Monday, May 23, 2016

BLOOM Sew Along - Week 19 - Block 19!!!

Good morning cute people!

Can you believe that we are 
nearing the end of our 
But don't worry...
if you are just getting started.
My tutorials will remain on my blog just for you:)
to download my free pattern 
for the BLOOM quilt.

to purchase a 
Calico Days fabric kit for the quilt.

to get the BLOOM Sew Simple Shapes
to make the blocks:)

These shapes are so fun...
and make it so easy to do cute and easy appliqué blocks!

Today is block nineteen:)
We are using 
A-1   A-2   A-11
Sew Simple Shapes

Here are the prints that I've chosen from my
 Calico Days fabric collection for the appliqués.

From BOTH fabric and interfacing:
Cut 4 - 3" squares for the flowers
Cut 4 - 2"squares for the flower centers
Cut 4 - 2" x 3 1/2" for the leaves
Cut 1 - 2" square for the center circle

Cut a 9" x 9" square for your background
Prepare 2 - 5 1/2" long stems

1. Trace your shapes onto the interfacing.
2. pair up with the fabric and sew onto traced line. 
Trim an approximate 1/4" seam allowance.
3. Cut an "X" in the interfacing for turning.
4. Turn using the Clover turning tool.
When you are happy with their

Prepare your background square by pressing in half both ways like this.

Place your stems in the center diagonally.

Now tuck your leaves into the cleavage of the stems like this.

Measure 1 1/2" down from the outside corners and place your flowers.

Center your remain circle and pin or glue baste into place.

Use your method of choice to stitch down the appliqués...
either by machine or by hand.

Either way...
I like to start with the outside pieces and work my way inside:)

When appliqué is complete...
press from the back only and trim your block down to 8 1/2" square.

Choose and cut your border strips and squares...

And sew together your

I super love this block! 
Once again...
I know that I say this all the time
but this one is my favorite!

Next week we will be doing the last block...
which makes me happy and sad at the same time:)

See you then!


  1. Such a pretty block, I'm enjoying sewing and learning along the way with you- thanks so much!

  2. love this block!! maybe my favorite!!
