Sunday, November 13, 2016

Sew Cherry 2! ...and Announcing the Sweetie Pie Sew Along!!

I'm super excited to
 announce my next sew along!
I know we are still making 
fun things for my 
Cozy Christmas Sew Along
(I'll have a new tutorial up tomorrow)
but I've been getting a ton of emails
 asking me what's next...
 so I thought I would 
give y'all a heads up
 about what we are making 
and the supplies needed:)

This is my 
Sweetie Pie Quilt
and it's what we will be making!

I'm so excited about it...
it's going to be the
 perfect spring/summer quilt:)

to download my free pattern

You're invited to join me
 and I hope you do
 because this is really
 going to be a fun one:)

Here are my new Sew Simple Shapes called
Fruit Salad
for obvious reasons:)

 I designed this set especially for the 
 but there are so many other things
 that we will be doing with them.


to get them:)

This is my Pie Ruler.
I also designed it to 
make the "pies" in my 
Sweetie Pie Quilt
I can't wait to show you how!
These blocks really make a statement 
and because of that...
 some think they are super hard...
but guess what?
They really are 
super fast and easy peasy.

to get your ruler

We will also be using my 
Sew-In Interfacing
and I just want to say thank you 
for all of your wonderful feedback about it.
It really does make my
 easy appliqué method even easier!

to get a package:)

We will also be using my Aurifloss for the touches of embroidery:)

to purchase my Aurifloss set.

I also have a new set of
 Aurifil coming out 
especially for my 
Sew Cherry 2 fabric!

I will use it for both 
machine and hand appliqué:)

to purchase:)

Here is my Sew Cherry 2 fabric 
that will be here 
in just a few short weeks.
You can get your
 Sew Cherry 2 fabric kit 
for the sew along by 
checking with 
your favorite quilt shop:)

Of course I put cherries on the selvedge!

These prints are in the fat quarter panels.

These are a few of the prints
 available as yardage...

These are also fat quarter panels.
I drew these from my memory of 
what the vintage wallpaper in my 
grandma's downstairs bedroom looked like:)

There are 6 ginghams prints
 in my new Sew Cherry 2 collection...
and you know how happy that makes me!

I know that I keep saying this 
but I'm sew excited!

For those of you who may not know...
Sew Cherry 2 is a reprint from my 
very first fabric collection 
Sew Cherry 
that I designed 8 years ago.

I kept everything pretty much the same
 as the original with just a few color and 
scale changes here and there.

The print above is my kitchen curtains which are now faded so I can't wait to sew more when it gets here:)

I also added several more prints 
as well as the fat quarter panels.

These are just a few of the prints that I'm showing you now...
trust me...
there is so much more to play with!

So now you know why 
this collection is 
so close to my heart ...
and why I hope that 
you'll join me in
 celebrating it...
 all through the sew along:)



  1. Yay!! What a perfect project for those winter months. Your Sew Cherry 2 Fabric looks absolutely delicious - as does your new quilt pattern!

  2. Another beautiful project! Can't wait to get this one made!

  3. So excited to sew this quilt! I LOVE IT!!!!!

  4. Thank you for the pattern! I'll be excited to start!

  5. What is the name of the kit so i will know what to ask for when i call around to find it. I got rulers etc at quilt market. Thanks

  6. Lori, Sew Cherry came out the same time I retired, started a blog, rekindled my love of quilting, and bought my first full line of quality quilt store fabric which was (drum roll please)...SEW CHERRY!!!!!!!! I especially loved the white with red cherries since it was a reminder of my mother's kitchen. In fact, the entire fabric line reminded me of the fabric of my childhood in the 1950's. At the time, being a newbie, I didn't know fabric lines went out of print!? I had bought just enough Sew Cherry for a particular quilt project.....why didn't someone Warn me? Lesson Learned!
    I have stalked online fabric stores and/or individual fabric sellers looking for Sew Cherry fabric. I eventually amassed a good enough stock of Sew Cherry to make a few things but I am so very stingy I can hardly bare to cut or use my SC fabric. One time, my 7 yr old granddaughter, unbeknownst to me at the time, cut up a fat quarter piece of SC fabric trying to make a doll dress. I hate to admit to just how sad and upset I was although I held it together and nicely suggested she only use the fabric in my scrap boxes. It was a real toss up between my love for my only granddaughter and my love for my SC yard of White W/ Cherries fabric!!! I'm being sarcastic of course but it was close!!!! LOL!!!
    Sew, you can imagine my Joy at learning my Beloved Sew Cherry Fabric is BACK!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
