Friday, July 3, 2015

Farm Girl Friday - Week Ten! ...

Good morning!
It's time for another episode of 
Farm Girl Fridays!

Today we are talking about my 
Gingham Block

This was one of the 
very first blocks to design
for the book…
gingham is classic farm girl style
and you all know how much I love my gingham:)

Someday I'll be making a big quilt 
just from my gingham blocks
but for right now…
I'm happy with my gingham runner!

I love how it looks on my table.
I made the centerpieces by painting 
4 large tomato sauce cans and 
then wrapping them in burlap and lace.
I put a vintage milk bottle in each can
and put daisies in each one.
A simple farm girl style project!

Instructions for my Gingham block
are on page 36 of my book
Farm Girl Vintage
If you want to join our sew along
to grab a copy and get started!

I decided to make a cute little project
starting with the 12" Gingham block:)

A tip about choosing fabric for this block
is that you need to make sure that 
 there is plenty of contrast between
the two colors…
otherwise you will lose the gingham look:)

I started out by cutting 
the squares for the block
and then cut a few more to add an extra row
Making it a 14" block instead...
because I wanted to make a pillow and 
I already had a pillow form that size:)

After quilting…
I chose these two cute prints by my friend 
Pam's Pam Kitty Garden Collection
for the envelope pillow back.

I often use this method for the back of my pillows because
its easy to take the pillow form out

And turn them into wall art!
These photos are from my book 
and it includes instructions on 
exactly how I do the back of my pillows:)

I chose to use red for the binding.
I think it finished super cute and
 was super fast and simple to make!

I can also use it as a 
cute little table topper 

in my farm girl kitchen...

Or insert the pillow form and 
have a super cute pillow!

Every farm girl kitchen 
should have a gingham pillow:)

Next farm girl block 
for this week is on page 35 and is my 
Furrows Block
Another classic and super simple one.
I chose to make scrappy flying geese
and name the block Furrows
to represent the look of a pasture after
 it's just been plowed and ready for planting!

Last night I decided to whip up a few 12" Furrows blocks.
I grabbed my 3 1/2" scrappy stash basket
and quickly cut some geese:)

Chain pieced them...

And soon they were ready to be sewn into
(background is Swiss Dots by Riley Blake in Navy)

I made 9 blocks and laid them out on the floor
for placement auditions.
Each block represents a plowed pasture.
I turned each block a different direction and 
now I have 9 scrappy happy acres 
plowed and ready for planting!

I could easily add more blocks to this quilt
but I just may stop here because a 
36" square quilt would be a super cute table topper!

Thanks for joining me for week ten
of my Farm Girl Fridays Sew Along...

to see the schedule and to
 visit this weeks guest bloggers!

Now go put on some 
gingham and plow your fields!


  1. Great post! You must be amazing at time management or else you never sleep. How you get so much done, take care of and enjoy your family is amazing. Love all you do!

  2. Love, love, love all your added new ideas and energy each week - (even after 3 retreat sessions - wow) :)! I'm not as fast, as each block gives me a whole new project idea. Your gingham table runner was one of my first loves though - I love my gingham fabric and this was a must have for my kitchen. Most of your blocks, so far, have turned into smaller quilts from your patterns in the book. Love the fun Lori, thanks!

  3. I enjoy reading about your process! I will be doing some block x atch up today. These extra projects are super cute... especially the chick pillow next to yhe gingham pillow! Thanks for the inspiration! Happy 4th Lori!

  4. i cant tell you enough how much i love this book.i work in a quilt shop and when your book came out, we all looked thru it and said we need to do a BOM!! everyone that works in the store made blocks/quilts!!! and to date we have sold over 40 books and are sold out again!!! thats incredible and says something about how truly awesome this book is! smooch!!!

  5. Love your creativity, practicality, and projects!!! Happy Independence Day!

  6. I had just ordered your book when I went into my local quilt shop looking for some fabric. The owner asked what I was working on, I told her I was waiting for the Farm Girl Vintage book. She dragged me over to the classroom area where they were working on YOUR BLOCKS! Had an entire area set up with "farm girl vintage" fabrics. Today I received my copy of the book and was so amazed at the touching forward, the very well written instructions, and the bonus projects in the back. Best quilt book I've purchased in the past year. The spiral binding was an added touch of brilliance! Can't wait to get started!
    Thanks so much Lori. I really enjoy your blog.
