Thursday, April 7, 2011

What I'm listening to...

I thought I would take a little break from designing and share with you what I'm listening to as I'm locked up in my studio stitching away on Sew Cherry.
I love to read but because I'm short on time... I like to multi-task and listen to books while I'm sewing.
I download  books from Audible...which is a website for online books on CD. I download directly to my itunes and then sync the books to my ipod...easy peasy!

These are the 3 that I just finished...I loved them!
Of course you can see they have to do with quilting...and friendship...and families. A sweet read...or listen..whatever!
There is a fourth book in the series to be released next month.

I heart my you?
Of course I heart music too and also listen to it quite a bit in my studio.
I have created several playlists to go along with whatever mood I might be in....what do you listen to while you're sewing?...

Well girls...back to my stitching! Talk to you soon,

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  1. That's how I get my reading in, too. I've been on a non-fiction kick lately. I highly recommend anything by Mary Roach. It seems like science books would be boring but she's *hysterically* funny and super interesting. The section on pigs in her book "Bonk" still makes me laugh out loud. That sounds so odd. :)

    I'll go check these out!

  2. I listen to books on my ipod to and from work but listen to tv in my studio. I have a headset so the volume doesn't have to be on super loud to hear over the buzzing of my sewing machine. For some reason, I can't seem to get into a book while sewing.

  3. Do you have a list or a download of the music that comes on your blog? I would LOVE it!

  4. I will have to check out this series! I love series. Our library does not have a large selection of audio books and that is what I like to do while I am sewing also. I do not have a ipod so I use dvds. I use to order in from other libraries but they put a stop to that for some reason. That is the drawback of small town living.

  5. Lori ~ I love listening to books while working in my sewing room ~ I feel so accomplished (-: I am finishing up Catherine Coulter's FBI series and then I think I will get this series that you mentioned ~ and I too would LOVE your playlist ~ great music

  6. I love to listen to music too....I just need to get me one of those Ipod thingies. I'm still using my old cd walkman, but it works!

  7. My husband bought me an iPod Touch two Christmas's ago. I LOVE IT!! I listen to music when I walk in the mornings. I just today put the Childrens Songbook CD's on it. I will be playing it at Activity Days group. I have the 8 & 9 year olds. I need to try Audible. Thank you for the tip.

  8. I saw A Single Thread at the library today, and didn't get it because I wondered if it would be too cheezy. Nice to know it's a good one, so I can head back and pick it up.

  9. Lately I have really been enjoying listening to Miss Read books on tape (found at thrift stores). I got an mp3 player a few Christmases ago and haven't even used it yet...I should use it and go walking. Also thought I'd tell you has a free audio book of the month (no strings attached) and this month is Corrie ten Boom's The Hiding Place.

  10. I love my iPod, too! I never heard of 'Audible' and will have to check it out. Thanks for the link!

  11. I listen to books on cd all the time! I have an ipad, but not an ipod... Probably by the time i get round to it, there will be a peainaipod.. Tee hee
    Always new stuff, i cant keep up, but do try. Thanks for keeping us updated. These books look wonderful!
