Monday, June 14, 2010

New Paper Doll block...

Last week I spent some of my time designing a new block for my Paper Doll quilt pattern that will be ready in August. This is the fabric that I chose from Material Girls.

Tracing a layout from my drawing...all ready to go!

Making sure that my fabric selections are what I had in mind....

Preparing my appliques...

I number them in the order that I applique.

Yellow baby ric-rac for the telephone cord and tiny white pom-poms for the pillowcase trim.

Prepared circles for the records...ready to applique (when it's thier turn!

The completed block....
baby doll pajamas...check
pink bunny slippers...check
yellow princess phone...check
vintage pillowcase...check
freshly popped popcorn...check
groovy tunes...check

I think that the Flower Sugar fabric worked out great for the pillowcase...don't you?
I was so excited to use the
pom-pom trim finally...I've had my eye on it for quite a while now.
This is the second to the last block...
next month will be the last and then in August the borders go on ...
and then the quilt and also the pattern will be complete!

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  1. Good Morning :) I LOVE all the detail & color that you put into your designs. I have really enjoyed looking at the pics of all your patterns. Did you ever re-release the dish detergent dress pattern...I tried unsuccessfully to find that one :( (That was yours wasn't it? Sometimes my mind blurs in a caffeine induced jumble of mixed up blogs!)
    Enjoy your day - hope it's sunny.
    Smiles, DianeM

  2. awww, how cute is that! Love the bunny slippers.

  3. Adorable! I love the detail! I can't wait to see more! You inspire me!

    Come join the fun! I am celebrating sweet treats with a giveaway!

    Have a great week!
    Love, Brenda
    Deck The Halls of HOME with JOY!

  4. Another very sweet block, Lori. You know I love those bunny slippers. LOL

  5. Oh My! How cute is that.
    I'm new here and I can't wait to start clicking on those sidebar buttons and see what other wonderful items you have created.

  6. Oh how absolutely adorable Lori! Just precious and I loved the tour of your sewing room below! It is lovely and looks sooooooo peaceful. Wishing you many more hours of joy in there :)

  7. I love, love, love it!!! The baby doll pyjamas, princess phone, records, etc. Everything from my childhood! I never had a pretty yellow princess phone though. It was an ugly black regular phone. Now all my dreams will come true :)

  8. I love it too!! I'm having flash backs big time!! The bunny slippers are adorable.

  9. Lori, all I can say is your one talented lady. I had some bunny slippers growing up and I bought my daughter some, brings back good memories. It wouldn't hurt you to make two blocks at a time and send my way. LOL.

  10. Everything is so cute! I especially love the bunny slippers and the records! Makes me want to have a slumber party!

  11. I remember wearing Baby Doll pajamas when I was growing up. Boy, did this post remind me of sleep overs and giggly girls.
    Beautiful job again Lori!

  12. Very very cute, Lori. I would love to be one of your brain cells during the design have a wonderfully creative mind.

  13. Definitely sweet. Sweet sweet flower sugar and pom poms. The block is so cute. So what I remember from 5th grade sleep overs. I was so jealous my friend had a princess phone! And every Beatle record. Yikes that is ages ago. But just yesterday, too.

  14. Another great, fresh design! I love seeing your process as you draw your design and proceed to the fabric choice and appliquing! You are my inspiration!!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  15. Oh Lori...that is just too darn cute! Your work just amazes me. I love the records...brings back good memories of all those 45s I loved so much.

  16. I love your latest patterns Lori! You're the best.

  17. Oh my goodness ~ Lori! You are the greatset design artist I know. What you come up with is incredible and to top it off, you make it look so easy. It takes me months to do what you do in a day. I am going to start singing "I wanna be like Lori" and see if any of your talent comes my way.
    The block is adorable and I LOVE the pom poms on the pillow case and your choice of fabric. Too cute!
