Saturday, September 29, 2012

My Quilt Retreat Show and Tell...

I'm back from my week long quilting retreat....and it was sew fun!
There are 10 of us in our "Fat Quarter Friendly's" group and we get together 3-4 times a month to either sew, shop, take classes or go to lunch.
Each of us worked on our own projects and it was really fun to see all of them come together.
I worked on my Farmers Wife blocks...
(which I will tell you more about on my next post)

And a few other projects that will be revealed when it gets closer to Fall Market.
Sometimes a was pretty good about taking pictures...and sometimes not...but I can't wait to show you the one's that I remembered to take!

But first I want to tell you about where we retreated.
Have you ever loved a quilt shop so much that you just wanted to move right in?
Well...that's pretty much what we did:)
We sewed from early morning till late at night...upstairs in the adorable attic of 
I know!!!...can you believe it? 
Lucky us.

The attic is a private, beautiful and well equipped fun space and we had plenty of room.
During our entire time there, we were treated like special guests by Kris and Mike and the fabulous  staff at the shop.

This is Kris (the owner of My Girlfriend's Quilt Shoppe) and her sister Kim who designs awesome patterns and projects for the shop.
Aren't they just the cutest?...and yes...they are twins:)
The shop is located in Logan, Utah.
 You have to drive through Logan Canyon to get there...and may I just say that the drive was  breathtakingly beautiful! The fall leaves were out in all of their glorious colors.

Anyhoo...back to the quilt shop.
Not only did we sew a lot...but we spent a good amount of time downstairs shopping.
After all...what quilter could resist perusing through a beautiful selection of patterns and fabrics anytime we felt a spree coming on...haha?
The shop kept a running tab for each of us...and we settled up with them on the last day.

I just had to take a few pics of the "comparing of final receipts"...some of them were longer than others...

But I think Rosanna was the clear winner!!!

Now onto some of the projects that I remembered to get a picture of.
You all know how much I love appliqué...this is a cherries and bluebirds appliqué quilt that Betty has been working on for quite a while and she was able to finish it  there...just gorgeous!

One of the projects that Juli worked on were these cute blocks that are going into a row quilt...with the blocks complete...she is preparing to appliqué the center circles.

Beth put the blocks together on her
 halloween embroidery quilt....I love it ...don't you?!

Judy and Betty made quilt tops that they had bought the fabric for last month while shopping together....double fun!!!

Becky finished several projects but wisked them away before I could take pictures.
However, I was able to snap one of her 1930's dresden quilt:)

Isn't this quilt adorable?
Piecing and applique favorite.

Betty was able to finish the top on this one too.

Geri also worked on 1930's dresden blocks.
She still has more blocks to do because she is making it to go on her antique bed in the guest room and it's a twin size.

She is putting the scrappy sashing on as she goes. 
Such a sweet quilt. I heart dresdens!

She also finished this Shadowbox quilt ...I really like how this one turned out too.

Beth also made a tiny pumpkin pincushion out of a cute little kit that Kris gave each of us.

Perfect for tiny applique pins:)

Look at this gorgeous fall quilt that Shanna made.
She used gorgeous florals and then paper pieced a row of pumpkins to add at the bottom...
I think it's Adorable with a capital "A" just like Shanna is:)

One of the quilts that Lucy finished was from a witches shoe's block exchange.
Everyone made 14 of the same blocks and exchanged them so that all had one of each.

Lucy added the large hat in the center...

all of the blocks are so fun...

I snapped a close up of a few...

Love this spiderweb print!

and the striped socks with polks dot shoes.

Beth used one of my table runner patterns to make this...I love seeing it in fall colors!

Beth's sister Sue lives in Logan so she came for a day and they made matching aprons:)

We have alot of fun together...this is our 5th year on fall retreat.
We have a fun tradition that we follow while we sew together.
When we have finished a block, a quilt top or have gone through a bobbin...we each have a bell that we ring...then we parade our project around for all to see.

This year...a new one was introduced.
Whenever we have to use the seam ripper...we have to wear the "dunce" hat.
In this picture it was Judy's turn...and she posed for me with her best dunce face...haha.

All in all it was another successful retreat. 
We enjoyed it so much that we are going back to 
for next years fall retreat....we have already booked it!


  1. What a fun retreat! all of us just wish we could have joined you! And the receipts are too funny :)

  2. What fun and such beautifully made projects! I love retreats, you can't help be be inspired by what others are working on. Do you know the name of the quilt that Betty made with the cherries on it, I'd lave to make it!! Thanks for sharing all the great pics!

  3. of all the farmer's wife blocks i've seen, yours are just about my favorite. spectacular! and those little "x" marks the spot blocks are cute as can be. can't wait to see that project in all its glory. what a fun, fun, fun retreat location. and, oh! the quilts that came out of that place! heavens ~ you talented girls have ALL the fun!

  4. I really enjoyed this post. No doubt if I was there I would have won the shopping race. I especially love the Halloween stitchery Quilt do you know what pattern she used? I would love to make it too! Thanks for all the inspiration.

  5. I went to a new shop yesterday that I would love to move in to. lol
    Oh, your friend looks pitiful because she used her seam ripper.
    What a talented group. I would love to know the name of the first applique quilt with the cherries. It is my kind of quilt.

  6. That sounds like the most fun!!! :o)
    Oh my, so many pretty creations and I love your traditions! :o) Trish xo

  7. what a fun retreat!& to meet Kim & kris oh my word how neat is that!I love the dunce hat for the seam ripper lol!I'll have to remember that for when the ladies at my church get together & sew lol!

  8. Fun, fun post,Lori! Sounds like a wonderful time - lots of great projects to ooooh and aaaaah over! Perfect place for a retreat.

  9. Really enjoy reading this post, feel like I was there. Wish so, at least. I've lived in a quilt shop for some days too, and that I can tell is wonderful.Now I'm waiting for row 4, but that I have to wait for a while, know that. Happy to have found your blog.

  10. Um.. can you let me know when you have a vacancy in your little group of friends? lol Looks like so much FUN! Such gorgeous projects, and wow those receipts were long! ;) Have a great weekend!

  11. It looks like it was tons o' fun! I have to there a pattern for the beautiful appliqued quilt with the berries? And a pattern for the witches shoes? That would be PERFECT for someone I know. Thank you for the info and the pictures.

  12. What a fun time! All of you are so talented! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Sounds like a GREAT time and so may beautiful projects!!!! I would love to get my hands on the withes legs and feet quilt, so darn cute!

  14. Your peeks look great! Sounds like a fun time with your quilt friends.

  15. Thanks for sharing! Looks like a ton of fun was had by all.
    dee-cedar city

  16. WOW! I loved everything, esp. the halloween stitchery quilt. I am curious about quilting when using stitched blocks.

  17. What a dream of a retreat and so much accomplished. The finished projects were all beautiful.

  18. Looks like a fabulous time and so much accomplished! Thanks for sharing all the pics, they are wonderful. I am going on a retreat next weekend and I can't wait....

  19. Logan Canyon in autumn--nothing compares!

  20. What a wonderful retreat! It is so fun to see all of the completed projects. I am sure that the shopping was great fun too.

  21. Wow those are some amazing quilts. Can't wait to see your finished farmer's wife block quilt.

  22. Looks like so much fun....but how could it not be? My Girlfriend's is the BEST!

  23. Looks like everyone had a lot of fun and made progress to boot! I'm still trying to decide if I like modern quilts, but I must say, I really do like Geri's! That is just so appealing to the eye. Is there instructions for that? I think I would like to try making that myself. Would it be suitable for a novice quilter?

  24. One more thing I noticed, beside Judy (poor Judy with the dunce cap . . .) is that an old foldable cardboard cutting board turned into a design board?! I've passed up so many cutting boards at estate sales because they were kind of nasty and stained looking. What a great idea for transforming a well-used cutting board!

  25. Love your pictures from the retreat! I see I am not the only one looking for the embroidered Halloween quilt. I have done the Witches shoe, so much fun.

  26. I absolutely love reading your blog! I made 8 rag quilts last year and am so grateful for blogs like yours because they gave me the confidence to try my first "real, 3 layer quilt", which I just finished last week. Want to start my second now and would love to try one like Geri made, the modern one in mottled oblongs in blues/browns. Can you point me to the pattern she used? Loved ALL the projects being worked on! Thanks!

  27. One tradition we have at our retreat is to award pins when someone helps or teaches you something we just say that was 3 pin advice or 4 pin or whatever. Retreats are fun!

  28. I have only been to My Girlfriends Quilt Shoppe once this summer on the shop hop but my girls still talk about the play area with the fabric tree! They loved it and it truly is a great shop with fabulous products. Thank you for sharing your fun time with all of us!

  29. Looks like a blast! I love, love, love the witches boots quilt! Where can I can get the pattern?

  30. Looks like fun time! I love, love, love the witches boots quilt! Do you now where can I get the pattern?

  31. I love the witches boots blocks do you have this pattern that you can provide a link to. I have a friend born on halloween day and it would be great for her haha.

  32. Lori, it sure was fun to meet you again and see what you and your friends were up love love your sneaky peak at the quilt market quilt...I was so inspired by you and your girlfriends. Thanks for letting me horn in on your my mom gave me her featherweight for my birthday when I was with her on Saturday...I'm still in shock and so very excited. It is a 1948 edition and can't wait to figure out how to run it etc...

  33. What a fantastic time that looked like, wish I was there! Beautiful creations you ladies make!

  34. What a fabulous time away - always love stitching time with the girlfriends. And gorgeous quilts and projects. Bet you can't wait for next year to roll around!

  35. It looks like you all had a wonderful time!! Every project is just amazing!!!

  36. What fun I would love to go to something like that, all of the projects were just beautiful. I really loved the witches shoes, it made me giggle. It is good to see friends having a good time together.

  37. Looks like you all had a great time. All of the projects were just awesome. Especially loved the witch's shoes. Thank you for sharing!

  38. Oh it looks like so much fun. Wow what a productive group you are! Thanks for taking us along on your adventures!

  39. Wow, you guys had a wonderful time...the pictures show that for sure! Great projects....I so love the aprons!!
