Friday, May 24, 2013

New BaKe SaLe Patterns!!!!...

I have 3 of my 6 new 
Bake Sale patterns completed!
Pattern writing is such a long process...
thanks so much for being patient with me :)
I hope to get the remaining 3 
completed in a week or so.
Here are some photos in
 no particular order of my 3 new patterns....
I hope you like them:)

"Cherry Bake"
I couldn't resist making another cherry quilt.
A girl can never have too many
 if you are a cherry lover like I am:)

I made this quilt for my kitchen table...
it's the perfect size and is fun to 
piece using my Easy Corner Triangle method.
I also think it would be fun to make a 
larger quilt by simply making more blocks.
I made the Cherry Bake runner using the
 leftover 2 1/2" strips from piecing 
the alternate blocks in the quilt.
And of course...a cherry pillow!

"Tulip Pots"
You know how I love tulips too!
I put my Thimble Ruler to work and used the large one 
to make the pots for this quilt.
The leaves and tulips are also pieced
 using my Easy Corner Triangle method.
I wanted to show off the tulip pots
 so I designed a simple sashing of 3" squares.
My friend Sherri pieced this one for me.
I simply ran out of time and so I 
sent her a completed tulip pot block...
my Thimble Rulers...
all of my cut pieces and my drawing for the quilt.
She promptly pieced the rest and sent it back
 to me just in time to get it quilted and bound for market.
Thanks Sherri!!!

I also had to make some pillows!
(i heart pillows too)
3 Tulips in a row.
I used my small Thimble Ruler
 for the pots on the pillow:)

"Mixing it Up!"
With each collection I always like to 
design a quilt with 
a favorite vintagey item.
Of course with Bake Sale being
 the theme of my latest...
a vintage mixer quilt is 
a must for every 
vintage girl's kitchen:)

They are mixing up some yummy cakes and cookies...
and there are several 
cute spatula's to scrape the sides of the bowl.
I designed the "beater blocks" for the border to 
look like the beaters twirling
 into the batter.
We always fought over who got to
 lick the beater when I was a girl:)

The beater blocks are fun and addicting to make.
I have a quick and easy method for making them...
I want to make a whole quilt just with these blocks!
But for now...
I added a beater block table runner
 into the pattern
 as well as my Patchwork Cookie Jar Cozy.
After all...
you need a cute jar for your homemade cookies
 that you made with your vintage mixer ...right?
I bought the jar at Walmart.
It's a 1 gallon size.
 to get one for your cookies:)

All 3 of my new patterns are now listed in my etsy shop...

Thanks you so much for the overwhelming response to my new quilty barn block.
I'll have the tutorial up on Wednesday.
Have a great weekend and a quilty kind of day!


  1. Loving these new patterns - How can I possibly pick just one.

  2. oh Lori, they are ALL fabulous! Love every single one! Love the border block on the mixer pattern. And that Kitchen Mixer is just wonderful, especially with your new fabric line. You've done it again!

  3. Wow! They are all so amazing! You did a beautiful job on these projects and them all. :O)

  4. I want to be your pattern tester.... Just sayin'. :)

  5. I want to be your pattern tester... Just sayin'. :-)

  6. Each is cuter than the the previous one!! You have outdone yourself!!

  7. I love your new patterns! Any chance you will do PDF versions?

  8. Oh sweet mercy!!! Everything is SO cute!! :0)

  9. Consider the "Mixing It up" pattern ordered.
    No, really, I did just order it! :)
    LOVE it and can't wait to make a quilt of mixers!!

  10. Lori,
    You just take all the time that you need, patterns this adorable are worth waiting for. I can't wait to get my fabric and start on the cherries!
    How much fun these are!

  11. "Mixing It Up" is so great!!! Your fabrics are divine. How proud you must be. Loving it ALL...

  12. Love your new line of fabric and the patterns look great and fun to try. When I get caught up on everything else, I just might give them a try.

  13. Loving ALL of them...I just bought Mixing It Up. Cannot wait to get busy on it!

  14. I wish I could say there is one I like the best, but I can't, because I love them all.

  15. Amazing and so cute Lori!!! You are so tallented!

  16. I'm so glad I found your website! I like your style of quilts. I don't know which one to start on.

  17. I love love live all of your new patterns!!! You have outdone yourself again!

  18. As usual, your patterns for Bake Sale are all adorable--SEW sweet!

  19. These patterns are all just wonderful - sweet, charming, pretty and a lovely colour pallette.

  20. These are so cute! I especially like the mixer - wouldn't it make a cute potholder!

  21. Love all your patterns, especially the tulips! They are all sew happy and beautiful!! :-)

  22. Awesome job Lori!Love your new fabric line and love the patterns.
    It is all on my wish list :0)

    You are the best!!

  23. you have soooo much talent. I love the new line and the new patterns.

  24. Love your new line of fabrics!! Can't wait to add them to my stash. Cherry's are my favorite, and the new pattern is perfect for my kitchen!!!

  25. Awesome patterns! Can't wait to get some of that fabric!

  26. The cutest pillows I've ever seen!

  27. I normally do not "go" for kitchen quilty items, but this mixer is too darn cute. Great work!

  28. Those mixers are killing me with cuteness!

  29. Well I am awed by your new designs. Where do you find the time to come up with so many wonderful items....

  30. I just love all of these patterns but I think I NEED "Mixing it Up" first. Looking forward to seeing the other patterns.

  31. All adorable (I do wish you'd stop adding things to my want-to-make list, lol)! Love that yellow chair too! I pretty sure that by now there are at least a couple thousand quilters out there who want to live in your adorable home, everything is so cute!

  32. You must sleep in a hyperbaric chamber to give you enough energy to do all that you do! Amazing! I love them all - especially the Mixing It Up Pattern!

  33. I seriously love each and every one of your new patterns. How am I ever going to decide what to make when I want to make them all!!

  34. hello! I love all the work you do, and I'll make a quilt of circles, but can you tell me where I can buy the interlining q use? There are many different, and not what to buy, thanks

  35. hello! I love all the work you do, and I'll make a quilt of circles, but can you tell me where I can buy the interlining q use? There are many different, and not what to buy, thanks
