Thursday, July 9, 2009

Twirly Girly Skirt no.2

Kass and I made another twirly skirt. Remember the first one?
The skirt was so fun and really simple to make, so we have plans to make several of them.

Kassidy especially loves this fabric because she likes orange and daisys and can wear the skirt with her silver flip- flops. ( her favorite ones)

The waist band is in..... She has a look of accomplishment on her face!

The pattern doesn't call for trim but Kass and I like any opportunity we have to use it. We like the trim aisle at JoAnns and this is where we got this one.
It's really that underwear waistband elastic trim, but we thought it would be cute on this skirt.
I just made sure that I did not stretch out the elastic when I sewed it onto the hemline.

Here it is - another project finished. Do you like it?

Kass does, and she is all smiles and ready to try it on - first she has to go change her top to match.

And it's a perfect fit. Kassidy has always liked to wear skirts, she says they're comfortable and of course, twirly....

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  1. Lori it is just adorable. Seems like you may have passed on the sewing gene

  2. She must be so very proud of her work and the skirt fits too!
    When her friends see what she has accomplished they will be green with envy...

  3. Oh, my, that did turn out nice. I wonder how many your daughter will make before the end of the summer?

  4. Excellent job! The skirt is beautiful and I LOVE the fabric choices. Of course it looks even better on. :)

  5. I love your style, Kass - you have picked out such pretty fabric for your twirly skirt. You and your mom must have lots of fun sewing together. I used to sew with my daughter years and years and years ago - it was fun! Enjoy wearing your pretty skirt - you look cute as a button in it! Carol

  6. Your skirt is beautiful Kass. You are very talented and you have a great sense of color and design.

  7. What a perfect pattern for Kassidy to make on her own. She is really an accomplished seamstress at a young age. You have definitely given her a wonderful gift in teaching and sharing your gifts. She has a real talent to be proud of.

    I hope Kenna will enjoy sewing as much as Kassidy. I will have to get this pattern for her to make.

  8. She did a great job! I love the fabrics she chose.

  9. Great job! Love to see young people create :-) btw, is that Kassidy at the bottom of you blog with the hairdryer bonnet?? I love that picture.

  10. nice job!! i just finished my first skirt tonight and the waistband was quite a learning experience...

  11. Cute skirt. Of course, it helps to have the perfect model.

  12. I just love it and to see this little girl working so hard on a twirly skirt. I am sure her friends will want her to make one too.. I dont' have kids so it is a pleasure to see

  13. The skirt turned out so sweet and how lovely Kassidy looked in it!

  14. Very cute skirt. Great job Kassidy!

  15. V. here...I showed my grandaughter your post of making the first twirly skirt and the burp pads and tissue covers. It was inspiration for us both. While here she made a bag and had plans to make one for everyone she knows back home. Also, she commented on the cute pincushion in the glass compote!!! thanks for your ideas. I love the idea of using the same pattern and making the skirts different. Great Work. v

  16. I do like it. It is so sweet. And it is so cool that she like to sew at her age.

  17. Wow she is amazing and the skirt is so cute....great fabrics and a great mother daughter thing to do!

  18. Oh that just took me back to my childhood...loved making my own cloths. Thanks for reminding me that I need to get my little GD used to my machine...she's already 7.
    Very pretty Twirly skirt.

  19. She's so cute. I need to get my serger out. Maybe some of my girls would make some clothes. This is sweet.
