Thursday, July 30, 2009

More Blocks...

I added these blocks to the "Family Reunion" quilt this week for class. The quilt is starting to come together, we are almost halfway complete!
If you remember last months blocks, one of them was a cane to represent Grandpa. This month is a hat to represent Grandma....maybe one that she would wear to a reunion in the canyon. What do you think?

And a covered pyrex dish with a serving spoon. What's in your pyrex when you go to your reunion?

Another word to add to the others in the quilt that represent our family.... I like this word alot.

And some humerous quotes to add....Kassidy stitched these for me. Thanks Kass, that was a big help to me this month in order to reach my deadline.
I hope you all are having a great summer and have had the chance to go to your own reunion or at least take a stroll down memory lane remembering one from times past....

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  1. Really cute blocks! I love them!

  2. The dish wrapped in a dishtowel with the spoon is something my grandma would've done. ;-) Thanks for the memories!

  3. Can't wait to receive these in the mail!! What fun to reap the benefit of your creativity. Thank you.

  4. They are such fun blocks! And I love "heritage"'s one of my favorite words too...I wouldn't be a quilter without that heritage from my grandmother and her grandmothers!

  5. Darling. I love the covered pyrex dish and spoon.

  6. Very nice Lori. It will become a real family treasure :-)

  7. Lori, love it! It is coming along great. I have a hat like that , guess its cause I'm a gardening grandma!

  8. I love the new blocks! And the covered pyrex dish and spoon is sooo cute! Do you ever run out of ideas! Let hope you never do!

  9. You always manage to capture the memories. Of course, everyone probably had the casserole dish wrapped in a dishtowel. Took me back in memories immediately!
    And the quotes are perfect.

  10. I love these blocks. The Family Reunion quilt is going to be so wonderful. Love those humorous quotes too. Great job on the stitching Kass! Have a great weekend!

  11. I get really confused when they start talking once or twice or three times removed, love your quote on relating to relatives.

  12. This is going to be the greatest quilt....and what a wonderful little stitcher Miss Kassidy is. I like that she has a hand in this
    great design....I'm VERY impressed with her talents!!!
    Your previous post was great too!! I'm so glad you always include alot
    of photos!!!

  13. Absolutely adorable!!!!!! It's very, very hard to pick a favorite, as I'm quite partial to them all :) Beautiful work!!!

  14. I am connecting the dots!! Are you currently teaching a block of the month class at Material Girls?? I saw your dolls on the wall in the back room, and fell right in love. They are amazing!!

  15. Those blocks are gorgeous, I would definately have potato salad in my pyrex dish. Kassidy sure is a "perfect" embroiderer!

  16. Good old Pyrex. I remember a green and orage version from my childhood. Always filled with casseroles and side dishes. I remember when the RS ladies in my ward had "covered dish socials".
