Monday, February 20, 2017

Sweetie Pie Sew Along - Week Six - Apple Pie Block!!

Hello and welcome to week six of the

if you are just getting started and

to download the free pattern

Today we are baking 
Apple Pies!

Grab your fabric...
 interfacing and 
trace your 

Use the cutting chart included
 in the pattern to cut your pieces:)

Sew directly onto your traced lines.

When trimming the seam allowance..
make sure to make a few clips 
at the top of each apple's inner curve.

Cut the interfacing...

Turn... shape and press!

Place the apple
 1 1/2" up from the bottom 
of your background square.
Make sure its centered by 
pressing your square in half:)

Glue or pin baste the apples...
 trace the stems and 
the lines on the leaves.

Now you're ready for appliqué!

And the embroidery!

Use the C-15 to trace
 onto the interfacing squares...

and make your apples into circles:)

Appliqué them to the
center of your pie blocks:)

This week I trimmed up 
all of my pie blocks 
because we only have
 two more to sew:)


This is the final step in 
making sure that 
your pies are centered:) 

Just a little bit 
about my new 
Cute Cuts 
Trim-It Rulers

There are 11 in the collection 
and I designed them all 
 with centered lines going both
horizontal and vertical
 as well as diagonal.

This makes it super duper easy 
to trim up any quilt block perfectly!

They also have built in non-slip 
on the back and are easy to use.

There are 1/4"seam allowance 
all the way around the edges
 so that you can see 
what your block will look like
after its sewn into the quilt 
and also to make sure that you 
don't cut anything off 
that you aren't supposed to.
(like points when you are 
trimming up a pieced quilt block)

Place the 16 1/2" 
Trim -It Ruler 
onto your block.

 Line up the dresden seams 
with the lines on the ruler ...

on all four sides...

like this.

Now you're ready to trim...
 so grab your rotary cutter:)

I'm right handed ...
so I always trim on the 
right and the top first.
If you are left handed ...
simply do the left side first.

After those first two sides are trimmed...
 place your block upside down like this.

Because you have already 
trimmed those two edges...
you can line them up with
 the edges of he ruler 
(they are now left side and bottom)

And go ahead and 
trim on the right 
and the top:)

Now your pie block 
is exactly centered 
and is a perfect
 16 1/2" square:)

P.S. Did you happen to catch my tutorial
 that I did a few days ago on my
 Cherry Hearts Placemat?

if you want to make one!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, I'm going to trim up my blocks I have finished using your ruler. Have my fingers crossed my plates are lined up. If not it's ok, this is the first time I made this block for a quilt. I always thought they looked to hard to do but with your direction's I did it.
