sewing
each week...
as well as the 
cutting guide for the 
smaller quilt 
setting if you are making the 6" Blocks.

(12" Block setting is already in the book)
Okay ...let's do this!!

Our first block is 
on page 80

This is an easy peasy block
 and uses all four colors...
it's one of my favorites because it 
always looks good with any color combinations:)

Next up is the 
on page 81 of the book.
This is another classic that 
looks great in any colors.
I love the fact that if you made an
 entire quilt with these that there 
would be a secondary block formed 
within the design because of the
 easy corner triangles on the outside.

Our last block is 
on page 83 of the 
Vintage Christmas Book.

This is supposed to be a snowflake 
of course but just like the other
 star blocks it turns into
 fireworks for summer!

I just love each and every block 
in this quilt and I hope that you are
having a fun time putting yours together:)

I have told you about a few more
 projects that I made previously
 in preparation for this sew along....
and now it's time to begin sharing 
them with you.

I'm super excited to first share with you
 a tutorial that I did for this sew along
 and I thought that I would do it
 as a video and put it on my new 

It's a tutorial for my super cute 
and super easy Scalloped Bunting:)
I made one first and hung it
 over the design wall in my studio.

I had to keep taking it down for 
certain pictures and also some filming
 so that it wouldn't be revealed too soon!

I made another one during the 
video tutorial because I want to use 
it outside on my patio for the
 4th of July and other summertime get togethers....
and you can never have too much bunting!

I like to use it for every holiday 
and it's fun to make them 
in each holiday colors.

to watch the tutorial....
I hope you enjoy it as well as my channel.

I'll be doing a lot more tutorials
 on there besides the few that I have
 started out with ...
so give me a follow there
 by subscribing if you would
 like to know when I have filmed more:)

And of course I used the
 Bee Patriotic Bundle
 to make my buntings...
I used 6 different prints 
from all four color ways.
I really love how all 
of the prints and colors go together:)

Here is a full shot reveal of what 
it looks like hanging from my curtain rod.

Buntings also look adorable 
hanging above a quilt!
I'm also giving you another 
sneak peek in this photo...
next week during week four 
of our sew along
 I will have a step by step tutorial
 for my Bee Patriotic Table Runner...YaY!!

Thanks sew much for joining me this week 
and I'll be right back here 
next Monday with the last three blocks...
the table runner tutorial...
 plus one more!


  1. Lori, this is the third quilt I've made using your Vintage Christmas book. Love the extra projects and recipes that you include. Just finished the Bee Happy quilt. I've also made Cozy Christmas and the Vintage Block Along. Thank you for all you share!

  2. I am working on blocks from your Vintage Christmas book now too, and I'll be finishing them as placemats. Thanks for these wonderful designs!!

  3. I'm so happy that you decided to start a You Tube channel!

  4. I will be starting on your Vintage Housewife quilt. I'm so excited! Your videos are great!
