Monday, September 19, 2016

Cozy Christmas Sew Along - Week Six - Block Six!!

Good morning cute people!
Today we are almost halfway through our 
Cozy Christmas Sew Along:)

But even though we are
 already halfway into this...
it's super easy if 
you are just starting now:)

First you will 
need the free pattern:
to download it

Then you will need the 
Cozy Christmas 
Sew Simple Shapes

to get a them:)

We are using 
Cozy Christmas fabric 
to make the quilt...
you can check with your
 favorite quilt shop 
to purchase the kit!

I took this screen shot 
on my iPhone to show you 
the right side bar of my blog roll.

You can see that I have 
each week of our sew along 
to click on and view
 so that you won't miss anything!

Each weeks tutorial 
will remain on my blog 
and I will keep adding 
each week as we go along.

Simply scroll down and 
click on the week 
that you would like to view.

Obviously you are 
on my blog right now...
and if you look to the right 
and cannot sew the right sidebar...
 that means you are 
using your cell phone
 and will need to scroll down
 and click on
"view web version"

With all of that being said...
Let's get started with block six!


Here are my fabric choices
 for the appliqués:)

to download the 
cutting guide 
for each shape...

And cut your fabric 
and interfacing.

Cut a 5" long piece of 
ric-rac for the stocking trim.

I'm using the mint and pink 
little bells print
 for the border on this block:)

Trace all of your shapes 
onto the interfacing.

Measure in 3/4" from the 
bottom of the stocking cuff 
and mark a line.

Top stitch the ric-rac 
into place on the line
 before you sew the 
interfacing and fabric together.

Stitch on your marked lines and
 trim an approximate
 1/4" seam allowance.

For the stocking piece...
 I left the top open for turning 
since the raw edge will be
 tucked underneath the cuff.

Cut an "X" in the interfacing on
 the other 3 pieces for turning:)

Clip the inside curve in the 
stocking seam allowance 
so that when you turn it 
right side out 
through the top opening...
it will lie flat after 
shaping and pressing...

Like this:)

Place your stocking 
onto the background 
by measuring 3/4" 
up from the bottom...

And 1 1/2" from the
 right side edge.

Now place the cuff by
 measuring 3/4" 
down from the top edge.

Place the heel and toe pieces 
over the stocking 
and pin into place for appliqué.

After applique...
embroider the hanging loop!
I used all 6 strands and 
a backstitch...and my 
 for matching the colors:) 

After embroidery...
sew the little bells inner border:)

Then sew and layout your flying geese and 
half square triangles to form 
the pieced star border!

I just love pieced 
scrappy borders...don't you?

And now your 
is complete and ready 
to add to your quilt.

You can of course...
sew the two top rows together now 
or save that until we are finished
 with all of the blocks.

This is sew fun!


  1. Lori - my youngest daughter just recently discovered all my Cozy Christmas blocks and fell in love with them. She is a teacher and wondered if she could take it to school to show for Christmas - when it was done. This really warmed my heart and should warm yours for designing such a Cozy and Happy Christmas Quilt! (Maybe soon I can update my old phone and be able to also hook up with instagram, so I can share my blocks)!

  2. Lori, I recently found your fabric in a LFS and I love that you have designed it so one yard gives us so many fat quarters of your line! Its genius! Thank you for noticing the obvious and doing us all a big favor!!
