Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Four Square...A New Gracie Girl Pattern!!!...

I'm so excited to share my new 
pattern with you! 

It has directions to piece 4 modern quilts
 with a feminine flair...
all in one pattern:)


When Kassidy and I designed this collection...

she knew that she wanted a lot of Gracie Girl quilts in her room.
She wanted each of them large enough to fit her bed...

and also large enough to snuggle in while watching a movie.

She helped with the designing of all four of these quilts...
and pieced the Shuffle quilt entirely by
 herself in just a few short evenings.

No matter how old we are...
there is always a sense of accomplishment when we finish
piecing a quilt.

Do you remember your first quilt?
Do you have someone in your life that wants to learn?

This Shuffle quilt...
as well as the other 3 quilts in this pattern
 were designed especially for this reason!!
Kassidy and I want others to experience the fun of sewing together:)

We decided that each quilt needed to have 5 things
 to fit the requirement for a beginning pattern.

1. Each one should use pre-cuts for the prints...
making it easy for the beginner to sub-cut into strips or squares.

 The Shuffle quilt uses a 3 1/2" Rolie Polie
 (which is a standard Gracie Girl precut) 

2. Just one color of solid fabric for the background...
making fabric selection easy peasy!

We chose a light pink for Shuffle that I just happen to have in my stash.

There are several colors in Gracie Girl so there
 are many solid background colors out there to choose from:)

3. Very easy to piece so that the only thing
 the beginner needs to concentrate on is 
sewing a straight seam with a 1/4" seam allowance.

4. Fast to put together...so your beginner does not get bored.
(or you either...haha)

5. Cuteness factor of course!!!
We designed these quilts for the young...
as well as the young at heart:)

Next up is Flip-Flop.

Here is Flip-Flop on the runway at the Riley Blake Fabric fest...

Flip -Flop uses 2 1/2" pre-cut strips...

And Navy background...
which is a Riley Blake Designs solid.
We love how it makes all of the Gracie girl colors pop!

This quilt may look hard to put together...
but I promise that it is way easy:)

Each block is the same...
you just flip every other one as you sew it together.
(Which is why Kass named it Flip-Flop)

Here we have Pixie Stix.

And here is Pixie Stix on the runway:)

This quilt uses 3 1/2" Gracie Girl precuts...

 and features
 two rows of colorful pixie stix...

one of Kassidy's favorite candy:) 

We chose to use orange for the background in this quilt...
We love love love it!!!

The orange is a Riley Blake solid called Pumpkin.

This quilt is made up of rows instead of blocks... 

Very easy to cut and sew together quickly:)

The fourth quilt in the pattern is Twirl...

I named this quilt after Kassidy who is constantly twirling across her room!
(She is a dancer...in case you didn't know)

"Twirl" on the runway!

Twirl is made up of 2 1/2" precut strips
 and a white background for the twirl blocks.

We chose a green solid for the sashing and border fabric
 in this traditional yet modern looking  quilt.

The green is Jade...also a Riley Blake solid.

We love the green and white together...
a nice contrast to the "twirls"!!!

by Lori and Kassidy Holt

We decided to name 
the pattern itself
 Four Square...
one of my favorite games 
that I used to play at recess.

We hope you like it!

 if you want to play Four square too!
Have a quilty kind of day...


  1. Love these quilts and any one of them would be a great first, make it all by myself quilt, for my grandaughter Isla Grace(my little twirling Gracie Girl). She and I are such big fans of you and Kassidy.
    I had the privilege of seeing those beautiful quilts strutting their stuff on the runway at the Riley Blake Fabric Fest:)
    I am heading right over to your shop to order Four Square so we can play along:)

  2. Cute patterns, I like their simplicity. We still play 4 square and we are in our 50's!

  3. Cute collection of patterns - fun!

  4. I loved Four Square as a kid, too!

    I love the clock fabrics best. :)

  5. What beautiful, fun quilts! I love that you chose colored backgrounds, the pink is my fav. What a great time the two of you must have had designing and working together. Gracie Girl is an wonderful collection. Keep cranking out the awesomeness!

  6. My daughter will love this! She has been wanting to do her own quilt for a while so these will be perfect to introduce her too! I am just a beginner myself at 28 but my daughter is 10 so it is perfect timing :)

  7. How fun to put all 4 patterns in one place. They each look so do-able, and of course are the cutest with your Gracie Girl fabrics.

  8. The pattern appears to be sold out...how can I order one? Please! Love your fabric & posts!

  9. Oh I just love every single one of these! So cute and simple yet look elegant and complicated!! You are such an inspiration. I love all of your work!

  10. WOW!!! Love the patterns and the color selection you used. This pattern will definitely be on my wish list along with the fabrics you used.

  11. Just ordered your new pattern. I LOVE the thought that you and Kassidy created this together...The mother/daughter connection is SO important..

  12. I love these quilts. I wish my granddaughter lived closer so we could sew together.

    I, too, LOVED playing four square growing up. I learned about it and how to play in Junior HIgh and taught it to my kids and even when I volunteered at elementary school during recess I showed those kids how to play also. Fun fun fun.

    Great quilts!!

  13. Oh Lori!
    Thank you so much for doing his....creating quilt patterns for the new beginner. Oh sure I could of searched books and then tried to make it appeal to my daughter but you have mad eit all so much fun! Cute patterns, cute fabric, what's not to love! My daughter who is soon to be turning 12 received her 1st Bernina last year and we have been sewing together. It's such a wonderful time and she loves it. I am going to order some Gracie girl fabric and a pattern for her for her birthday because she doesn't need much and this would be so fun to do together! Her favorite color is orange so my mind is made up on what one shell pick! :). Thank you! Thank you!

  14. Well I am the beginner (at 51) and I appreciate the easy patterns! I can't wait to try them, and I have your new book on pre-order!!! :-)

    Paige Gonzalez

  15. Stumbled to your blog from Clover & Violet. Your blog is so warm, cozy and inviting. I'm deeply moved by the work you and your daughter have done TOGETHER. Simply wonderful.
