Thursday, June 17, 2010

Queens for a day...and a little trip away...

Yesterday I went and did a little shop-hopping with my partner in crime ...aka Nanette.
We started out early at Material Girls where they crowned us Queen for a Day...(along with everyone else there!)...they were WAY BUSY!!!

Then we went to Quilts Etc and lastly Pine Needles before we did lunch.
I did a little bit of damage in the way of a few fat quarter purchases.

And I bought a couple of pair of cutie pie flip flops from my cutie pie niece Sara at Material Girls...and a cute necklace that Nanette and I are modeling above.

Nanette treated me with a really fun vintagey gift....she knows what I love!...thanks nanette:)

Whoooops....let me take it out of the cellophane wrapper so you can see all the goodies.

Fun huh?....I think the 3 ballarina's are me, Nanette and!

Now for the little trip away part....I'm packing my bags for a get away with my friends Rae Ann, Nedra and Suzanne 2 more friends that I havn't even met yet...Judi and Jackie.

Quilting supplies some embroidery.

I have 5 quilts all cut and ready to go...yes...I said 5! I plan on getting alot done while I'm in the beautiful Star Valley, Wyoming.

Here's a sneak peek at one of the projects....a cutie pinwheely vintagey kind of block.
Sooooo....I am taking a little blog-cation and I promise to catch you up on all of the happenings at the cabin when I get back....TTFN!

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  1. Wow what a post. Going to all those great shops! Love the little ballerinas, so adorable.

  2. hi.. i love u blog very much.. spend an hour tour your story which i think still not enought time to see the way my name is abby from malaysia.

  3. You guys are too cute! Love the matching hot pinkness. Now...what happened to the sparkly toes???

  4. Pink is your color! And Nanette's, too:) Have a wonderful time on your get away!

  5. What a great photo of two lovely queens in pink!! Have a great vacation and will be looking to see those photos on the 5 completed quilt tops!LOL!

  6. such wonderful goodies! I especially love the Tiaras...every woman should own one :)

  7. I saw that cute picture of you over on Nanette's blog. I think you look like sisters!
    And now you have 5 quilts all cut out? Last I heard, there were 3. I think we will see smoke coming off your machine and fingers! Knowing you, they will all get finished!
    I can hardly wait!!!!

  8. Oh that sounds SO fun!! Way to be all prepared (with your 5 quilts already cut!) Have a great time. I love your block and those Material Girls really go all out! That is such a great idea!

  9. I remember those ballerinas. I had them on my birthday cake. It's kinda sad when your childhood is already "vintage". (;0)
    Have a wonderful get-away. Sounds like fun.

  10. Love that photo of the two of you...Priceless!

  11. Lori, that looks like so much fun! You are a queen everyday!!!

  12. Lori, that looks like so much fun! You are a queen everyday!!!

  13. I knew the name on Nanette's blog sounded familiar! You must have had a great time! Here I can not even imagine having quilting shops like that. And then imagine to have several near each others. WOW!!!

  14. What a fun post. Have a great time on your get-away!

  15. I really like that pinwheel block. Looks like you all have been having a great quilt month.

  16. Enjoy your quilting retreat and time with friends! Looking forward to seeing your projects when you return.

  17. Have fun! did you two plan to wear the same color clothes? Such a cute picture of you two

  18. Thanks for stopping by!! I can't wait to see what you make on your retreat. Guess I'll have a new Lori addiction.
    See ya Soon!

  19. I was at Pine Needles on Wednesday too...I ran into was great fun. I was on my way up to SLC to the FHL. Have fun on your retreat!!

  20. I just found your blog and love it. I did some of the same shops in the shop hop last weekend too. Weren't they fun. I had a blast anyway. I originally came for the Hexagon flower tutorial and just keep going. (partly cause of the music too. Have a great day.

  21. I loved reading about your adventure with Nanette at Material Girls and the other shops you hit - sounded like so much fun! I love Material Girls - I go in there with a few things in mind and come out with entirely different things! And patterns!! I usually never buy patterns but that store reels me in every time! So happy you get to be in Star Valley!!! It's one of my very favorite places - I want to be buried there - or under the front gates at Disneyland - can't decide which! Have fun and I hope you're getting time to quilt! xo, Nan

  22. Lori,
    I am not a quilter...yet, but I have to ask....the third photo up from the bottom on this post, where the fabric looks like a quilt????? Where do I find that????? Oh my gosh! I could make curtains!!!!!! My email is let me know, OK?????? Sandy

  23. I really enjoyed catching up on your blog today! Hope you are having a wonderful trip! :)
    I'm having a giveaway if you get back in time... XO

  24. Lori you and Nanette make some cute queens. Can't wait to see all the creativeness you girls get into. Hurry back, no enjoy yourself.

  25. Lori, not that you're not busy enough, but we were looking through your patterns to see if you have a 4th of July one. Any plans to design one of those? You're amazing!!!

  26. YOu two look like the "Queens of Pink"! :-) % quilts all cut out and ready to go... you are one organized woman! Have fun on your little vacation in WY!

  27. This post is way so cute. I love your flip flops!
