Monday, August 23, 2010

Sew Day with Yo-Yo Mamas!

Last week at Material Girls I had a sew day with my Yo-Yo Mama's!
And just look what Nadine was sewing on for the first time...

Her new PINK featherweight! When I say new...of course I mean the paint job is new...the Singer featherweight is old!

She just got it for her birthday and this was her first chance to use it!
Just in case you were wondering....she got it HERE
Isn't it just the cutest thing ...ever?
I've had mine for several years now and I still love it sew....Nadine asked me to show her how to work her new little pink cutie...and I happily did so.

And here she is...." are workin it!".....chain sewing squares for our project.... we are all doing the same thing.

Here is the low-down...
We meet once a month and every month for the past year we have been exchanging 2 and 1/2 inch squares.
We know ahead of time which color to bring and we bring 4 different squares for everyone each month....and come home with the same amount of squares that we took...all in the same color but in a huge variety of prints.

This was the day we decided to sew the squares together....the rule was that we put all of our squares in a paper sack and shake them like crazy and mixed them all's mine.

Then we pulled 2 out of the bag and stitched them together without trying to match....the rule was you could grab another only if they happened to be the same color.
Some of us are making 4 patches...or 9 patches...or 16's sopossed to be a secret from each other what we will end up making.
We will reveal our quilt tops at next months meeting!

Although....we don't keep secrets very well and some of us are doing the same thing...LOL
As you can see, we all have a fantastic time together.

Can you see my little pile of squares behind my little black featherweight?....she looks naked and boring now compared to Nadines.
I think she needs a make over...maybe in red, yellow or green. I can't decide...but when I will be the first to know!

We keep the energy up by telling stories and poking fun at each a good way of course!

As you can see....having extra fuel keeps the energy up too!

Here are my squares piled up behind my machine...stitched two by two.

We raced to see who could get through them the quickest....

Judy is the winner!!! I'll show you the results of our endeavor after next months meeting!
This is just one of the projects we are doing together.... another one is the Egg Money sampler quilt....from this book by
Eleanor Burns.

Juli finished her top and brought it to show it Juli!

And Pat had hers completely finished...quilting and all...way to go Pat!

And we will never run out of ideas for more projects to do...because guess what our favorite "man in brown shorts" brought while we were there?

Yep....more fabric!
Yo-Yo Mama's at Material Girls sure is a dangerous good time!...

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  1. When I cleaned my room I threw away my huge collection of 2 1/2" squares. Natalie made me. It was like an intervention. I mourn them. But of course I'll make more. I love the size of 2 1/2". I simply love it. What fun. Nadine's pink machine is the best. It makes me want a redo. What a fun group of ladies.

  2. I'm green with envy that you and the Yo-yo mamas get to have Sew much fun! The cute guy in the 'brown' shorts brings us fabric too... Love the Egg money quilts too. Still dreaming of a Featherweight.

  3. Can others join? I live very close and this looks like a fun bunch!

  4. Can others join? I live very close and this looks like a fun bunch!

  5. Aw man Lori -- it sounds like fantastic fun. That little pink featherweight is adorable. I know exactly what pattern I'd be making if I had all those squares -- I can't wait to see what you're doing!

  6. The pink featherweight machines looks very "girly". I came across the site a while back where you could have your featherweights painted. Not inexpensive!

  7. I see Juli in those YO YO Ma's. What fun you ladies have, even with simple 2 1/2" squares.

  8. LOVE the pink feather weight! I just can't seem to convince my DH I need one he is under the delusion that 4 sewing machines is enough :O)

  9. What a fun post. Looks like you all have a wonderful quilty good time!
