Friday, August 27, 2010

Blackberry Jam...

Mr. Honey and I went to the Farmers Market in downtown Salt Lake City....

These are one of the things we went in search of....blackberries for jam. My boys cannot survive the winter without blackberries!

Do you want to know how we made it? goes!
We mashed up these beautiful berries to equal 3 cups of fruit....after we ate a few ourselves:)...
we added 5 1/4 cups of sugar and let it sit for 10 minutes to make sure it dissolved well.
I boiled one package of pectin in 3/4 cups of water for 1 minute.
...then I added it to the blackberries and mixed it well!

I prepared the bottles by sterilizing them in the oven...and laid the rings out.
Do you think the Martha Stewart police will come and get me for using her Wednesday dishtowel on a Saturday?...*grin*

I sterilized the lids by boiling them in water for a few minutes.

I took the bottles out of the oven and poured the jam in each one...a vintage teacup with a nice wide handle is just the right size to fill 8 oz bottles.

I always use the bottle grabbers that my Grandma Crane gave me from her kitchen when I am canning.
I filled the bottles leaving 1/2 inch space at the top for expanding and I filled 8 jars in this batch.

I put the lids and rings on and then let them sit out for 24 hours on the counter.
The next day Mr. Honey took them down to their new home in the deepfreezer for safe keeping until we are knee deep in snow and having homemade scones for supper:)

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  1. Oh yummy - I have never had fresh blackberry jam!

  2. OoooH! I LOVE blackberries and they look soo yummy in their closeup shot. I'm sure it had to be hard not to eat more than just one but the jam will be worth the self control come wintertime.

  3. Oh YUM! I'm going to have to get me some - I still have blackberry jam left from last year - don't know how that happened! Love your Sophie Belle - there is just nothing like a grandbaby, is there?? And thanks for posting the pic of Nadine's birthday present...I'm going to be dreaming of her pink featherweight for a long, SEW cute! I'm headed to SLC next week - hope to drop in on Material Girls to get my fix...and your new Paper Dolls pattern/kit - can't wait! It's wonderful-wonderful!! And I'm going to make it just for me! xoxo, Nan

  4. It is all so picture perfect and "YUMMY" looking. I will be over to visit soon if you keep that up... it's making my mouth water!

  5. Looks fabulous Lori! Except for the corn syrup, that's basically the recipe I used. But you already knew that LOL! XO

  6. Gorgeous photo's and looks so yummy!! My mother used to make jams mainly strawberry rhubarb, raspberry and current. Love them all.

  7. Oh delicious! I can just imagine how fabulous that must taste!! :o)
    I hope you are having a nice weekend.
    Sincerely ~ Tricia

  8. A deep freeze never sounded so good...scones and preserves...Gosh you are all about comfort Lori..
    blessings m.samm

  9. See there's another reason you should make the drive that is ONLY 12 hours to Oregon! These things GROW like CRAZY around here. On the side of the road. In back yards, By the pond. You name it. We could make all kinds of yummy blackberry stuff. You bring me peaches and I'll provide the blackberries! ;o)

  10. yum. I need to do tomatoes over the long weekend. I love to get it done but thinking about it gives me a headache.
