Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Good-bye Summer....and making lists...

So....I'm back from a long weekend with my totally awesome and talented girlfriends.
It was such a fun and oh so creative time spent in the beautiful mountains of Utah....and I wasn't really ready to come home.
I am not a fan of my summer play time coming to an end and so I just ignore the calender as long as the nice weather holds...

As for now...I am trying to un-pack and un-wind from my trip...when I say un-wind I mean that I need a good dose of reality to wake me up and realize that it truly is summers end and I really need to get some things done!

So..... I'm enjoying my fall blooms in the garden while I make a list of everything to be done....I'm totally a list girl, and for me.... the best part is crossing things off!....for all of you who are list girls too....you know exactly what I mean!

How are you spending the end of your summer?....(or the beginning of fall...whichever way you happen to see it)...LOL
In about a week I will be able to show you my secret project that is ready for fall market....YAY!...and I can't wait... because I don't like to keep secrets from you...

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  1. Welcome home. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time at your retreat. Knowing you, you got a lot done.
    Counting the weeks down now, until I get a visit!

  2. A lot of garden cleanout for me and tidying up the outside so I can enjoy the inside!!
    So excited for your fall project! Can't wait!

  3. first I chuckle Lori.your first pic as a snapshot on my blog I thought it was a pic of grass bikini...lol. I know...lol...anyhoo..love to hear you had a blast...I think there is nothing to getting away from it all then getting away.. Philosophical isn't it..looking forward to the Market news...maybe spring Iwill be visiting you ladies...there..blessings msamm

  4. That pink flower is so beautiful. Great pic. I'm working on a proposal for next year and making more butterflies. I decided to make a butterfly quilt. I am nuts.

  5. I am sewing lots of dresses for little grandaughters when I come to visit in November ♥ Can hardly wait to see your secret :)

  6. Hi Lori, I just wanted to let you know that I've started the Grandma's Kitchen project of yours and I'm loving it! I posted about it earlier today, but never thought to let you until now. There a couple of pictures you can have a peek at... if you promise not to peek too closely!
    Thanks for a great pattern!
