Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happiness is...

biting into the sweet crunchy thin candy eggshell...
...of a Cadbury mini egg:)
You all know what I'm talkin bout...right?

I know that they are supossed to be Easter candy...but I heart them!....and they are Mr. Honey's very favorite.
He heads out to the store the very next day after Valentine's Day in search of that ever elusive purple package.

They look just like cute little bird eggs...

...but taste just like chocolatey heaven:)

Mr. Honey doesn't think it's fair that they're only available for a short time each year.
These little egglets just magically appear sometime in the middle of February and then disappear about 30 minutes after Easter ends....
Are they so desired because they are so scarce?
I don't think so.
They are so desired because they are little pieces of egg shaped happiness.
Do you think so too?...


  1. I sure do!! They are just so pretty and delicate looking. I buy them just for their looks alone. I must see if they are out at our supermarket yet?

  2. My stepdaughter Mabel adores teh living heck out of those things. Thanks for the reminder that it's the Easter Candy season -- my most favoritest candy season of them all!

    Bring on the jelly beans, chocoalte marshmallow bunnies and eggs, and the cadbury eggs... peeps, too!

  3. They had Christmas ones in our local Target store this past year. You should be on the lookout for them.

  4. Mr. Honey is absolutely right on!!! They are the best candy ever -- can't understand why we can't get them all year. Yummy - I've already bought my first bag as well.

  5. They must be easier to find now -- I have a cousin in St. George who went crazy a few years ago trying to find those Cadbury eggs. It's one of those things -- if you've gotta have 'em you've gotta have 'em LOL. Personally, I'd rather have a jumbo bag o' M&M's!

  6. Lori! I LOVE these eggs too!! I love seeing that purple bag come home with my hubby - once they are out he always brings me a little bag in his pocket. I'll be keeping my eyes open for these babies - starting today!

  7. I think everybody loves these eggs. My husband included. I found some the day before Valentine's Day and tucked them into his Valentine gift. They were a big hit.

  8. Yep! Me too. I love those little gems. Thanks for reminding me to look for them now.

    By the way, I'm new to your blog and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

  9. I searched all over target yesterday for these and finally found them on an end isle. Woo hooo! I need to go back for more my family ate them all.

  10. Oh my gosh, I don't understand why these can't be available every day of the year! I adore them!!

  11. Being here in Canada, we have them all year round :) Yummmmmm

  12. Good thing they are not available all year long I would be addicted. Thanks for sharing I will now be on the look out for these.

  13. I adore them too...these are the first ones I have seen in are quick on the draw! ;D

  14. i always buy my cadbury eggs just as soon as i finish my heart-shaped junior mints!

  15. Yummers! I feel the same way about the Reeses PB Cup Egg. Its so much better than a plain ol' pb cup and I try and hoard some every year . . . .

    Oh, and one more thing, thank you for the tip on the MARCH book. I took your advice on CHERRIES in WINTER and absolutely loved it, so this is next on my list. Thank you for sharing :)

  16. Oh dear, I'm in trouble... love those little pieces of Heaven!

  17. I wait every year for the jelly beans that are called "Just Born"...aside from jellybellies they are the only ones I'll eat :)
    So far I've been able to stay away from the Easter candy but I see it out of the corner of my eye when I walk by the aisle ;P
    Smiles, DianeM

  18. Those sure are tasty, but have you ever tried the dark chocolate version? Those are amazing! If you see a bag, pick them up to try them (we couldn't find them anywhere last year, so I completely understand the "window of opportunity concept!)

  19. Oh I love those yummy little chocolate eggs. I didn't realize they were out yet. Now this is going to cause me to have to start an all out search for them.

  20. Hi Lori!! :-)

    I have been receiving your blog posts via email for a few months now and have been meaning to message you for a long time!!! I want to thank you for the wonderful inspiration you always bestow... your blog is truly beautiful! I love visiting! Your recent valentine post about how you and Mr Honey met... well, I had tears in my eyes after that one, truly gorgeous!!!

    Big hugs Lori! And thank you once again!!!!

    Vikki xoxo :-)

  21. This post is so cute! I think it should go in some blog hall of fame because it is so absolutely charming! Sweet pictures - great words - and chocolate! Love it!

  22. Lori, I did not know that Wednesday was your birthday! So happy happy happy belated birthday!

  23. I think happiness is all of that and more... how bout the "Big Cherry" candy with a real cherry in the middle... all wrapped in peanuts and chocolate... and a diet coke!;p
    Today was so much fun... we must find another excuse to go again.
    Love ya girler ~

  24. Oh Lori you need to move to Canada..they are available ALL year long here...packaged for each holiday/season. Happy Birthday!

  25. My favorite and if you can find them a week or two before Easter then consider yourself lucky I think people hord them.

  26. These are at the top of my most favorite chocolates list!!!

  27. Holy cow how did I get 7 posts behind on your blog???? It is funny because Shelbie bought me these this week. ha, love them
