Monday, February 10, 2014

The Quilty Fun Sew Along - Week 13 - Fall Leaves!!! ...

Good morning cute people!
Are you ready for some quilty fun?

I sure am because today is

We are now into week 13…
the cute and colorful fall leaves:)

This week is hosted by my sew sweet friend Jodi at Pleasant Home.
 to get this weeks details…
 and to see her cute version
 of my fall leaves quilty:)

This is Jodi and Sherri in my studio a few weeks ago:)

Jodi and I live far apart (I'm in Utah and she's in Oregon)... 
but we met through blogging and we soon became fast friends 
when she and her husband came to visit me here 
and we shopped and talked quilting all day 
while Mr. Honey took her husband fishing.
Now they are fast friends too!
Since then Jodi has visited several times.

Jodi and Sherri stopped by for lunch and a visit 
2 weeks ago on their way to Quiltbliss:)
What a fun afternoon!
My friend Sherri lives in Nevada
 and by the way…
she will be hosting week 16 of our sew along
 over on her blog A Quilting Life.

Okay…back to the fall leaves:)
You will need to make 4 leaves only for the Quilty Fun Sampler...

Here are mine that I made for my sampler while on retreat last year at 
My Girlfriends Quilt Shoppe in Logan…what a fun place!

I hope you are all having sew much fun making the sampler…
I love seeing all of your pictures on the 

Have a quilty kind of day…
and sew it like you mean it!!!


  1. Loved seeing them on your blog. Great gals. And the table topper is perfect with leaves. I want to make one!

  2. Yes, I am having FUN! Quilty Fun is the Bestfun with all the SNOW and winter happening outside. Mine is being sewn from all my lovely 30's repros and I just love playing in those. Thansk for making this quilt for a FUN Blog Tour

  3. It's so nice that you have made 'real life' friends with online quilters Lori! and your husbands, what a bonus! xo

  4. How cute!! When I first saw your blog today & the mini quilt pictured at the top I thought if the blue fabric were green, what a cute Christmas quilt with colored lights. :)

  5. Lori:

    I just want you to come to my house and decorate it! I love your house, your fabrics, your book, etc. Better stop, I am sounding like a stalker!!

  6. I love the colors you use and like to see how you use in your projects. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I very much enjoy this quilty sew along! We've finished the left column. What are the measurements to sew them together?
