Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Blocks

Here are a few more blocks that go in my Family Reunion quilt. Applique club is tomorrow at Quilts Etc., and we will be working on these three additions. Above is a photo of some of the blocks we have already finished and how they are joined together. This section represents about 1/8 of the quilt.
Grandpa uses a cane now and likes to reminisce about old times. "Those were the good old days"... he says at the end of every story.

All of the Aunts and Great Aunts along with Grandma always bring their "tried & true" best baked goods for the dessert table at the reunion.

The saying in this stitchery sums up the whole purpose of a "Family Reunion". I hope you have one planned for this summer...

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  1. Just those few blocks awaken so many memories....I love the "x" embroidery too, and that wonderful saying. It will be another gorgeous quilt.

  2. Wish I could be a fly on the wall and watch all the fun at Quilts, Etc. tomorrow. You ladies have such a creative and cheerful time. Looking forward to the pictures.

  3. Ok Now I so mad I didn't sign up for this one! It is so cute! As always you do beautiful work!

  4. Wow what an incredible piece of work! My fil will be celebrating his 90th birthday next month. So family ties it is :-)


  5. AHHHH The memories of Reunion Picnics and the yummy food. I miss the Grandma & aunts who used to make the good stuff. I'm glad I asked for their recipes. Hope you can carry on the recipes for those who follow you.

  6. Oh, I just love all the blocks...and the quote at the end does sum it all up!

  7. Me thinks ME like......I would like it a whole lot better if I
    could participate in person...DARN

  8. Oh my gosh!!! I LOVE it! We're having a family reunion/80th birthday party for my dad this Sunday .... wish I had time to whip that up in the next 4 days!!

  9. I wish there was a high speed train from Oregon to Utah!
