Monday, July 6, 2009

Vintage Monday - Juice Glasses

Rise and Shine! It's time for Vintage Monday - would anyone like some fresh squeezed juice?Which kind would you like - Orange or Tomato? This cute little vintage juice pitcher is only 8 inches tall.

These 5 childrens juice glasses were obviously meant to entice the little ones to get their vitamin C every morning. All of them have the same design on the rim and different animals on each side.

These cute glasses below have darling vintage florals and pictures. I'm sure that they were each part of a set, and only a single one remained. They were juice glass orphans until they were adopted by me.

Okay - what else can I say about this cherry one except it's adorable!

These 3 small rooster glasses are the same size as the cherry glass. They are only about 4 inches tall. Just enough for 1/2 cup of juice which is one serving.
Have you noticed over the years that all of the glasses have become giant sized? I really like the cute little size of my juice pitcher and glasses.

I use them in my kitchen and I'm always on the lookout for more.
They bring a smile to my face...and I think there is no way that a person could be grumpy in the morning if they had their juice in cute little glasses like these...what do you think?

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  1. My Mom had a set of the floral ones.
    Sure wish I had them now.

    I still like having my juice in a small glass. Mine aren't as pretty as these vintage ones though.

  2. I think you're right, how could anyone ever be grumpy drinking out of cute cups like that?

  3. Brought back so many memories. Love them all.

  4. I love them all, but the roosters are my favorite - my grandma had a whole set! I remember drinking from them as a small child.

  5. Drinking juice is fun at your house. So cute. Love the cherry glass. I have noticed how big glasses have gotten. Some I can't even hold they are so big around.

  6. Another awesome collection. I love the details on the pitcher and each of the cups. I'm sure your breakfast table is a fun place to be.

  7. So cute - I remember these from when I was a kid - some of them came in oatmeal boxes I think - great collection.

  8. They just don't make thing like they used to!! I love the glasses..too cute!

  9. Hi,

    I saw a pattern of yours on the QUilting daze blog.... black and white nine-patches with 'star' points. Can you please let me know how to find a copy?



  10. I so love them! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Cute! I especially like the black & white ones.

  12. Very cute! I love the cherries, they'd be right at home in my red kitchen. ;-)

  13. Oh the memories! Thanks for sharing Lori.

  14. Those areso pretty. Yep, I think they would help the eyes pop open. :)

  15. Lori,
    My gran had glasses like these ones that you have posted. She had cherry ones and ones with flowers - I had long forgotten about them.
    Thanks for reminding me about them- they bring back lots of wonderful memories of tomato and orange juice in them ( not together:O)

  16. Oh those are soooo cute. I'm jealous, I collect vintage juice glasses too. I just came back from Gold country in California and found three to add to my collection.

  17. i LOVE those! They are adorable--I'll have to keep my eyes open for some in the future!

  18. I have a collection of the "glasses" that I got from my grandma. They came with jelly in them.

  19. Love these little glasses. Just picked up a few at an antique store. So happy to see your. Thanks for sharing. Loving all things vintage.
