Monday, March 20, 2017

Sweetie Pie Sew Along - Week Ten - The Big Finish!!

Hello again...
It's week ten and time
 for the big finish:)

If you want to make my
 Sweetie Pie Quilt

Last week we left off here...
with all of the 
appliqué completed 
and the quilt center
  sewn together.

Now it's time for the pieced border:)
Cut pieces according to the pattern...

Draw a line onto
 your background squares...

or use my 
 if you don't want to
 take the time to mark them.

I always chain piece when
 I'm doing the same step
 on multiple pieces.

When all of your 
easy corner triangles
 are sewn...

it's time to 
trim them like this!!!

I press my seams open 
so that they 
lie nice and flat.

Sew them together according
 to the pattern 
and then sew them 
to your quilt...

like this!!!

The last step is to
 cut and prepare 
your outside borders...

and add them to your quilt:)

I super LOVE this quilt!!! 
Mine is all quilted 
and hanging in my 
family room right now:)

My friend Juli Stubbs quilted it for me and did an amazing job.

The following photos 
are several close ups 
of the quilting that I 
took for you to see:)

I hope these photos 
help you out when you
 are ready to quilt yours:)

Thank you so much 
from the bottom 
of my heart for sewing with me...

 and for celebrating 
the release of my 
Sew Cherry 2 fabric:)

See this photo? 
All of the tutorials 
for this sew along 
will remain on my blog.
Just scroll down 
while looking on the 
right side and you will see them.

Simply click on the week 
that you would like to see.

***Don't worry!!! 
I havn't forgotten about
 these cute mini pies 
that we have leftover
 from the large ones.

That super fun 
project tutorial 
will be coming up soon...
but for right now...

Show all of us 
your finished quilt!!

I also want to invite you
 to my next sew along 
using my upcoming 
fabric collections and my 
Bee Happy 
Sew Simple Shapes

It starts in early fall 
and I hope you join me!!


Monday, March 13, 2017

Sweetie Pie Sew Along - Week Nine - Daisy Appliqué!

Hello cute people! 
Welcome to week nine:)

If you want to make my 
Sweetie Pie Quilt

Now that all of our
 Gingham Daisies 
are completed...
lets get them appliquéd!

I showed you
 last week that I
 worked with 1/2 of the
 quilt at a time.

I started by appliquéing 
the daisies around 
all of the edges. 

Use your seam lines
 to center the daisies.
The daisies measure 
1 3/4" from the edge.

After lining up...
I pinned and appliqued.

I worked all the way around
 the edges on both halves.

For the daisies in the
 middle of the quilt 
I used my 
6 1/2" Trim-It Ruler 
and lined up the lines 
with the seams...

Then placed the daisy underneath.

The lines on the ruler
 really help to 
make sure it's centered.

Now appliqué all of the daisies...

on both halves like this.

Now sew them together...

And finish the last four daisies!


Next week we will do 
the outside borders
 and I'll show you my finished 


Friday, March 10, 2017

Scrappy Project Planner Sew Along - Week Six - Fat Quarter Flirt Quilt!!

Welcome to week six in the 
Sew Along:)

Today we are focusing on the
 sixth quilt pattern 
inside the planner.


All of the other quilts
 were made using
scrappy stash leftovers.

Fat Quarter Flirt 
can be made using 
leftovers as well...
but I especially designed it
 for using up those 
leftover fat quarters
 or that favorite FQBundle
 that you have been

Here are the first 
two rows sewn together 
back when I made this quilt 
for the planner.

Fat Quarter Flirt 
is a twin size and 
takes 30 fat quarters:)

The look of the quilt 
changes by the colors
 and styles of the fabrics.

I've seen this quilt done
 in christmas prints 
as well as Halloween 
and they are super cute!

I also want to show you
 the one I made using
 background fabrics.

I have a ton of these 
in my stash because 
I love them and I thought
 this pattern would be 
perfect to put them all
 together in one quilt:)

I love the 
soft vintagey look...

and I super love with 
how it turned out:)

Thanks so much for
 celebrating my 
with me.

to visit Kimberly and also 
the guest bloggers for this week.

I've loved seeing 
all the photos of your
 sew along projects...
thanks so much 
for posting them!
