Monday, May 2, 2016

BLOOM Sew Along - Week Sixteen - Block Sixteen!!

Happy Monday!

Today is the BLOOM Sew Along...

And we are blooming block 16:)

That means we have four rows completed in the 

to download the free pattern

 to get the BLOOM Sew Simple Shapes
 if you are just getting started:)

Here are my fabrics choices for today:)
We will be using 
A-6   A-8   A-9   A-11

From both fabric and Pellon:
Cut 1 - 3 1/2" x 5 for large oval
Cut 1 - 2" x 3" for small oval
Cut 2 - 2" x 3 1/2" for large leaves
Cut 2 - 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" for small leaves

Cut your background fabric 9" square
and prepare your stem 6" long.

1. Trace around the shapes onto the Pellon.
2. Pair up the Pellon with the fabrics... 
sew and trim.
3. Cut an "X"in the Pellon for turning.
4. Turn right side out...shape appliqués using the turning tool and Press.

Press your background square in half 
and place the stem in the center like this.

Place the oval by measuring down 1 1/4"
 from the top edge of your background fabric.

Place the bottom leaves
 1 1/4" up from the bottom edge.

And place the small leaves like this:)

Pin or glue baste everything into place
 and appliqué in your chosen method:)

Cut your border squares and strips...

And sew your 
I love the double leaves don't you?

Sew the fourth row onto your quilt and...
 admire all of your blocks that you have made so far. 
Only four more to go!

1 comment:

  1. So cute and it looks easy. Things are getting so much easier now that we are on block 16:)
    Is there any possibility of your posting a video showing us how you actually sew your circular shapes? I'm getting better, but they still aren't as nice as yours. As much as I sew, lift the presser foot, and continue, I still get flat places that I can't push out with the tool.
