Monday, April 11, 2016

BLOOM Sew Along - Week Thirteen - Block Thirteen!!

Welcome to the 
BLOOM Sew Along

So far we have 3 rows completed...
it's been sew much fun 
doing appliqué with you:)

I love using my 
Sew Simple Shapes
and I hope you do too!

if you need a set of your own:)

Today is block thirteen.
We have used this flower shape before but turned it differently:)

Here are my fabric choices for this week.
We are using
A-1   A-2   A-11   A-23
BLOOM Sew Simple Shapes 

From fabric and Pellon both:
Cut 1 - 5" square for the flower
Cut 1 - 3" squarer the large circle
Cut 1 - 2" square for the small circle
Cut 2 - 2" x 3 1/2" for leaves

From fabric only:
Prepare a 4" stem
Cut a 9" square for background

1. Trace the shapes onto the Pellon.
2. Place Pellon with fabric and sew on the traced line. 
Trim approximately 1/4" past traced line.
3. Cut an "X" in the Pellon only for turning.
Clip the 4 "cleavage" areas in the flower...
clip to your stitching but not into it.
4. Turn right side out...shape and press.

Press your background square in half like this to mark the center...
place the stem in center even with the bottom edge. 

Place your flower on top of the stem and 1 1/4" down from the top edge.

The leaves are 1 3/4" up from the bottom edge:)

Center the two circles and pin or glue baste everything into place.

Appliqué your block using 
the method that you have chosen:)

When your appliqué is complete...
cut the borders and squares and 
sew your block together:)

Take a photo and hashtag it

I really love this one and I think the 
double circle in the center is fun!

Block fourteen is next week...
I'll see you then!


  1. This one looks like a quickie!! I'm getting SO much better at circles and points and I enjoy working on such a cheerful quilt.
    Thanks, again!

  2. I was late buying the templates, was going to do the quilt later when I had completed all my projects but couldn't wait, started Friday. Got five done, 7 cut out, loving them. Thank you sooo much. Sharon x
