Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'm Still Singin!!!......

how can I tell you how much I 
appreciate you all visiting my blog 
and playing my music!

The choice to put music
 on my blog is a
 personal choice and 
a creative expression...
just like what I choose to post about.
Thank you for all of your kind words:)

Thank you all for the many emails
 and comments that I have received 
saying how much
 my playlist is
 enjoyed and appreciated.
Thank you all sooo much!!!

I listen to all kinds of music
 and have created several playlists 
on iTunes and Pandora 
but the playlist that I created 
for my blog is very personal 
to me because it's the music 
that my grandma always had playing
 on her record player or radio.

I also remember my mom 
singing these songs...
especially Doris Day....
and sometimes she still does!!!
The sound of my mother singing 
is so endearing to me...
the sweet sound of a happy mother.

There have been a few 
 that I only have my music start
 if the play button is pushed.
Good idea!!!
 So I have moved my music 
to the top of my blog in plain sight
 so that you can easily 
push the arrow to play
 my music selections if you
 want to sing along with me.
I know that you can't hear me singing...
but trust me...I am:) 

I have moved it over 
onto the top left side...
do you see it?...
So push the arrow and
 sing along with me!

Next up will be my promised tutorial...I'm shooting for Friday:)
Until then, have a quilty kind of day!


  1. I have to say that I LOVE Doris Day and have watched all of her movies. She was such a sweetheart and her movies were always so pleasant and enjoyable. Congratulations to Beth!!

  2. Congratulations Beth! Now back to singing.

  3. I guess i should say congratulations to Beth, but really I would have loved it more than her :)

  4. I missed your earlier post about music, but I have to add my 2c worth. I'm not crazy about the music on most blogs, but I agree that is your personal choice to have it, just as it is my choice to hit the mute button or not! People complain about the silliest things that they actually have control over. Keep up the good work!

    (ps: i like your music choices so I have listened to yours)

  5. Thank you Lori for asking and for listening. That really was very nice of you to do.

  6. Awesome decision, Lori.

    Que Sera Sera! ;-)

  7. Parabéns,afinal ganhamos todos não?seguidores com músicas boas,você com sua seleção pessoal e adorável, e ganhadora do prêmio.Então...VIVAAAAAA!

  8. I'H SHOUTING FROM THE ROOFTOPS!! To say THANKYOU Lori for the wonderful prizes. I was soooo excited when you called me to say that I WON!! Lucky me, you really made my day. So glad that you are keeping your music. Thanks for making our world a lot more cuter with all your talent and fun!! Love you!!!:)

  9. I am so happy you kept your music! And the player right up top is great.... keep enjoying life... and sing, gal, SING!

  10. I missed your poll but I've always loved listening to your music on your blog. When I first opened it up I was waiting for the song to play and as I read more I found out where to hit the play button. Whew!
    Congratulations to Beth!

  11. I just found your blog, love it, have to follow you! Hope you don't mind?

    Stop by and visit our ranch anytime at:

  12. wow, Lori, you rock. and roll. ha! oldies. I like your music but anyone who didn't it's such an easy fix not to listen to. Nice of you to make it an option but it always was one! ha! love your site and your stuff. keep up the good work. and btw, calamity jane was always and will always be my favorite!!! :)

  13. I'm so glad you kept the music!!

  14. I've listened to your play list all afternoon and it just makes me happy! Glad you kept it.

  15. Thanks for the great playlist. It does not play on my ipad, but I have finally had a chance to play it on my computer at work and I love it! Love your choices.
    Thank you!

  16. funny how songs reminds us of people and I too can still remember songs playing at my favorite aunts house whenever I visited....
    yes music is appreciated by this visitor....
