Monday, February 15, 2016

BLOOM Sew Along - Week Five - Block Five!!

Today is week 5...YaY!

We get to start on the second row:)

if you are just 
getting started and need the
 free pattern
for the BLOOM quilt.

And...if you the
 BLOOM Sew Simple Shapes

Let's get started with Block Five:)

Choose your fabrics...
and grab your templates
A-1  A-2  A-9  A-10

Cut from BOTH fabric and Pellon:
2 - 3" squares for flowers
2 -  2" squares for centers
2 - 2" x 3" for large leaves
2 - 2" squares for small leaves

Cut long stem 5/8" x 6"
Cut small stem 5/8" x 5"
Cut background 9" square

Trace your shapes onto the Pellon...

Place onto the right side 
of your fabric and stitch.

Trim seam approximately 1/4" around stitching
and cut an "X" in the Pellon only.

Press your shapes after turning right side out like I showed you in 

Now prepare for appliqué:)
I did not press any creases
 in my background square.
I started by measuring in 2 3/4"
 from the left edge for the long stem...

And 2 1/2" from the right edge 
for the short stem.
Glue baste or pin them both into place.

Measure 1 1/2" down from the top for the large flower...

And 2 1/2" from the top for the small.
Baste the yellow centers on the flowers as well.

The large leaf is 1" from the left edge...

As well as the small leaf.

There is about 1/4" between the flower bottoms and the top of the leaves.
Glue baste or pin into place and appliqué!

After appliquéing...cut your border pieces.
This is before I trimmed my block to 8 1/2" square.

This photo is after I trimmed my block.
Notice that I started to appliqué my stems a
 little more than 1/4" up from the edge 
so that when I trim my block I do not trim off my stitching.
if you do happen to trim off your stitching...
just make sure that you sew the 
bottom border on right away to 
protect your trimmed stem edges from unraveling:)

And your block 5 is complete!

Please use the hashtag
on your social media when posting...
we want to sew your progress
and fabric choices!

Until next week...
Where you're Planted!


  1. Love it. I'm glad you added the tip about appliqueing the stem. I used that on block 1 with success.
    I notice in this block you didn't spell out exactly which templates to use, but I see in the photo that we need A-1, A-2, A-9, and A-10. I hope that is correct.
    This looks like an easy block to do. I'm still on block 2, but I'll catch up!

  2. I may have missed the tip for smooth circles and smooth edges. I have noticed how perfect your shapes are and I don't seem to produce the same smooth edges. I do have the tool for shaping them but mine do not look as nice as yours. Any hint on the nice edges would be helpful. Love this project.

  3. I agree-everything looks so perfect. What I have done to make my shapes better, is to even things out with my hand applique. I find I can tuck under any peaks that might appear. If not, I have learned to live with the imperfections and to just enjoy working on all the blocks.

  4. I love coming to look at all the beautiful quilts. It makes me even more adamant that when my littles get bigger. Im going to try it!
    I also luv luv your thrifting trips. Hoping to see more posts on those soon.

  5. This quilt makes me so happy. It's wonderfully cheerful and bright. I was wondering if you might design a very cute bee button to put on a few of these blocks after the final quilting is done, of course, one that would accent your "bee in my bonnet" name. I'd love a few.

  6. I love this method for applique, and I adore the templates. I have another pattern I'd like to use it with, but it includes a few very tiny pieces. Do you use the pellon with tiny pieces (like a bird's beak), or do you use a more traditional method?
