Friday, March 26, 2010

Paper Mache Eggs Tutorial...

The other night Kassidy and I decided to play with Modge Podge. We bought some plastic eggs at the craft store....

...and gathered 3 vintage books that I had picked up while thrifting just for the purpose of using the pages for some paper crafting....and a pair of scissors.

We covered the eggs with the book pages.

We used a vintage hymnal for some of them because we thought it was only fitting....after all,
HE is the reason for Easter...and new beginnings.

I love the way that the words and the music look together...

We put them around the house to remind us of the promise of spring....which to me always means the promise of new beginnings.

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  1. Great way to display your eggs. I love how you include Kassidy in all the things you make. I saw on Rae Ann's blog that she joined you at the Clothesline Club. Cute apron she was wearing. I can only imagine a few years from now the things she will be creating because of all the things she learned from you.

  2. You are so darn creative. I just love everything you do and your blog is the first one I read each am and could stay on her all day looking. I bought the Grandma's Kitchen Applique and loving preparing for it. Wish I lived close to take your class.

    Have a good day...
    Judy B

  3. This is such a great idea. I love how the eggs look. I really don't like plastic eggs so I am going to make some. The hymnal ones are my favorite.

  4. Great post and love the little eggs in their displays!

  5. Love it love it! Love the jar!

  6. Love your post Lori! The eggs turned out so adorable. They make me want to sing!
    Happy Spring!

  7. Wow! That is fun. Displaying the eggs in the cake dish is SO cute and creative!

  8. Such a fun thing to do together.

  9. Super idea-like the combonation of words and music.


  10. Cute Eggs! I remember loving to do the modge podge thing.. makes me want to try it again. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Lori, these are the cutest and love the messages you can add to each one. Thank you for sharing and how I wished I lived close enough to join you girls in the Clothesline Club, I'ld be there in a heartbeat.

  12. Love your cute display. Great way to use the words and music papers.

  13. A very sweet project. I need to get my easter stuff out!!
