Thursday, July 1, 2010

Part 2.....retreat in Star Valley

Now that I've shown you what I worked on in my last post....I wanted to show you what projects that my BFF's had fun with....

This is Rae Ann....I just love this girl! She is like my sister.
The retreat was at her cabin and she kept us very well taken care of...
she managed to have some time inbetween to work on these projects below...

This is Suzann...I just love her too....she is a hoot and a half! Suzann made us the matching aprons that we are wearing.
She really entertained us with her fabulous quilt modeling talents...

I can't even remember what was going on in this photo below but I had to show it to you!

Below is cutie -patootie Jackie. This is the first chance that I had to really get to know her....and yes...I love her too! She is one sweet gal and told us some really fun family stories.

Jackie brought this quilt to show us that she made and was kind enough to bring us each a pattern.

Below is another new BFF...Judi. I love this girl too.
She is an expert in health, wellness and nutrition and a fabulous cook.
Judi taught me alot while I was there and helped me to understand things that I can do to take better care of myself....thanks Judi..... your knowledge that you so kindly shared with me is priceless.

Below is the quilt that Judi worked on....I love it!
Judi spent more time helping us than she did sewing...that's the kind of gal she is!

Last but certainly not least is my dear friend Nedra. I learned to love her when she hosted the last retreat at her home. Nedra is a wonderful hostess and a beautiful person inside and out. It was fun to spend time sewing with her again.
Below is the first quilt that she worked on.....

Sorry...this close-up shot is kinda fuzzy. I plan on making this quilt my spare!

Nedra finished her sunny days quilt that we worked on together at her retreat....

I had to take a pic of the saddle in the corner....a retreat in a cabin in Wyoming is not complete without a saddle in my opinion! (you can take the girl out of the farm, but you can't take the farm out of the girl!)
I had such a wonderful time with all of these wonderful ladies and I certainly felt so lucky to spend time with all of them.
Thank you so much to Rae Ann for inviting me....I hope you all enjoyed seeing some of what we all did....
stay tuned for a chair pincushion tutorial up next....

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  1. Oh, wow, there is no doubt that you all had fun!! I have to go back and look at all the pictures again. Looking forward to the chair pincushion tutorial. :-)

  2. A wonderful time and such Beautiful quilts! I know it was so inspiring to be in this wonderful enviroment! :)

  3. I am just loving all these retreat details!! what a nice bunch of ladies you have met.
    I am so impressed with you sense of style, Lori, and ALL you manage to get done!!!!! I have gone back through your archives to catch up. I just wait on baited breath for each new post.
    Keep up the good work and the awesome blog!!!!
    Diana in illinois

  4. You're so fortunate to have such great friends. It sounds like there was some serious bonding going on! Everyone's projects are simply fantastic.

  5. Looks like a great time. All of the projects look delicious. I am looking forward to the pincushion tutorial too. I keep seeing these cutesy chairs around on different blogs. I do hope you will tell us where to purchase them.

  6. Lori, I had the most wonderful time being able to sit next to you for an entire week. How lucky am I? Wasn't that the most PERFECT retreat? I can hardly wait to go back again.

  7. Oh those projects are all so beautiful! It looks like so much fun and Suzann was cracking me up in those pictures. Looks like you had a ball!

  8. What a great time all of you had and I loved seeing everything that you accomplished. All of the quilts are just beautiful.

  9. What fun! I loved all the projects that the girls were working on too.
    Thanks for sharing.

  10. I think you ladies had way too much fun, but I did enjoy looking at all your lovely quilts.

  11. Oh so much fun! I've never done a quilt retreat before and I'm sure now I've been missing out!

  12. Love reading your blog. You ladies sure had a great time and accomplished so much. What is the name of the pattern Nedra was working on? The one you want to make someday?
    Looking forward to the pincushion tutorial.

  13. So many wonderful quilts at this retreat. What fun!

  14. Oh Lori, I feel like I was part of the fun! Now that is a cabin with a capital C. Love the aprons too, which will bring memories everytime you wear it.
    Thanks for the lovely quilt photos too, and yep, without the saddle it ain't the west!

  15. All the quilts are so inspirational!

  16. I LOVE YOU TOO SIS!!! You are about the funnest girler I know! LOL! We MUST call ourselves the "GIRLER GANG QUILTERS". A new quilt group has been born! We will just have to remember to celebrate this special time with an annual trip to the cabin every June. That way the "Girlers" will live on! That doesn't mean we can't go every other month if we want to, but we MUST go every JUNE!
    FYI... The crazy pic you shared of me was me acting up for ya when you said for me to give you that crazy face again! I see that I succeeded... lol! Too funny!!!

  17. Love all the pictures. I know I have met Jackie before. And I've met Suzann. Fun girls. Great girls. I'm so glad to belong to this circle of friends.

  18. What a wonderful, talented bunch you all are..loved all the projects! Looks like you had a blast. Thanks Lori for sharing all the great pics.
