Friday, December 27, 2019

Farm Girl Vintage 2 Quilt Along - Farm Girl Friday's - Week Nine!!

Welcome back to the 
next episode of the 

Also known as ...

We are using my latest book 

And sewing with my 
Farm Girl Vintage fabric...

And making 2 Farm Girl Blocks each week!

Our first Farm Girl Block 
for this week is 
on page 61 of the book.

I was a lucky girl because both of 
my grandma's taught me
 their favorite hobbies.

One grandma taught me to quilt 
and my other grandma taught me to crochet!

I had to include a crochet block
 in my book because it was a big part
 of my childhood on the farm.
We were crocheters and 
loved to play with yarn!!

I designed 3 skeins of yarn and
 a crochet hook for the block:)

I added some of my Granny Circle Coasters
 in the photo to represent crochet.
Aren't they fun?
They are super easy to make and 
I did a YouTube tutorial on
 Riley Blake Designs channel 
showing you how to make them.

It's a beginning crochet tutorial
 where I show you how to do a 
slip stitch ...a single crochet
 and a double crochet.

If you want to make one...

I use my 
(there are 28 colors)
and also my 

I also did a YouTube tutorial on how to
 make my Granny Square Pincushions and 
this one is on 
Fat Quarter Shop's channel.

Stitches you need to know 
to make these are a slip stitch and 
a double crochet...
which I show you in the
 Granny Circle video.

if you want to make one of these fun pincushions:)

Our next Farm Girl Block 
for this week is 
on page 63 of the book.

Of course I had to 
include a truck in my book:)
Both of my grandpa's were farmers 
and I rode in their trucks often
 as they were hauling hay and livestock.

I've been waiting for the week
 when we are doing this block...
because I am going to 
let you in on a little secret!

When I designed this block...
I made sure to draw the bed of the truck
 to finish at 6" wide 
when making the 12" block.
Can you guess why?
So that besides hauling hay...
 you can haul livestock too!
You simply substitute the hay 
for any 6" farm animal block.

Looky here:)

I'm hauling my 
WOOLLY SHEEP Farm Girl Block 
from my first Farm Girl Book....
it's sew fun!
Let me tell you how to do it.

First I cut a 12" Grandpa's Truck Block...
I did not sew them because 
I'm going to replace it with my sheep.

I sewed a 6" Woolly Sheep Block from
(I did not add the grass on the bottom)

Okay...time for some Quilty Math: 
Because the hay section measures
 4 1/2" tall and 6 1/2" wide 
before you sew it into the 
back of the 12" truck...
you will need to make your 
farm animal that same size.

It's already 6 1/2" wide 
but you will need to cut it 4 1/2" tall.

Do this by measuring 4 1/2" down 
from the TOP of the block and cut it.

The bottom part of the farm animals
 that you have cut off have the illusion
 that they are inside the bed 
of the truck and you simply sew 
the top part of the animal
 into the 12" truck block!

Easy peasy:)

I added 1 1/2" borders
 around this block too:)
Hi Woolly Sheep!
Have a fun ride!

I just love it!!
This is a memory that I have 
from my childhood...
sheep in the back of the truck...
especially during shearing time!

My dad used to go to other farms and shear thier sheep and also go and shoe horses.
 I often went
 with him to do both.
I especially loved watching him 
shear the sheep.
He was so fast and it was fascinating to see.

Looky how cute!
Once again...
hauling hay and also livestock.

Yes...I'm going to say it...
wouldn't it be a super fun quilt
or a table runner
 with all different animals
 in the back of a Grandpa's Truck?
It certainly would:)

Of course you can also put a 
Mama Hen or a Baby Chick block
 from my first book in there ...
they would be giant sized and oh so cute!!

Because we just had Christmas...
 I did not have time to sew blocks 
with all of the farm animals so instead... 
I asked Sarah from It's Sew Emma 
(she is amazing and whom I work directly
 with when doing the instructions 
for my books)

I asked her to do a mock up block
so that I could show you 
what each farm animal blocks
 from the book would look like
 in the back of the truck:)

Looky at Happy Horse!
He looks perfectly at home
 riding back there...
I asked Sarah to take out the 
grain bucket and just use the 
background fabric because 
that's what I will do. 

Penny Pig is taking a sweet ride 
in Grandpa's Truck:)

Milk Cow is going to visit the 
neighbors 3 farms down the road...

And Friendly Goat is so friendly
 that he still lets Baby Chick 
ride on his back while he is riding too:)

I love how over sized that 
Rise and Shine Rooster looks 
in the back of Grandpa's Truck...
so whimsical and sew farm girl style:)

Thanks for joining this vintage farm girl
 for this week's episode:)

that is me second one in from the right...
I'm petting one of our cows with my 
3 older sisters Debbie, Carolyn and Tammy.

I'm pretty sure that my dad 
took this photo because notice that 
all of the cow is in there
 but not the top of 
Debbie's and Carolyn's heads...
and my mom wouldn't have cared about the cow 
 LOL she would have made sure that 
she got all of us in and not the cow!!
We always tease dad about that!

 so I will meet you right back here
 next week for two more 
Farm Girl Blocks!!


  1. You are so talented! That is so nice that you figured out how to fit in the farm animals. I don't have your books but I plan on it and I'm a crocheter so I need to check out your hooks and yarns and tutorials. Thank you so much for the inspiration and what a cute picture of you and your sisters with the baby cow. I spent my summers on a farm and they are my happiest memories.

  2. Adorable. How clever to be able to change the truck loads. I have the book, but haven’t gotten into sewing anything in it yet. I've been exclusively cross stitching for months. I imagine the same idea could be used in your cross-stitch cards. I can’t remember if there is anything in that truck. Thanks for all the neat things you do. Happy New Year.

  3. I learned about your blog only recently so I'm too late for these sew alongs but I have already pre-ordered the Quilter's Cottage book and hope to do that sew along with you.

  4. I can't stand it!!!! You are just SO dang talented!!!! We also had sheep when I was growing up and I just love them and have many great 'sheep' memories, so one is definitely going into the back of my truck this weekend! Thanks so much Lori - I would never have thought of doing that!! Sending you Giant Hugs!!!!

  5. I just found out about you today from a lady buying fabric at Joanne's. She had a pattern of yours. Love the farm animals and photo of you and sisters with the calf.

  6. I love your fantastic quilts and other crafts!! I found out about you a couple of months ago from a quilt store and have started taking a class on the first book. I've already sewn a couple of blocks and learned so much!! I've only been quilting a year and sewing 1yr & 4 months. But I love it and am hooked on sewing for good!!! Thanks for the great tutorials and for sharing how to do this stuff!
