Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Quilty Barn Along...Barn 9...Country Crossroads Block Tutorial!...

Good Morning cute peoples!!!
It's time for Barn #9 in the 
This barn features 2 of my favorite colors...
red and yellow.
Classis farm colors.
And I really love the softness and warmth that
the brown adds too.
I don't know if you have noticed but I have been alternating
grays and browns each week for the barn roof.

Onto the block...
I designed this block especially for this barn
and I'm calling it
"Country Crossroads"

I didn't get a good picture of the cutting...
but it's simple.
Cut 4 - 3" print squares 
Cut 4 - 1 1/2" x 3" yellow strips
Cut 1 - 1 1/2" red square
Cut 16 - 1 1/4" background squares for
 Easy Corner Triangles

Sew the Easy Triangle Squares onto each corner of the 3" squares like this.

Trim and press towards the triangles and lay it out 
on your mini design board for placement.
Now simply sew together into 3 rows and join the rows together.
Press the seams towards the yellow strips on all 3 rows.
Press the 2 seams open when joining the rows together.

Wasn't that an easy peasy block?
Cute and simple.

Lay your barn block out on your large design board like this....

And build your barn!

Barn #9...
three more to go in this first quilt!

I put quilty barn #9 on my design board to 
keep my tractor and silo barn #2 company...
What do you think of the new block...
are you having fun yet???

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  1. The barns look great with the tractor parked in front of them. I have been following along,I am a little behind but enjoying every moment I can get to work on the barns. I hope to make them into a quilt for my Dad. He helped build my sisters barn in Virginia,for her 2 dairy cows. He also bought an old tractor to fix up to help get things done in the pastures.
    Thank you Lori for another wonderful block :)

  2. Oh, I just love the tractor. I'm a JD retiree.

  3. Even my husband stopped and took a second look when he saw the BEAUTIFUL Tractor. He just loved it! "You can take the boy out of the country, but not the country out of the boy". Each Barn and now tractor is so much fun to plan and make. The highlights of my days. Thanks again, Lori.

  4. Que lindo, tambem estou montando casas para um trabalho em quilt, até o fim de semana deve ficar pronto...

  5. Fantastic job, congratulations
    A hug

  6. They look so cute together on your design board!!! I love them =D

  7. I LOVE Wednesdays right now, I can't believe how fast they come around. Great block as always!

  8. I just have to say the main reason I follow your blog is because you are so darn cute! I love how cheerful you always are and funny! Not to mention all the stuff I have learned about quilting! Thanks for making my day!
