Friday, September 25, 2009

Fall Garden

This describes what my garden looks like right now....
a tumble of flowers no longer in nice little mounds but overgrown and full.....
Vegetable vines climbing one into the other refusing to stay within the boundaries of the raised beds that I planted them in....
Herbs aplenty and full apple and pear trees.....
Smiling sunflowers and happy mums......
The lovely scent of roses fill the crisp evening air.....
White blossoms glow under the full harvest moon.....
Tomatoes still ripening on the vine.....

I love my garden in the fall......I don't worry too much about the upkeep at this point, I just enjoy the bountiful harvest of Vegetables, Fruits, Herbs and Flowers.
This is also the time that I harvest seeds for next spring.....even though I am enjoying this time in the garden when it's almost time for it to go to sleep for the long winter.
When spring comes I will want to be prepared for the awakening with a wide variety of saved seeds for more abundance next fall....
and the wonderful circle of planting & harvesting continues.
To Everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven......
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which has been planted.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

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  1. I feel fortunate to have a few seeds from your beautiful garden. Thank you again.

  2. Thank you so much for the amazing flower show! I'm sure it's even better in person, but the photos are wonderful!

  3. The pics are lovely...your garden must be so beautiful!

  4. Your garden is just wonderful....I wish I could say the same of ours..but central oregon is not a great place for one. I am content with my delphiniums this year and my one peones actually bloomed. cherry

  5. I am so sad I am not going with you guys! So will someone please play a practical joke and make it good and say its the ghost of Me.
    (Oh and freeze Beths underwear) I totally told her I was going to do this. Have so much fun!!!
    I want pic's and just draw a body of me since I am there in "Spirit" or I could be a "paperdoll" but please make me thin and stylish!

  6. Lori,
    The garden is glorious- what wonderful flowers - especially the sunflowers and roses.
    It looks you raised a great bounty of vegetables and fruit.
    Enjoy the harvest season...

  7. I wish we were still getting tomatoes. Your fall garden looks fantastic.

  8. Beautiful garden.
    Enjoying the old music too. Thanks.

  9. Simply Awesome Garden photos! Love them all!

  10. Scrolling through these photos I found myelf aahhhing. I swear...I think Coleus is one of my all time favorites....oh, and tomatoes too.

  11. You must have some kind of amazing camera. These pictures are something else!

  12. Your garden is so beautiful and such an inspiration.
