Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Get those Paper Dolls off the paper already!

This is what I've been up to this week, spending alot of time in my studio. My studio is my home away from home that's inside my home!!! I love to spend my days in there creating away...I always have either a good book on CD for listening or an old movie on DVD to sort of watch but mostly listen to, and if I have a diet Dr.Pepper with x-tra ice...I'm really good to go!

I'm trying to get the first couple of blocks for my new Applique Club ready by next week. I've been going to teach this quilt for a long time. It's my Paper Doll quilt and it's time to get those dolls off the paper and into fabric. (pun intended)

You can see my first stack of fabric that I have chosen to work with. The colors will be used to make the dolls and some of the clothes. There will be 2 paper dolls in the quilt and their clothing styles are of course vintage. They are from the late 50's - early 60's. The fabrics are waiting to be cut into first thing tomorrow morning. I can hardly wait to get started...

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  1. This looks like lots of girlie fun to me! I wish I could join in. Where? and When? Are you teaching your class?

    I look forward to seeing more!

  2. Those paper dolls look like they will be pretty fun! Wish I could come and play with you.

  3. I love it already, lol! Sure wish I could come play too!

  4. The fabrics look so wonderful...I would sign up for your classes today if I lived up there!!! I have a sister-in-law who lives in South I do get up there occasionally!

  5. The fabrics are yummy. The pattern sounds very enticing. By the way, your blog is so gorgeous! A person can spend hours exploring your blog! I love the vintage file cabinet buttons.

  6. Cute idea and darling fabrics. I loved paper dolls as a child. What a fun project!

  7. So anxious to see the paper doll quilt! Paper dolls were so much a part of my life as a little girl.
    We were pretty poor so there weren't lots of toys, but if I would get a dime it was off to the dime store for a book of paper dolls. The "funny papers" had them, too. Have fun with the dollies! Carol

  8. ....and I can hardly wait to see them!

  9. Can't wait to see more!! I loved playing with paper dolls when I was a little girl.

  10. Your work plan sounds like the "good old days" when I would design and paint... except my drug of choice was Diet Coke.

    Your project looks fun..and I'm looking forward to seeing the finished project.

    By the way... I've listened to over 300 books on tape so if you ever need a suggestion... let me know.

    Kathy - Insightful Nana

  11. How exciting!! paper dolls?? WOOHOOOO Cant wait to see that.

  12. Oh Lori...I can't wait to see your paper doll project!! I'm trying to do some 'catch up' reading today.
    And yes...I could just 'gobble' up little baby feet!!
    I especially loved your 1930's quilt! Thanks for all the extra pictures of it. Alot of the time bloggers will just show one photo!!

  13. Can't wait to see those dresses.

  14. I love the polka dot fabric! Can't wait to see the rest.

  15. Hey - do you have more pics of this! I have signed up, but I am trying to talk friends into coming with me!
