Thursday, October 13, 2011

Daisy Cottage Peek 2...

Good morning!
Thank you so much for the nice comments and emails about my newest fabric line....
Daisy Cottage.
You are all such an inspiration to me and all of your kind words just keep me going through the many hours and days of deadlines!
Here are a few more
Daisy Cottage peeks comin at ya!

The above quilt is "Shabby Shades"

The above quilt is "Cozy Cottage Lane"

Above quilt is "Ring around the Rosy"

Do you like them?
I'm crossing my fingers that you do:)

I'm working hard to get all of the quilts and other projects into pattern form just
in time for fall market....
and I still have even more to show you!

Daisy Cottage is crossing the ocean as I type and should arrive
online or at a quilt shop near you... 
in a couple of weeks!

In answer to your questions about when
you can get some of your own...
Click here 
 to be notified the
minute it's available:)
I'll post more photos in a few more days...
In the meantime...
let me know what you think!


  1. Wow! Love the Shabby Shades quilt- it is SO cute with the pom poms!!

  2. Great quilts as usual! Rene sent me the fabric you shared with her and I made Bow ties with all of it. I'll be looking for more to finish the quilt I've started now. I put the Bow ties on my Blog Design Wall Monday posting. Take a peek.

  3. ok when you get tired of daisy cottage you can just send it right over to my house! oh my I love the ring around the rosy quilt too.....perfect with YOUR fabrics, i need to make that !!!!
    shabby shades, just too cute and fun!
    I am so excited for you keep going you can do this, need me to send you a few lbs of coffee? or chocolate?????

  4. Love the fabric and love the quit designs. Most of all I love your quilting. Can we have a quilting tutorial please?

  5. I love reading your blog but don't post much as I'm not that great a sewer. But this time- I mean these quilts are show stopping. Prints are gorgeous and I just can'e stop looking at them.

  6. I just started to post a comment and my speakers are on full blast..LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE BIRDS AND BEES..dee daha deee. I almost spit my coffee across the room. hahaha.

    The new fabbies are WONDERFULNESS. Even better I will see them IN PERSON IN 2 weeks! (did I just say that out loud..2 weeks..gotta go!)


  7. Such beautiful fabric and some clever quilt designs. Congratulations on some excellent quilts!

  8. You do things with quilts that I would never think of, and I always come away inspired. Your quilts are wonderful Lori! I love the trims on the lamp quilt, genius! And the Cottage Lane and Ring Around the Rosey quilt are beautiful, love the doilies and buttons!

  9. Those lamp shades are so adorable! Congratulations on your newest line Lori!!!

  10. I love ALL your quilts! I especially love the "Ring around the Posy" quilt with the buttons and lace. Do you have the pattern for that? Going to check it out. Thanks for sharing!:-)

  11. Your patterns are absolutely charming!!
    You create such adorable and precious quilts Lori! I want my home nestled in them! :o)

  12. The Shabby Shades quilt is just it!

  13. The Shabby Shades quilt is just it.

  14. cool lamps! I have a 1958 vintage floor lamp that would fit right into that bunch. congrats on your new fabric line.

  15. I want to see more! Love them!
    Just brings back so many memories!

  16. I love the color combo!! So sweet and refreshing! Looking forward to seeing it in the shops.

  17. Oh this is so pretty!! Can't wait to see more photos!

  18. I love the shabby shades peek. That is sew darn clever! Love it!

    Keep the peeks coming!

  19. Oh, Lori, fabulous! You are going to be the hit of Fall Market! I especially loved the Shabby Shades with all the embellishments.

  20. Ring around the Rosy is beautiful, Can't wait to see the rest of the story!

  21. What a fantastic way to start the day....the lamps with adorable trims and pull chains....the windows with lamps in the windows.....ADORABLE, so creative and FUN!

    Congrats on a truly special fabric line!

  22. I love them!!! The houses with peekaboo windows is so cute and the dresden flowers are beautiful. The lamps are really pretty too. I want to see more!

  23. L absolutely love all of your quilt patterns. Shabby Cottage may be my favorite, but Sew Cherry is hard to beat. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us!

  24. O.H. M.Y. S.T.A.R.S!!!!!!!

    the fabrics.
    the lamps.
    the chiffon roses.
    the doilies.
    the fussy cut window scenes.
    the crystal pulls.
    the fancy nine-patches.
    the silhouettes.
    the buttons.
    the pom poms.
    the crocheted wreath.
    the blingy doorknob.

    mostly . . . the freakishly creative designer!!!
    you are amazing.
    that's all.
    {for now.}

  25. I don't know how you keep coming up with them, but this is the cutest! Those shabby lamps are so cute, but Ring Around the Rosy...oh my!! I have got to make me one of those...and it is possible all my other quilts and quilty projects and ufo's will just have to step back and wait their turn...I want that quilt! Have fun at market!

  26. Lori:

    You are truly an inspiration with your fabric and designs. You and your patterns stand out from the rest, you turn back the hands of time, when things were simple and stress free (our childhood). Thank you and keep on designing, it is in your blood!

  27. Lovely fabric coming our way - beautiful work and inspiration, Judy C

  28. so super cute! Love the use of the rosey trims. You are so super clever. xo

  29. Love them all...Shabby Shades..Ring Around the Rosy,,Oh I loved to play that when I was small..Can't wait for fabric..Don't tell me you do all your quilting also.....Beautiful

  30. Have you even slept the last few weeks?? Just love it all, especially the Shabby Shades!

  31. I almost don't want to write this comment ('cause everyone will see) but when I saw the first picture I thought "how stinkin' cute is that", and then I scrolled and thought sweet... and then for some reason, the next picture of the Dresdens made me cry! It is just precious! Your an incredible talent. I am so glad that you are in this business and able to share it with us.

  32. I love the details on the lamps! so cute

  33. Ahhh! I'm so excited to get this fabric. Love, love the Shabby Shades.

  34. All are lovely Lori, but Ring Around the Rosy is for me!!! CUTE.

  35. You've got a winner with this fabric. Can't wait for it to hit the quilt shops. Your patterns are so cute.

  36. Beautiful fabrics, loving the Shabby Shades quilt.

  37. Love love love the colours of the fabric!!

  38. WOW, love the lamp quilt. I love how you style. I think it is so much fun and it really is a labor of love because you can't really rush through making a new design. I have been venturing out myself and so I completely appreciate the time and vision that you have put into your designs. Thanks for posting such great inspiration!!

  39. Beautiful!! i like them all but love Ring around the Rosy!

  40. I love those quilts! Especially the houses! I have a plan for some houses in my future.

  41. Love the lamps! Love the houses!

    Beautiful! You're so talented!

  42. Love the fabrics! Love the quilts! Love it all...well done!

  43. I love the lampshade pattern with your fabric. Genius.

  44. I really like the new fabric line, but I am even more astounded by your creativity making up quilt patterns. The lamp quilt is so clever and fun! I'll need to do that soon. The chandelier fabric is too cute, and I collect chair fabric, so that is on my list, too.

    Leslie S. in MN
    esclante at comcast dot net

  45. Well done girler... It is simply BEATIFUL! Love the quilt!!!

  46. Unbelievably wonderful! I can't wait to see them in all their glory, not as sneak peaks!

  47. Your quilts are beautiful! I love all the added embellishments and the colors! What talent you have!

  48. I love love love your new fabric line and the quilts you made with it! You are just so creative I am jealous of your brain! Shabby Shades is my fave - What a lovely way to show case pretty fabrics!

  49. Love, love, love, the fabrics and patterns you've created! Are you also going to sell the trims or are they coordinates? They're sooo pretty and go perfect with everything! Thanks for sharing and inspiring :)

  50. Those lamps are so darn cute.
    They are all terrific. You must be very proud- can't imagine anyone who doesn't like all of them!

  51. Love your cottages and your "ring around the rosie"!! Sooo cute!! How do you have time for doing all that!!? Do you sleep? :-D

  52. What a lovely variety of trims!

  53. Can't believe how much you have been creating! Beautiful!

  54. I love this 3 patternssssssssssssssss
    and the most "Cozy Cottage Lane"

    Great work Lori!!!

  55. Love the lamp shades and all the embellishments!

  56. Your patterns are just adorable! I love the roses on the lamp shade! I still don't know how you can come up with so many unique ideas. Your blog name is very appropriate!

  57. Shabby Shades is ADORABLE. The trim you put on the lamps just sets them off perfectly. Love the houses and I have a thing right now for Dresden plates so that really caught my eye.

  58. I love how you incorporate embellishments, especially crocheted stuff. Wow just had a brain fart, I have a piece of crocheted loveliness that my gramma made, that is the perfect match for the yellow prints! It's the same shade of yellow.

  59. I think I like them all especially the dresden quilt.

  60. LOVE your fabrics and this line is no different- very fun and happy, and vintagey :)

    candy at fiber dot net

  61. Our shop will have this soon...can not wait!!

  62. Congratulations! Beautiful fabric line!

  63. All are amazing....but I think I need to get my hand on Ring Around the Rosy. :)

  64. Ring around the Rosy is to die for !!!!!What a beautiful pattern with those fabrics - I could stare at it all day ;)

  65. I really want to see the cottage lane quilt. I love the ring around the rosie quilt. Let's be honest I love everything you do. I can't wait to see what else you have to show.

  66. The fussy cut windows are wonderful. That is really great fabric.

  67. Beautiful fabric,
    love the dresdens :)

  68. I've been patiently waiting to receive my notification from the FQS... can't wait!

  69. I love the combo of yellow, pink and grey in this fabric!

  70. You're such a tease! I can't wait to see the complete design with all the little houses. I love litte houses and your prints are tailor made for them!

  71. Love all the details and pink chandelier fabric really caught my eye!

  72. Gosh I LOVE Cosy Cottage Lane. I'm amazed by the amount of patterns the new line has inspired. very cool.

  73. Gorgeous fabrics. Love listening to your song selections too.

  74. These are just beautiful. These colors are so "me". I am so excited to get my hands on this fabric!

  75. Adorable! I may have to change my mind~ I love the houses, but the Ring Around the Rosy is fabulous! Now I can't pick a favorite! :-)

  76. LOVE them all!! And Love your music!! :)

  77. The fabric is looking so good in all these different quilts. I am enjoying them.

  78. Someday when my skills are up to it I need to do Ring around a Rosie. I love it.

  79. Your dresdens are beautiful and I love the lace on them! Beautiful pattern!

  80. Those Shabby Shades are so cute! And I love the Cozy Cottages. But Ring Around the Rosy just speaks to me! I absolutely love that quilt! Love it! The crocheted doilies are just amazing! Unfortunately, I did not inherit the 'crochet gene' but I may have to see if I can get a transplant because that is one amazing quilt!

    Beautiful work, as always!

    xo -E

  81. So many exciting project to look forward to. I can just tell I'm going to want to make some of these. All of these? Oh, Lord ...

  82. I love the Shabby Shade and the dresden plate with the crockets on it.

  83. The colors in your Daisy Cottage line are so unique! I would never imagined them working so beautifully together!!

  84. I just love the fabrics, the designs, glad I found your blog.

  85. Ring around the Rosy -I really like and Oh!!!- a use for my buttons! Love love buttons! Hope I get to see this up close in Huston...

  86. Love Cozy Cottage Lane! Perfect in your new collection.

  87. The fabric is great for houses - love it

  88. Oh yes, I like them. The detail in those windows. Wow.

  89. I love the dresden plate look with doilies. So pretty! You're full of good ideas.

  90. I love those Houses, and the Ring Around the Rosy pattern! You have so many beautiful patterns!

  91. oooh, I am in love with dresden plates. These look so pretty!

  92. Again with all of the detail. I can see how you love each quilt and love to put a little extra into each one. I love the buttons and beads. The dresdens are so beautiful!!

  93. Great patterns. I like the one with the houses. I like all the details you add to your quilts, I wouldn't think of doing stuff like that. Glad you do!

  94. I've fallen in love with the buttons on Ring Around the Rosy. What a cute idea!
    The cottages are quite cute as well. My daughter said she wanted to make it.

  95. When I first saw this it spoke to my heart! I love, love, love the doilies for the center of the dresdens!

  96. I can't wait to see more of Ring Around the Rosy.

  97. Beautiful fabric and beautiful patterns!!

  98. Love the Dresden Pates with the crochet doily white centers -- and then that simple white button! Your details are wonderful!

  99. ring around the rosy so lovely!

  100. Your attention to detail is not lost on me, I do appreciate the thoughfulness in the finishing touches on the lampshades and playfulness int use of prints and lovely hand embroidery embellishing. Delightful work!

  101. This fabric makes me want to open up the windows and have the springtime breezes floating through the house...too bad we're having a nor'easter here today! Love it!

  102. Scrolling back through these two sneak peak posts and all the patterns you have already posted is making me anxious to see the rest of the patterns. I look forward to your blog post popping up again at the top of my blog roll. :)

  103. Cute quilts, but I especially love the Dresden plates!!

  104. This fabric line is just so lovely. I have a little girl quilt I need to make and this would be so lovely for it!

  105. Swoon. Just so cute. Loving the pinks and greys, and yellows.. LOVE. And all of the patterns are wonderful and perfectly suited for it.

  106. Am absolutely LOVING the house quilts and the dresdens both I think are going to be a must for me. Love how you are adding in the crochet touches as well !!!!

  107. Hope I am not too late...just got in Houston and unloaded truck (that took awhile) your fabric and your patterns.
