Monday, October 8, 2012

My Stitchy Stunt Double...


I usually find myself running out of time as quilt market gets closer...
and I always have so many things to do that I just can't do it all myself. 

That's why I feel so lucky that I had a stunt double for this project...

And conveniently...
 she lives right in my house:-)

for the pattern she is working on!
My daughter Kassidy just turned thirteen...

She has been stitching since she was seven years old...

and she has always been a big help to me in my studio.
Right now she is stitching up my 
that is included in my Stitchy pattern:)

I just tell her what color...
what stitch...
 and how many strands to use...
 and Kassidy turns into a stitchin' machine.

Of course while she is working...
she still has to keep up with her social life...

And take a break to play with her hair...
(Kass changes her hair style about 3 times a day!)

I love having her in my studio while we work together.
I love having her 2 older brothers in there too...
but they really aren't interested in stitching. 
They just show up for the treats...haha.
(still...they are good company)

Kassidy Grace is my baby...
my only daughter...
and my BFF 
all rolled up into one cute giggly teenager.

She is always happy to help me out here and there when I'm in a time crunch...
as long as we can listen to her music...
have her fav treats on hand...
and laugh.
(of course this usually involves a shopping trip at one point...haha)

Do you have a stunt double too?


  1. What a blessing! I'm so glad you have such a great relationship with your DD and that she enjoys stitching too. She is adorable.

  2. Oh how sweet! I have stunt triples I guess since I have three daughters, Bea, Esther, and Veronica. They are 6, 4, and almost 2 and all love to help mommy sew.

  3. How fun for you, and what beautiful stitching she does too! My 30 year old daughter is my BFF in the sewing room, she knits and we laugh.

  4. Love the lollipop!! How wonderful that Kassidy enjoys stitching. I have a daughter and two boys too, but my daughter has never been interested in stitching. I would love it if we had the same hobby and interests, but not at this time :-(

  5. I don't have any stunt doubles... three boys who love the treats, though! :O) Your sweetie is precious! What a gift that she has such a mentor in you in the studio!! Wow! And with you designing fabric and all - maybe the next Mother/Daughter duo?

  6. Beautiful girl, and beautiful stitching. I think it is a lost art. You read in Little house books how Laura and Mary learned to sew as very young children, but you hardly see that any more. Your daughter is inspiring!

  7. How sweet is your daughter! I am blessed with two DD and they are my standins as well. My DD's are adults so we have less time available but we make time for it weekly.

  8. Oh how nice that you have this to share with your daughter! No stunt double for me, I have a daughter and she is so very creative but has no interesting in stitching of any kind! Enjoy your little BFF!

  9. You have a lovely daughter and her stitching is beautiful. I have a daughter who is my stunt double. She is always around to help me. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Shelbie comes closest to being my stunt double. But instead of sewing she will do other things to free me up. You'd think with 7 daughters I'd have one Kass!

  11. Love the project your stunt double is working on!! I don't have a double but I do have a son who will iron my pieces for me while I keep sewing!

  12. I have no stunt double...sigh =P
    However, your stunt double is AMAZING!!!!! That is so sweet that you are both so creative.

    p.s. I also love that she changes her hair style three times a day :)

  13. How lucky are you? This is such a sweet, sweet, post. ~Kelly

  14. What a BEAUTIFUL post!
    Yes, I have a 15 year old stunt double..But for now, she is away helping make costumes for a movie..She is so glad to be helping there and learning NEW techniques to bring home:)

  15. My daughter also stitches with me and I love it. I adore the pattern she is stitching, will the pattern be for sale? Dianntha

  16. what a darling stunt double you have.
    her stitching really is perfection.
    sewing and she plays the piano, too, right?
    lucky you.
    somewhere, as a mother, i must have gone terribly wrong.
    none of my three daughters sews or plays - both things i love!
    they all chose cheering, gymnastics, dancing, swimming, running, working out - you know stuff that doesn't require sitting down.
    i should be more like they are!!
    now they're all mothers - chasing my eight grandkids around.
    they still don't sit down!!
    and i love them all to pieces.

    p.s. {seems like i always have to add a p.s.} kassidy's hair is beautiful. do you help with the three styles a day, or can she do that awesome braid herself?

  17. I do have a stunt double, but she's only 4 so sometimes she makes more messes than she does help. That's ok though, she's still fun to have around. Your post makes me anxious for the days that she grows older and can really do something and we can create together. For now she does stuff like press the scissor button on the machine when I'm done stitching and hand me things that I need. She likes to put pins in the fabric for me too. Sometimes I give her an embroidery hoop and thread a needle and let her go to town. That usually ends up in me having to undo her 3-4 inch long stitches a few minutes later so she can redo them again, lol.

  18. I have to laugh, my daughter changed her hair quite often during the day too! I am trying to turn my kids into stunt doubles, we will see!

  19. I too have a beautifu bff/stunt double (she just turned 16). I thinks your Kass is lovely. Aren't we all so blessed to have healthy beautiful children, whatever there age. Loved your post!

  20. I also have two wonderful daughters who have been sewing with me since they were young. Now that they are grown, our time together is limited. But I do treasure the time we spend together.

  21. What beautiful work she does! She is a keeper for sure.

  22. You are so lucky! Your stunt double is an impeccable stitcher. My daughter just turned 7, guess it is time for me to start teaching her :)

  23. Lucky you! I wanted a stunt double, but my kids are not the least bit interested in anything I do :)

  24. You are soooo lucky!!! Neither of my girls are interested in sewing of any kind: it seems to skip generations in my family. Both grandmothers stitched and embroidered, but my mom? Not so much!!! :-)
    Is that stitchery pattern going to be available? I HOPE SO!! I'd love to do it!!!

  25. She is just adorable!

    Cheery wave from

  26. Awesome! and what an asset to you... a best friend and daughter that stitches!! She's beautiful.

  27. Your daughter's stitchery is fabulous...lucky you are to have your daughter, and sons, spend time in your studio!

  28. You have a very talented, pretty daughter. Luck you, Melissa : )

  29. You are definitely Blessed. Your daughter is just lovely.

  30. Your DD is a real Cutie Pie, wish I could get my girls to sew but it doesn't look like it will ever happen. How blessed you are to have a DD to share your love of creating with

  31. What a beautiful stunt double you have! Her hand work is so precise and just nice :). You have raised an e cel lent protege. I love how her nail polish matches her phone case. I can't believe how much Kassidy has grown up, time sure does fly! You need to bottle her and preserve!!!

  32. How fun! I'm jealous, my girls are the stitchery! Can I pin it?

  33. Your daughter stitched beautifully. I am blown away by how professional it looks!

  34. She is just so adorable! You are so lucky! And her stitching is amazing!

  35. Bless her heart what a sweet girl. I have two boys 14 and 11. They both sewed when they were much younger but not interested now. However they often appear in my sewing cabin at the bottom of the garden, usually because they are hungry or want something mended. I love the project your daughter is working on.

  36. My stunt double is in training as the first one showed no interest. I you Instagram lilabellelane you will see the training that she undertook today :)

  37. I have 2 beautiful daughters who were always at my side. I miss the days when they were so young. So glad your daughter enjoys being with you and helping out. So grand!

  38. You are blessed to have a BFF for a daughter! We are blessed with 5 SONS, no daughters so I have no stunt doubles!! I do love my sons and wouldn't trade them for the world but I'd take a daughter any day! I'd love to share my love of sewing, quilting, crocheting, knitting, canning, cooking, embroidery, etc. with her! Enjoy!!!

  39. By the way, I LOVE that stitchery Kassidy is working on! Where can we get that??

  40. Her stitching is lovely and so is she! What a fun time....

  41. I have a stitchy stunt double too, 12 yrs old and her embroidery is way better than mine but she not keen on using the machine- I am just grateful she sews!

  42. I only had boys, but taught two of the three to quilt. All three are gone now and I miss them terribly but on the other hand I have a lot more time to quilt. I love when all three are together - they hang out together laughing.

  43. My daughter told her husband that they should get to spend more time at our house because is has to equal the time they spend with his family and the time he spends with his best friends put together! Loved that!

  44. My stunt double is off at college now. She isn't interested in sewing but has had a lot of input into fabric purchases over the years. I teach rubber stamping and scrapbooking and she has osmosed that from me. She does way more scrapbooking than I have and uses all my stuff or is it "collection". She used many of the supplies and techniques in school projects which helped me to justify my collection.

  45. That is so special Lori! So happy you have Kassidy to stitch with you. My only daughter and I are going on a craft retreat this weekend - she is scrapbooking and counted cross stitch and I am quilting. Can't wait!

  46. You are so fortunate! She's a gem! I'm trying to create one using my dear Granddaughter. Time will tell :)

  47. tu hija es preciosa!!!!!!!!!!! y me encanta que juegue con su pelo, eres
    afortunada de tenerla junto a ti cosiendo
    besinos para las dos

  48. my daughter is also my BFF and at 24 and with 2 older brothers... our time is precious. She just started crocheting so we can spend hours with me sewing, her stiching and lots of laughter... How blessed we are to have these girls in our lives... :)

  49. Lucky you my daughter is my BFF but never in to sewing but you have a beautiful daughter who does lovely stitching.Blessings Sandra

  50. Hard as I tried, and as close as my daughter and I were while she was growing up, I just couldn't interest her in sewing/crafts.... but when she became an adult, it surfaced!! And what fun!! It jsut gets better and better, too.

  51. Great post.Love her stitching,just lovely!!

  52. Hi Lori
    Daughters are one of the best creations around. Mine are my best friends. Can we get a copy of the pattern she is doing my grand daughter would love it, or at least the name so I can get the pattern.

  53. How beautiful and how capricious is his double. I have a helper as well: is my sister, the number 5 (we are six sisters, all women and I'm the oldest). Really, is great to have someone always willing and know what to do.

  54. Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.netOctober 9, 2012 at 1:19 PM

    My 3 girls are grown and gone with families of their own, and unfortunately none of them sew. But we are going to move and will be close to our oldest daughter and her two daughters. I think one of them could become my sewing double after we move and I get to spend more time with her. Your daughter is darling, and I am so glad you have such a good relationship with her.

  55. How wonderful to have that relationship with your daughter. Not only is she beautiful, she does awesome stitching :) What fun you must have.

  56. Awe! How cute is that! I would like to have the pattern she is working on, would you mind sharing where I can purchase it? Thanks, and love the hair too, braids are so in right now!

  57. What a skilled and beautiful young woman! Mine (now 19) says she is not interested in sewing, but helps me with fabric selection and designed, cut and made the appliques for my last baby quilt. I am hoping to pass down my Viking to her and have it put to good use! A mom can always pray and hope:)

  58. I used to have a stunt double,until she grew up,got married and moved away. Enjoy the special times with your daughter :)

  59. I have three girls, none of which sew, all are Bff but if your sweet daughter would like to hang out in my sewing room, I would love to have her. Really, she is darling and her work is perfection!

  60. I love that flower project she is working on! Is the pattern available to buy somewhere?

  61. Beautiful work, Kassidy!

    My DD is my crafting buddy too but with two boys under three it's hard to find time!

  62. I dont have a stunt double but yours sounds fabulous and very talented!!

  63. I am so lucky to have four daughters who all enjoy sewing. They are all now married and I have five granddaughters who are starting to show interest in sewing. Two of them love to do embroidery. I think they would love the stitchery your daughter is working on. Can you tell me the pattern and where I can purchase it.

  64. Oh, what a cutie, and talented. My daughter lives in another state, so that makes it difficult to projects together. She's very, very busy as a math teacher and has two sons. Her busband travels much of the time with his job. She is craftsy, but does not sew. She reached a point where she no longer wanted me to sew for her. Then when she was in college, I got a call to make Halloween costumes for a frat party for her and guy. I never met him and made them corresponding Mickey and Minnie outfits. She came home on Friday evening, we picked out the patterns and fabric. She cut of the costumes. I stayed up all night sewing. Then I drove 60 mi to her university to help her with a sororiity function. They I went to her room and sewed and sewed. A friend had gone with me and she started doing the handwork. We got back home and with the shop remaining open a little late, we picked the friend's truck up at the repair shop. She thought she had lost all of her t-shirts from college. When she was home she found that Mom had retireved them and safely stored them in the closet. Now she is ready for a t-shirt quilt. I[m heading west to visit for almost two weeks and am I exicted. She was Daddy's Little Girl growing up. Now, she says she is close to me. Kaaaidy doesn beautiful work, too!

  65. You have a very cute stunt double! And she does beautiful work. Really beautiful stitching, Kassidy.


  66. Its great that she is such a wonderful helper - and I know she still is - many years later.
    I was wondering if the project Kassidy is working on is still available????
