Monday, March 23, 2009

Vintage Monday - Crochet Hot Pads

As you all know by now I like to take a day now and then to go "hunting" for treasures. I have been doing this for too many years to mention! It's always so exciting to find something that makes my heart sing. Well, crochet hot pads really do the trick. I just love them. Today I thought that I would share with you some of my favorites.
I especially have a fondness for all things "Him & Her" or "Mr & Mrs" I guess you could call it the romantic in me. My heart skips a beat when I see matching ones that have obviously been made by the same loving hands.
Look how cute these couples are! There are a few singles that I have found here and there and brought home to the couples. I prefer to think of them as their adopted children.
Look at the cute little red dress with matching panties that I found together at a thrift store. No doubt that a very modest woman was concerned about just stopping with the dress:)
I find it very endearing that these wonderfuly creative ladies from the past would crochet something as whimsical or dare I say contraversial as matching underwear!

Here are a few that I think are unique for some reason or other. All of the hot-pads that I choose to bring home are well made. ( I know I'm very picky).
I have a particular interest in the grape trivet. I like how old pop bottle caps have been used for the grapes. They have simply crocheted around them and joined them together to create a cluster, then added crochet leaves. I remember seeing these and many others like the ones in my collection in my Grandmas and Great Aunts homes when I was a girl.
I think the baskets are so feminine don't you? Maybe they found patterns for them in magazines during Easter or Mothers Day. I don't think the basket with the roses on it is a hot pad- it opens and probably held napkins.
The owl is a hoot! ( no pun intended :)
I really like the bright pink one that looks like a soccer ball.
The three yellow ones are sweet and very unique. They look hard to make.

I put some round ones together to photograph for you. Round seems to be the most common shape in crochet hot-pads, I see them the most. However there are so many different variations on patterns that I think they are as beautiful and individual as a snowflake.
When it comes to crochet hot-pads, my taste is usually for white or cream with only one other color in the pattern. I really like the contrast between the two and I think that allows the pattern to really shine. When they are grouped together and hanging on my kitchen wall, they look like a piece of art.
I did bring home the matching circles with verigated thread. I really do like them- maybe because there is alot of white to seperate the colors that Iove l so well.
Also take notice of the one at the top in the center of the photo. This wonderful stitcher inserted ric-rac as she crocheted. She used all different colors for a patchwork effect. She probably used up her leftover ric-rac, you know "waste not want not" and all that. I didn't think twice about bringing this one home! As you all know, I LOVE ric-rac and have quite a large collection of the vintage kind. Maybe I'll show it to you sometime on another vintage Monday.

Here we have a few square ones. I love the roses in the middle of the matching set. I did find them all together and have come across many in this pattern but I really liked the "triplets" and brought them home. They are made with an expert hand.
I am partial to red and white kitchen things and I especially love the set that looks like a basket weave pattern. They are in excellent condition, I don't think they have ever been used. Alot of the ones that I've picked up have not.
Look at the cute red one in the bottom righthand corner.
I like how the maker embellished her hot-pad with embroidery. How clever!
I hope you have enjoyed this weeks "Vintage Monday" - any comments will be appreciated!

Click Here For Part II

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  1. Hi Lori, you certainly have a collection. I remember my mother and aunts using these. Yours are in great condition. One of my older sister's made the grape trivet out of bottle caps back in the 60's. It is cool to see it again.

  2. Oh you have a wonderful collection! I only have the ones that cam from within the family. . . but your collection inspires me to look a little further!
    xo, Bren

  3. WOW! I have never seen such a huge and wonderful collection! So unique.

  4. I so love your vintage pot holders! What a fantastic collection. I also want to say I love the little cat clock in the upper left corner of your blog. I can remember as a little girl that my aunt and uncle had a cat clock and I loved watching it's tail move and it's eyes move!

  5. I so love the pot holders! What a fantastic collection! I also want to say I love the little cat clock you have on your blog. I can remember as a little girl that my aunt had one in her kitchen and I just loved watching the tail and eyes move on it!

  6. What a divine collection.
    I used to own some of those too.

  7. What a wonderful collection you have...they are all just beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing them. I'd love to see the vintage ric rac sometime too!

  8. What a lovely lovely collection my dear. I oohhed and ahhhed over them. I think I like the "clothes" the best. They are sweet. You have the best stuff Lori!

  9. The fact that you took home "adopted" pot holders makes me laugh! :) But, I'm not laughing too hard--I think I might just become a collector! They are so cute! I love the star ones--I think they're my fav.

  10. Wow! Wow! Wow! I love them all! The clothes ones are definitely my favs... especially the His & Hers! How sweet, you and Mr. Honey can take a casserole out of the oven together at the same time. Now that is romantic!

  11. They are all so fascinating. I don't crochet but I love to go to antique stores and look for linens but have not seen any of these yet. Thanks for sharing.

  12. WOW! I didn't know crocheted hot pads could be so gorgeous. I'm really out of the crochet loop. I wish I could crochet better than the little bit that I can do. It's mostly the time involved in learning. There's not much of it to go around these days.

    P.S. I'm sending your prize with Rae Ann tomorrow like we talked about. I hope she'll remember. I'll try to remind her too. Hope you like it!

  13. I love them all!! I especially like the blue hexagon! Thanks for sharing with us!!

  14. You found lots of cool ones! The owl is one of my faves. I think I inherited Grandma's love for them.

  15. I recognize a few that are similar to what my grandmother had. I love them all you lucky gal.

  16. Thanks for sharing your collection Lori, they are so beautiful and so much character to each individual one. I am curious though, where and how do you store your collections?

  17. Ok, you just made me smile. I can't imagine all the different designs that would be made for little pot holders and warming pads. I never cease to be surprised at people's imaginations.

  18. What a fun collection... I love collections. My kids all have collections of one sort or another.

    My daughter Katie collects "Black cultural memorabilia" Another daughter, Emily Collects vintage perfume bottles... My son, Wade collects old banks. My son Brad collects vintage sheet music. When I'm out and about... I look for such items. I'll keep my eye out for crochet hot-pads for you

  19. What an awesome collection of crochet pieces. As a crocheter and lover of crochet, I know the time and happy hands and love that go into these. What a treasuare. I have been looking for vintage patterns for these little beauties to make my own. Do you use your potholders, or display them? Thank you for sharing your collections.

  20. I stubled across your blog today and was so psyched to see this entry!! My kitchen wall is also decorated in vintage crochet potholders, including a grape trivet with bottlecaps! I'm always on the lookout for more in the thrift stores and flea markets. Love looking at your collection, thansk for sharing.

  21. I, too, just found your blog today and am so excited that I did!

    I search out anything crochet or handmade that I can find at thrift stores when I go. It hurts my heart to find handmade creations so easily tossed aside, that no one cares for them. I know I would home that none of my handmade creations end up in thrift stores after I am gone :-(

    I have several old crochet kitchen goodies, like you, I will have to photograph them and share soon.

    Following you now! Please visit my blog and follow along, too!

  22. I just love your site. Takes me back to my childhood. Was looking for pot holder patterns when found you. THank you for creating such lovely site. I have clicked follow. Can you tell me how you added the music it just makes.
