Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A New Quilt for Dolly...Tutorial!

It just wouldn't be Christmas around here if I wasn't sewing up a few gifts.
Today's fun little project was for Dolly.

Last time I saw Dolly...
she looked a little chilled...
so I'm thinking that she needs a new quilt.
(aka - grandma wants to sew another quilt for Dolly)

If you have a cutie patootie little girl in your life...
you may want to make her this quilt for her very own Dolly.

I used scraps and the same method from 
the easy 4 patch blocks.

Supplies for this quilt;
25 - 3" x 3" squares for the 4-patch blocks
1 fat quarter for background
approximately 16" x 21" thin batting
1 fat quarter for backing
2 - 2 1/2" x 40" strips for binding
2 yards 1/2" ric-rac (optional)

Make 24 four patch blocks by clicking on my tutorial
They should each measure 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" at this point.

Cut 12 - 1" x 2 1/2" rectangles from your background and sew two 4 patch blocks together.
All seam allowances are 1/4".
Press all seams towards the background throughout...
while making your Dolly quilt.

Cut 6 - 1" x 5" strips and sew to form six blocks.
Each block should measure 5" x 5" at this point.

Lay them out and get ready to sew sashings!

Cut 4 - 1 1/2" x 5" strips and sew them in-between the blocks like this.

Now cut a strip 1 1/2" x 16" and join the two rows together.

Then add 2 side borders that measure
 2" x 16"each....
and finally add borders to the top and the bottom.
 Cut them 2" x 13 1/2".

Your quilt top is complete!
Wasn't that easy and fun?

I'm betting that Dolly will be 
wrapped and re-wrapped in this quilt about a bajillion times!
That's why I love to make things for Dolly...
they are so appreciated by sweet little hands:)

Tomorrow I'll show you how I quilted and bound Dolly's quilt...
as for now...
I'm off to a Christmas concert!


  1. So cute Lori. I love the grey background and the light pink ric rac in the binding. Dolly will love it!

  2. Oh, my goodness.... love the quilt. Love the rick-rack.

  3. Thank you so much it is gorgeous malorgeous

  4. Very cute! Your sewing is always perfect, I love to just stare at the wonderful things you have sewn :)

  5. Everything you make is so darn cute!!! Thanks for sharing the tutorial!

  6. I am going to see if I can get a couple of these done by Christmas, they are adorable

  7. I can't wait to see how you added the ric rac in because I am going to add that to the current doll quilt I am making as well. I may have to make one for my little girls sometime:) Thanks for showing this.

  8. Thank you Lori. I do love the larger pieces. My grand daughter can sew now so I'll work on this with her this Christmas vacation. Thank you again.

  9. Hi Lori, This is such a delightful project, I love it. Thanks so much for you wonderful tutorials! Also, I asked you a while back if your "Row Along" designs will stay on your blog for a while because I haven't been able to jump in yet, but I have some new cheerful fabric I'm dying to use in it. But I can't start till after the holidays. So my other question is...if you finish it and drop it off your blog, will you be releasing a pattern for it? I noticed last time I was in Material Girls that they carry most of your pattern so I will remain hopeful for the Row along too. Big Hugs...

  10. How gorgeous for dolly . I do have a new little cutie in my life but she is only 11 weeks old. So the blanket for dolly and the dolly will have to wait til next year.

    But I suppose if this new nana could make one early.
