Monday, March 26, 2012

Millie's Closet is Here!!!...

Hello cute people!!!
How the heck are ya?

Doesn't this fat quarter bundle 
look like a yummy dessert?
I think it does:)
Tonight I thought I'd fill you in on a 
few happenings around here...

First off...
I'm sew happy to say that
 Millie's Closet
 is here and is now available online
 and in quilt shops!

I'm thrilled that it's finally here:)

Also a little family sharing...
The other day my cute little 
granddaughter Sophie Belle was here
 and I realized it had been a long time
 since I posted a picture of her....
as you can see it's not an easy task 
to get a good photo of her...

When she was actually sitting still
 (for about a half of a second)
I still couldn't get her to 
look at the camera...

But with a little coaxing and
 a promise of a cupcake...

I got a quick turn around just
 long enough to get a quick shot!
Sophie just turned 3 and
 she is sooo much fun:)

Today I've been in my studio...

Cutting and playing with 5" square's 
from some of
 the Millie's Closet prints...

I'm using them in a pieced border on one
 of my new quilt patterns....
I will show it to you when it's complete:)
I'll post more in a few days!


  1. I love it! Can't wait to get my hands on some!

  2. I, too, love it!!!! I can't wait to see what you've designed using it.

    Sophie Belle has gotten sooo big - cutie patootie!

  3. the fabric
    the crystal dish
    your house
    fresh paint
    everything looks perfect!

  4. I love your new collection! I can't wait to start sewing with it! Congrats to you!

  5. Sophie and Millie are both pretty darn cute!

  6. Darling! Can't wait to get MY hands on some of that new fabric ;) & your grandaughter is just adorable.

  7. I'm lovin' Millie's Closet!!! I can't wait to get some and PLAY!!! :o)

    I have a granddaughter that just turned 3, too!!! Being a Grandma is the BEST!!! :o)

    Congratulations on designing some GREAT fabric!!! I can't wait to see your new quilt pattern!!!

  8. Your little Sophie Belle still looks so much like you!
    And I'm so excited to see all the wonderful things you have planned for Millie's Closet.

  9. Yeah!!! I'm excited about Millie's Closet :) Sophie Belle is so cute and so pretty! I can't believe how big she is, haven't seen a photo of her in forever.... You must have such fun with her!!

  10. Love love love this line.
    Yesterday I have found the line and I have bought it ^__^
    Great Lori and Sophie Belle is a lovely girl ^__*

  11. Oh my goodness. If Sophie Belle is not the cutest!! Love that smile she shared with us! :o) Precious. :o)
    Can't wait to see what you are up to behind the scenes!
    Have a great week. hugs, Trish

  12. Magnificent... :O) LOve everything.. the prints and the colours.. Mmmmmm!!!!

  13. The bag tutorial is great. I want to make some. What a nice idea. Sophie is so cute. I loved those photos. So so sweet. Good to see a little progress in your house reno too.

  14. Sophie Belle is so darn cute, glad you shared a picture of her..And I said to my self no more fabric until you finish some projects, but that went out the window when I see that Millie's Closet is out..I see $$$$---but I have waited for this to come out. I may have to buy all of this line mmmmm. Good work Lork Looks like your home redo is done.. Maxine

  15. She's a cutie. That expression is priceless! Love it! I think she's going to be one colorful girl!

  16. Congrata!!! Great fabric! Nurse Payne

  17. I cannot wait to see it :D

    The pics are so wonderful!

    Kiss from

    Vintage Collages


  18. What a darling granddaughter you have! Sometimes it's tough getting those pictures. I really like the new fabric you have.

  19. I just LOVE your fabric! And that look on Sophie Belle's face....precious!

  20. Oh my! Absolutely yummy! Congratulations!

  21. My MILLIE'S CLOSET came this week and I want to wallpaper the entire room with it. Simply stunning and the linen texture.......I swoon. How on earth will I ever cut it? Thank you my dear for all the lovely inspiration...smiles...Renee

  22. That expression on Sophie is precious! "What?! . . . cupcake?!"
    And of course, love the fabric collection!

  23. Millie's Closet is fantastic! Love the designs and colors. Your granddaughter is precious...her hair color is gorgeous.

  24. Got some on its way already, it should be here soon, but it looks like I'll have to be hunting down a few more prints too!

  25. I'm lovin' this fabric--the whole line (and I don't often think I need the WHOLE line)!

  26. I just saw this fabric over at Hawthorne Threads...I LOVE LOVE it!!!!! I am enjoying the rest of your blog for the first time, too! Have a great day!

  27. Your grandaughter is the quity. Reminds me of my 2 little Norweigen grandaughters. I will get to spoil them in July.

  28. I just love this bag . . . and your fabric too . . . I just ordered the red and green . . .

    can't wait to make these bags . . . thanks so much !!
