Monday, June 7, 2010

A Good Read...

I just finished this book ...."The Forgotten Garden" by Kate Morton.
I loved it so much I just had to share it with you.

I don't want to give too much away...but it starts out when a little girl is found alone on a ship that's bound for Austrailia...the story follows this little girls life and her search for her real family...the research spans 3 generations with a beautiful love story and lots of twists and turns...characters I loved to hate and characters I loved to love.
This book has it all!
If you're looking for a good read this summer...I know you'll love this one.

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  1. Same same yet again. I listened to this book on my ipod - twice. I love it. There is another Kate Morten book - that is good too.

  2. Awesome! Was trying to decide what book to read next. This sounds right up my alley. ;o)

  3. I'm going to reserve this today at the library!

  4. thanks I am looking for a summer read...can't wait to check this out!

  5. Just when do you find time to read my dear friend? I cannot even find enough time to quilt. I will however get me a copy of the book to take with me to the cabin.
    Monday hugs!

  6. I just read it, too! Excellent read! Polly

  7. It is now written on my reading list. If you loved it, I know I will too!

  8. Just now I am reading The House at Riverton and then want to read the one you have read.

  9. Great...I'm going to place an Amazon order this morning so I added this one to the list!


  10. Oh my gosh, I can't believe you let your prince take your "computerized" spinning wheel apart! You must really trust your "Mr. Honey". I am in suspense, wondering if there will be a "happily ever after"!
    btw, don't you have other sewing machines? I know you have a little one you travel with so you aren't totally distressed in your castle!! :)

  11. Your blog is like a good book! LEt me tell ya how good it is...
    It's so good that when I've missed a few posts and come to visit, like NOW, I begin with the last post and work my way to the most current, so as to not miss a BIT!!!!
    Gonna order this book. BUT~but not before I catch up on your lovely blog first! XO

  12. Just have to let you know that I loved the book! It was sooo good--great characters! Poor Eliza--and little Ivory--I loved them both! Oh, and I love the name Ivory!
