Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Three More Patterns...

I have 3 more patterns to show you! 

This first one is fun and easy 
and made from one 10" square of each 
of the
 Millie's Closet prints...
along with tiny pinwheels 
in each corner sashing:)

I named this quilt after my 
Great Aunt Isabelle
 who just lived down the road 
a few houses from me 
in the small town (Herriman)
where I grew up.

She was my Grandma Millie's 
oldest sister
 and was a wonderful cook as well
 as a wonderful quilter.

She was a very kind lady who worked hard to take good care of her large family.
I have very fond memories of 
Aunt Isabelle and I was in her home often...
I was in charge of taking her 
extra cream from our cows:)

Her home always smelled so good because she always had bread baking and something wonderful cooking on her 
old fashioned stove...
which she still preferred to use 
even after my Uncle Elt bought her a
 brand new modern range:)

"Aunt Isabelle's
Pinwheel Square's"
Lori Holt 
Bee in my Bonnet

Next up is a mini quilt and pillows named after my Great Aunt Marjorie who was also one of my Grandma Millie's 5 sisters.

Aunt Marge lived in Riverton with my 
Uncle Tom and their children.
(she actually lived a few houses away 
from Mr. Honey whom I didn't meet
 until we were both 12)
Riverton was 5 miles away from Herriman!

Because my Grandma and
 her sisters were very close...
I saw her often and I especially 
remember her being very 
put together
 at all times and up with 
the latest in fashion.
Her home was always spotless
 as was her garden and her aprons!

I also remember her lovely embroidery 
and her tiny quilting stitches 
that she prided herself on...
9 to the inch to be exact:)

"Fashion Fun"
Lori Holt 
 Bee in my Bonnet

Next up are covered hangers.
Each are made from one fat quarter 
along with a few buttons on some and
 some different trim on others.

I thought it would be fun to
 sew up a bunch in honor of the theme  "Millie's Closet".

It was really fun to quickly
 stitch up a covered hanger using
 each and every print in the line!

I crocheted some lace on the
 bottom of a few...

Bound the bottom edges of some and 
topped them off with a fabric flower with a covered button center.

On some I used trim from the

Of course the directions for each hanger...
trim... and flowers 
are included in the pattern.

"Cute Covers"
Lori Holt
Bee in my Bonnet

If you are interested in the patterns...
you may

I hope you all are having a nice summer and finding some time to get a
 little quilting done!

I will be out of town this week with 
my quilty friends in beautiful Logan 
teaching my workshop...
when I get back...
I'll show you the remaining 3 
of my new patterns!


  1. Oh, those are all so great. You certainly have been very creative lately.

  2. You've done it again....wonderful new patterns!!! I just love them

  3. I love how the pinwheel pattern shows off the design in the fabrics so well. The rest of your patterns remind me of my grandmother as well! I think it is such a tribute to your aunts, that you named your patterns after them. Looking at your patterns is like going to an art gallery!!! Thanks for sharing :)

  4. Yay! Three new patterns! I love your stories to go with them, too. We need a few more names like Isabelle, Marge and Millie in this world.
    Have a great time in Logan! Wish I could join you, especially with it being 108 degrees here today:)

  5. Oh my!! Fashion Fun is SO cute!! Love your new patterns Lori.

  6. You are so creative. The quilt is great, then I saw the hats! I'm a hat person and those are out of this world. But what should appear next? The fun fun fun hanger covers. :D

  7. I love the hats. Love love. They are all cute, but this is a fav.

  8. Love your wonderful new patterns!! How do you keep coming up with all your fun ideas? LOVE the hats, and the pillows with all their fun details, the pinwheel quilt, and I'm in love with the hangar covers: SO FUN!!! Have a great weekend: I'd love to be in Logan with you all :-)

  9. Lori...you are, by far, the most creative and industrious person!! You always have such wonderful, whimsical and joyful ideas...and put those ideas into action!!!
    I, however, am still working on the reunion pattern that I got over a year ago. And by working on, I mean the first block!!
    I love seeing all your beautious fabrics in the stores...I feel like my "friend" is there!!! Am I'm just a little proud!!
    Congratulations on more gorgeous patterns!

  10. Your quilts and pillows are wonderful, so creative. They inspire me. I've never made a pillow before except a pillow case type. I want that first quilt pattern. I love it! Thanks for the great patterns.

  11. Please let is know when we can buy them. I was Aunt Isabelle' s pinwheel quilt. I could not find it at Fat Quarter Shop. Thank uou

  12. Wow, lovely patterns and your gorgeous fabric certainly sets them off

  13. I love the stories about your grandma and her sisters. I grew up in West Jordan and lived next door to my grandparents, my grandma is one of my favorite persons to this day, she taught my sisters and I how to do handwork. She also was a quilter, I wish she was still here to have all the lovely fabric and tools I have and to quilt with me. She also made really good cookies.

  14. Hi Lori--The more I look at these, the more I like them! Fantastic~

  15. Wow! I love the hat quilt and all your stuff. So much fun!

  16. I love them all of course, because your hand touched them they are fabulous. I remember my great grandmother knitting hanger covers, I still have one that she did. I hope you had a wonderful time in Logan, I can't wait to see the rest of your patterns.

  17. I would have loved your Aunt Isabell as much as I love the quilt you named after her - it's wonderful! As are the other patterns...I marvel at your creativity!!! It's endless! Thanks for the great show today, what fun! xo, Nan

  18. they are a lovely works.
    A hug

  19. How darling! I think my fav is the hats. And those hanger covers really cute. Thanks for sharing
