Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Bee in my Bonnet Row Along - Row 7...Leaves!!!

Happy morning everyone!
Today is row 7 of the

Around these parts we are in the tail end of the autumn season...
so I thought it would be fitting to make a cute row of colorful falling leaves!
(Or swirling or twirling or blowing around in the chilly autumn wind leaves :-)

Start by choosing your leaf colors.
Choose fabrics and pair them up in the same colors because each leaf is one color but with 2 different fun fabrics!

Cut your squares...
and set them aside for a bit while we make the cute little stems.

Now onto sewing the stems.
Sew a brown strip to one white strip with a scant 1/4" seam allowance....
press towards the white!

Sew the remaining white strip onto the other side of the brown and press towards the white like this.

Now cut!!!

And there you go!
One easy peasy stem done.

Continue cutting.
Now set them aside and let's sew a couple of leaves.

Keep your squares paired up and cut them each in half.

Now you have rectangles.
2 rectangles make 1 leaf.

Sew the paired up sets together and press the seam open.

You will use squares to sew Easy Corner Triangles for leaves.

Sew from corner to corner on one side...

Trim ...and press towards the triangles.

Now repeat for the other side making sure you sew in the direction that will form the shape of the leaf.

Trim and press again.

Now you can sew a stem to the bottom of each leaf.
Press seam towards the stem.

Now sew a white strip to each side.

Press the seam towards the white strips.

Now that you have sewn a few leaves and you know the drill..

You can chain sew the remaining leaves to make it even faster!

Turn each leaf in a different direction as you sew them into your row so that they are twirling in the wind;-)

Sew a white strip onto each row end and trim your row so that it measures like all of the others.

Now celebrate!!!
You have 7 rows are awesome!!!

I love these little you?

The colors of autumn leaves are always so beautiful...

Our quilt is growing...

I'm looking forward to seeing all of your pictures on the
There is so much inspiration there!

I hope every one is enjoying the last little bits of autumn...I know I am.
What a beautiful world we live in!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving my friends...

***edit July 2013
The pattern and instructions for the
BIMB Row Along Quilt are in my new book
"Quilty Fun"
to reserve your copy today:)


  1. Thank you Lori! Love the leaves!

  2. This is turning into such a pretty quilt!

  3. I love those leaves!! I can not wait to make this row!! I hope to show pics soon.
    Happy Thanksgiving Lori. :0)

  4. I am so not ready for another row! Still working on the flying geese and have to do the apples and cups. And now leaves! I have decided though, that my leaves might be all shades of green and maybe a fall leaf or two!

  5. This is my first "row" quilt and I am having so much fun! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. I love the leaves! This quilt is going to be so beautiful....thank you so much!

  7. Lori thank you so much. Your diagrams and explanations are always great.

  8. Love your leaves! Thanks for the tutorial :) Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. thanks for the tut on the leaves row. I love them!! And I love the other cute rows that we've done so far: you are sew sweet to share such a fun quilt with us!!

  10. Oh yay,leaves! I am having so much fun with this :)

  11. So today I finished my flying geese and cups and hope to go at the apples this weekend and catch up. I loved the cups! Now they just need steaming coffee in them!

  12. Thanks for sharing this fun project. I am 3 rows behind, but I did 2 rows just yesterday so just a few more rainy days and I could be caught up. I have to say this has been the most enjoyable project I have worked on in quite a while and go me thinking I need an Angler!

  13. Happy Thanksgiving!!! I love seeing the quilt grow!!! It's so pretty =D

  14. This quilt is completely charming. Guess I need to jump in and start rowing! Many thanks, and a lovely holiday to you and yours.

  15. I am really enjoying this QAL. My rows are very scrappy with new colours popping in all the time. Love the pictures of rows with different background fabrics, and rows with patterned colourful background fabrics. The quilt being made with just 2 fabrics is just stunning - dark grey background and red/orange/gold blend - the quilt will be a work of art.

  16. Lori, I have enjoyed every row so far. I just want to say thanks for all your hard work getting the tutorials set up. It is like having a teacher in my sewing room with me. I don't think I would ever attempt this if I had to read a pattern.
    Thanks so much.

  17. Lori, your rows are so adorable. I don't have the time to make all the rows along with you at this time, (because of Christmas sewing ) but I hope you will leave the tutorials up so I can make this quilt up at a later date. I have so enjoyed looking at your tutorials and the many photo's on flickr. Thanks for sharing your talents with us, I know it's a lot of hard work. Speaking from experience, because I love to draw and I've made a few appliqué patterns for my own use and sometimes I procrastinate and get stalled with what block to use next. :^).
    Your fabrics are equally as cute and I hope to pick up some charms from your Polka Dot Stitches line.

  18. I love the leaves! I finally am all caught up - just in time to get behind again once I get going on all of my Christmas gifts.

    Thank you SO much for the wonderful tutorials! They are so clear and happy and fun that I have no fear of quilting! :-)
