Thursday, July 16, 2009

Going Camping!

YAY! I'm going camping. The truck and trailer are all loaded and I probably won't get much sleep tonight...anticipating the trip and going over the list in my head to make sure I have remembered everything.
Camping is one of my favorite things to do with my family. I love to get out into the mountains and be a part of nature close up. The beauty always clears my mind and puts everything into perspective for me. It's so nice to take a break from our busy life and "recharge".

We are leaving first thing in the morning for beautiful Fish Lake. We have made it a tradition to go every July with several of our good friends and thier families...we always have a blast. We all leave at the same time and talk to each other on our 2 way radios all the way there....back in the day it used to be the good old C.B. radios.
Remember those? My handle was "songbird". What was yours?

Here are a few shots from last year's trip to Fish Lake.

It's easy to see the reason why I love to go.

It rained a few times last year and look at the beautiful rainbow after the storm. When it rains, we all gather into the trailers and play cards. Very cozy, I love to hear the rain on the roof.

We are so lucky to have this beautiful world to live in.....and Utah has so many gorgeous places to go camping. I feel so lucky to live here.

I like the family photos that we take when we go camping the best....they show as as we really are. This is Mr. Honey, me, Sterling & Kassidy. Our oldest son Ben is missing from the picture because he couldn't come last year or this year because of work....sigh....our children grow up too fast...
I will be back right after the 24th, refreshed & relaxed & with more photos to share......

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  1. Have a fantastic time! I can't wait to see your new pictures!

  2. We love Fish Lake and some of our good friends are there now. It`s a wonderful place! Your pictures are beautiful.

  3. Enjoy and relax. I'm guessing you will be taking some hand work along, and we will be seeing new and exciting applique.
    I'd love to be at Fish Lake right now and getting out of this St. George heat.

  4. Hope you & your family have a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pics from last years trip. Can't wait to see more pics when you return. Enjoy!

  5. Enjoy!! Relax, have fun and catch some fish!! Carol

  6. Have a great time...
    Hugs, Barb

  7. I loved your family picture. What a great time you're having with your family. Enjoy!

  8. How fun! I've never seen Mr. Honey before, now I just need to see a photo of Ben and his wife. I've seen photos of Sophie Belle, but would love to see her in person! Have a great time.

  9. I love to camp too. Have a great time.

  10. Breaker, breaker, this is whitebuffalowoman~ That was my handle back in the day. Imagine my delight to pull up your blog and discover the sign for a campground we haven't visited in not quite 30 years. Our daughter (about 2 at the time) loved to help her daddy clean the fish. LOL doubt she'd touch one now.

    Enjoy your trip, and all the wonderful fun of camping. We used to be in a tent, sleeping on the ground. I really miss being able to do it. Jo

  11. Love your blog and love the music!!
    My handle was Lady Chipper.
    My dh was Chipper.
    God bless,

  12. Have a fantastic time. It looks great!

  13. Lori, I hope you have the best of times. I know our camping trip was a blast even though we were so HOTTTTT!!! You should be cooler up there and the pictures from last year are great. Get recharged and can't wait to see what all you come up with.
    Keep Stitchen'

  14. I live in Utah and have never been to fish lake. It look beautiful. Where is it? Have a great trip.

  15. Thinking of you and hoping you are having a lovely time.

  16. Enjoy yourself, the pics are gorgeous. TTFN ~Marydon

  17. Hello Lori!

    I love your blog! It is so uplifting and filled with goodies! You are soooo talented with your quilting! I love the gardens of your home to! Cheerful and welcoming.

    Looks like you had a wonderful camping trip!


  18. Hi Lori, I hope you had a great time camping. I know you are swamped with unpacking, cleaning,and designing, but I am having withdrawals, so could you please post something soon? Please, please?

  19. Have a great vacation. I used to have fun times doing just what you are going to do. Now that I am older love being at home. My handle was Jellybean and boy that brought back memories.
