Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Back to Business...

Since I am finished with vacations for a while It's time to get back to business for me.
That means back to designing blocks for my Paper Doll quilt and also Family Reunion.
It also means trying to catch up on my posting....as I'm going through pictures, I see that I have alot that I havn't shown you.
I'll start with my last Clothesline Club show & tell.
This is Sandra modeling her new apron and below is her BIG jar of Yo-Yo's....she is making a quilt and is getting near the end of having enough to put together.

This is Rae Ann's new name tag that she wears on her required wardrobe when coming to Clothesline Club.....an Apron of course.

Judy's Black and White with a splash of red quilt......

....and her Girl Talk quilt.
Judy made the quilt from my pattern in my applique club several years ago.
She had been worried about quilting it because she felt she wasn't experienced enough on her long arm to do it....so she practiced on lots of others and felt confident enough to quilt it now.
She did a great job!

More wonderful aprons!

This is Rae Ann's signiture quilt. We are all working on our own....her top is complete.

This quilt is also Rae Ann's.
She brought it in to show us because it's her favorite quilt. She made it shortly after falling in love with 1930's fabrics.
She went for several years not liking them at all and then she said she slowly began to like them a little until she finally fell head over heels and she now has quite the obsession.
By the way...Rae Ann has started a blog so go check it out here.

Helen Brutch quilted Rae Ann's quilt. She is a fabulous lady and talented quilter ....I ought to know because she quilts all of my quilts.

Look at Kathleen's find at an antique shop....so lovely. And in perfect condition.

We really have a bunch of very talented ladies in our group. I look forward to going again in just a couple of weeks!

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  1. Love the show and tell. The quilts are so beautiful! Great fun!

  2. OHHH, I want to come to Utah and be a part of your clothes line club... So Fun! Love the new name tag, Perfect with 30's fabrics.

  3. A wonderful show and tell...as always!

  4. Awwww, I thoroughly enjoyed that little show Lori; and your Scrapbook Pages below are awesome!!! I've got some supplies cuz I simply couldn't resist 'em, but I haven't done anything w/them yet! You have inspired me tho :)

  5. Thanks Lori for posting a link over to my new blog! You are receiving an additional 5 points in my "MYSTERY GIVEAWAY" for being so kind.
    I love seeing your pictures each month of the Clothesline Club. It keeps the fun memories alive for me. What a wonderful group of friends we have made there! I apprecaite the pictures you take of my quilt and things. You are too sweet! :)

  6. Thanks for the show and tell! I swear, UT has the best show and tells at meetings!!

    Also, my prize patterns arrived today and they are wonderful!!! Thank you SO much, I truly appreciate you sending them, PLUS the extra two as a surprise!! Hugs to you:)

  7. Wow, you sure did have alot of catching up to do! I love the clothes line clug. What a good idea. THanks for sharing eveyone's beautiful work. Steph

  8. Such a great group with so much talent.

  9. Such beautiful quilts.
    I love all of your patterns. The apron one I have got to find and order. I have been reading blogs for awhile and finally decided to start my own.

  10. Thanks for the show and tell! I enjoyed all the beautiful quilts!

  11. Wonderful quilts! Thanks for sharing.

  12. what fun! I love coming to your show and tell, just wish I could be there in person.

  13. More fun friend wonderfulness. Love Rae Ann's quilt. The quilting is fabulous. Fun that she has a blog now. Always cute stuff to show.

  14. Wow, wow, wow, wow! I just spilled my hot cocoa when I saw this post! All the quilts are sooooo yummy! And I love Rae Ann's name tag - how cute!!
