Tuesday, August 2, 2011

More Easy Corners on a Quilt Block Tutorial...

 Hello again!...It's time for another tutorial using Easy Corners.

I drafted my block for rotary cutting
 just like I showed you in

I cut - 5 - 2 1/2" 
squares of brown
I cut 2 - 1 1/2" x 4 1/2" 
2 - 1 1/2" x 6 1/2"
of green
2 - 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" 
and 2- 1 1/2" x 4 1/2" 
of the white background

And I laid it out on my
after cutting.

And sewed it together like this...

As you can see...the block still needs the triangles in the corner...

But they are easy to add by simply cutting
2 1/2" squares...one square for each triangle.

And by stitching from corner to corner
on the square...

Like this...

It becomes a triangle!

If you're worried that you might cut off the points when sewing...you can place a pin in the square and the block at the exact point that you would like them to line up...

Like this.

Remove the pin when sewing without moving the fabrics and you can still see the pin hole to use as a guide.

I repeated the process for all four corners.

Then trimmed off the excess leaving an approximate 1/4" seam allowance...

Then pressed them open towards the triangle.

And I have a complete block that was completely rotary cut and
so easily pieced together!

6" finished block
Fabrics Used = Sew Cherry

Have a quilty kind of day my friends!


  1. Perfect! Another block I feel I could make now. You're amazing!

    S x

  2. Love, love, love, this tip and tutorial. Makes me want to start a new project!

  3. Your tutorials are fabulous Lori! Thanks so much.

  4. Another great block..Thanks Lori great tut....

  5. Thank you for another great tutorial -- and the tip about how not to cut off the corner! :-)

  6. I recieve your blog by email. In the morning I sit down with my coffee and check my email first thing every morning. I always look forward to your instructions.
    Thanks so much Lori

  7. Nice and easy does it! I got my package of SEW Cherry in the mail from Fat Quarter shop... And some of the cherry trim too! What shall I make? I have a couple patterns in mind, maybe some Paper Dolls! I like the pin trick.

  8. Great tutorial. Thank you for showing some of your tricks. I love the pin idea. What a great way of making sure you don't cut off the point. Your block looks great!!

  9. I have a suggestion. I would love to have a Farmer's Wife quilt. But I simply can't fit it into my schedule. However. wouldn't it be fun to have a girl day at Syd's in the fall? A farmer's wife day? Think about it. We could start fairly early and to til 6. We could see if Syd would do lunch and split the cost of the day retreat between us...maybe 10 of us? Would you be up for that? The downside is for you since you've already made so many blocks. But you could work on something else (maybe). Or is your schedule too tight for something like this? Think about it.

  10. I was off visiting my grand-baby for a week only to come home to 3 new tutorials! I am so thrilled! Thank-you once again for helping starting quilters like me. You are wonderful.

  11. you are so awesome! Thank you so, so much!!!

  12. I drafted block three on my own. haha you would be so proud. You taught me this and so somehow I feel connected to you! Crazy blog world. Thanks for these two new posts. Yea!! Love love
    You are keeping this fun
    Cindy from Utah

  13. I couldnt imagine how to draft this but i am learning!
    Thanks again!
    Cindy in Utah

  14. Thanks! That was cute and easy and love your fabrics. Carol
