Monday, November 17, 2014

Have Yourself a Quilty Little Christmas - an Instagram Sew Along !!!

I thought I would tell you about 
something fun that I'm doing on

It's a little Christmas quilt
 sew along using my book
Quilty Fun as our manual.

Basically what I did is
 just grab a bunch of fabrics
 from my stash and added a
 few Christmas prints in as well…
and started sewing blocks from
Quilty Fun that work
 perfectly for Christmas!

I've introduced and will introduce
 a few new blocks 
that I have designed 
especially for this sew along
 that are not in the book. 
 I have cutting and tutorials
 on my Instagram feed for those blocks.

For those who are new to 
or haven't joined yet…
Please do!
You just need to quickly
 create an Instagram account
and then
you can join up
 with us and sew along:)
If you need help
ask your kids!!!

It's super easy and fun:)
If you want to make new blocks 
designed by me like 
"Mr. Cookie" shown below 
joining up is how you
 access my Instagram tutorial.

You can find me on Instagram by
or on the the link above
 on the right side of my blog or...

Just type in my user name 
on the Instagram search bar…
(my user name is beelori1)
and follow me by simply 
clicking on the word 
 Once you are following me…
 you will see every time that I post or
 add another block to the sew along.

When you do find me…
this is what my 
profile page looks like.

Let me tell you how to
 find my tutorials 
from my profile page.

 I have a picture on my 
profile page that 
represents each post.

All you have to do is scroll down
 and you will see all 
of my pictures that I have posted.

The very first post 
is at the bottom…
and my very latest post
 is at the top left 
which you can see 
is my "Vintagey Ornament"
 block for the sew along.

When you see a photo 
that you would like to 
know more about,
 simply click or touch that photo 
and that post will pop right up 
along with all of my instructions
 as well as everyone 
else's comments and questions
 about that particular post.

Another thing that is fun 
about the sew along is
 seeing everyone else's pictures 
of their blocks all in one place.

When anyone posts a block 
they have sewn for the 
sew along they add
to their post.
What this does is add their photo
 along with their post 
onto the same page as 
all of the others who 
have used the same # 
with that title.

You can scroll down and
 look at them all
 for inspiration and even 
click onto their picture 
to bring up their post 
to read more about it.

It's a lot of fun and
 there is a huge supportive 
quilting community there:)

If you don't already have 
a copy of my book
that we are using
for the sew along
you can get one 

Have a quilty kind of day 
and I hope to see you
 on Instagram!


  1. WOW you were a busy stitcher while we slept. I'm following you on IG now. Fun blocks! Gotta get out some cute Christmas prints and make the 9 blocks to catch up to you now.

  2. Lori,
    Thank you for this super fun sew along on IG! I'm having so much fun participating! Quilty Fun is such a great book. I've had it since it came out and I go back to it time and time again for new projects :0)

  3. I have your book and thank you for having this SAL.

    Patricia C

  4. Oh Lori - Love how you said - "Just ask your kids" - that's how the world goes around!
    You've been the first person to get me following blogs and checking my Emails 'every day' and then to join flickr and pinterest - I've been digging in my heals for instagram....but, I just can't resist your blocks - I just 'heart' them!! So here goes.....!
    Thanks Lori!

  5. Hi Lori! You fill my quilty heart's desire in every way...your colors, fabrics, designs...I love them all. Thanks for sharing your talent and designs with us! I very much enjoy your posts and seeing peeks into your cute cute studio. So fun! Ness

  6. Okay, I figured it out and we are on block # 9. No, I can't be that far behind already as I just found out about it.

  7. It's such a fun sew along! Thanks for being such a good host!

  8. Hi Lori, I've been following you on Instagram for a while and seeing your Quilty Little Christmas blocks showing up everywhere. I've been holding out, but this weekend I finally caved and made the house block. Now I've got my work cut out for me! Thank you for such a beautiful Christmas gift!

  9. What is my most favorite (besides the designs) in your book is the cutting instructions layout! It is super easy and my favorite! I wish ALL would use your format!

  10. so cute!! ive been watching, just not sure if I have enough time to start another project right now!! but you never know......

  11. I've been watching these cute blocks on instagram and now that I'm almost out of the woods with deadlines I'm going to join in this weekend and play catch up - can't wait !!

  12. Such a fun looking quilt: why do you do this to us?!!! :-D Mr Gingerbread man is super cute, and I really don't need another quilt to sew right before Christmas, but who can resist? LOL I guess I'll be setting up an istagram acct!! Hugs, H in Healdsburg

  13. Thank you for such a nice invite!! It is so nice to feel wanted. haha I joined Instagram just a little while ago and love all your pictures!!!!

  14. YAY! The more the Merrier ;) Thanks again Lori! I simply love your style and am loving your awesome quilt along!!

  15. I have had so much fun playing along with this sew along! I love the fact that everything is on instagram and it's so inviting! Everyone is so supportive and I love seeing everyone's blocks! I pretty much stalk the #haveyourselfaquiltylittlechristmas feed! ;) Thanks again Lori!


  16. Where did you find your cute vintage Christmas fabric? It reminds me of the pretty wrapping paper when I was little :)

  17. I have absolutely loved seeing all the adorable blocks everyone is making on instagram, using your super cute patterns!!
    Have a wonderful day!

  18. So cute! That Christmas fabric with the kids singing is my fave of all time! I'm down to about a 5" square of it now... Just can't use the last piece! :-)

  19. I am doing my happy dance . . .Why? Because I found you're amazing blog. I'm in hog heaven. I do not see a place to follow, so I'm adding you to my blog list . . . I do not want to miss a single post. Thank you Lori, this is going to be so much help to me and such an inspiration.
    Your new blogging sister, Connie . . . Glad to meet you :)

  20. I miss you on the blog! I don't have Instagram and I know it is not an option for me. I would love to make your gingerbread man. He is so cute! Hope to see you on the blog again. I know you must be terribly busy with all of the new and exciting projects you have going. Thanks for continuing to create and share with us. Love ya- K-

  21. You've been quiet lately. Hope everything is ok.

  22. I just want to say that I miss your blog! Instagram is harder for me to follow. :( I would like to thank you though, for your tutorials. I have learned how to make up my own blocks after following your technique. I started because I wanted to make a house quilt and found your house quilty block, plus your barn-a-long. I have now designed and sewn about 30 DIFFERENT houses! They have been lots of fun. So, thank you!! (maybe someday I'll get a smartphone and can show you the pictures on instagram)

  23. lori, i think my husband got tired of listening to me talk about your book and how much i wanted to make your christmas quilt because i got your book and fabrics for christmas! i was such a good girl this year, lol. can't wait to get started on it and i hope i can find the beginning of the instagram instructions.
    i absolutely love your book, thank you
