Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Once Upon a Time...

...in the creative land of Bee in my Bonnet...
there was a "happy go lucky" princess who was trying to finish her dresden plate quilt that she started 4 months ago....

The princess thought she would pick up the pace by chain-stitching a quick method for the hour glass blocks she would use for the sashings of her dresden plate quilt....
she happily chain-stitched away in the early morning hours...
(dunt dunt duuuhhh!) 
as she was stitching....

TRAGEDY struck.
I mean real tragedy.
Time stood still...
and so did the sewing machine.

I mean really still.

It made a loud clunk and stopped working!
"Oh nooooo!" cried the princess....
what can I do? 
How can I finish my Dresden plate quilt...
or any other quilt?

The princess was not so 
"Happy Go Lucky" 

...but wait...

...as luck would have it...
the prince (Mr.Honey)
 was still in the castle (garage)
 fixing a lawnmower and heard the princess cry for help 
(or something like that)
 and came to her rescue armed with his trusty screwdriver 
(and a flashlight).

The prince could see that fixing the sewing machine could take a while....

..as he had to take it farther and farther 
(and even further)
 apart to find out what was blocking the gears from moving.

So the prince made himself comfortable 
(on the couch with Captain Crunch and hunting shows on TV...) 
in the castle tower (family room)...
and dis-assembled the princesses Bernina piece by piece.

The princess couldn't bear to watch her beloved computerized Bernina 1090S being torn apart...
it gave her the vapers (scared her)...
so she went off to the quilt shop for the day. 

(Yo-Yo Mama's at Material Girls and out to lunch with girlfriends after)
The prince told her to have a good time and assured the princess that there was no need to worry.
(the princess has full trust in the prince)

The next day....

after the prince returned to the castle from slaying dragons (work)...

....he began to put back together the sewing machine for the princess.

Will it work?

Will the prince be able to save the princess?
Will she finally finish her Dresden plate quilt?
Stay tuned to find out the answer to all of these questions and more....

PS. The princess on the float is me when I was 4 years old....I guess I thought my oldest sister Debbie wasn't pulling me fast enough 
( I don't remember being upset)...oh well ...once a princess...always a princess!

    P.S. Click Here 

   For A Fairy Tale Ending!


  1. ...I hope this fairy tale ends with "And she lived happily ever after with her prince and Bernina 1090S"!
    What a great way of writing you have (((O:

  2. What a fantastic story! I can hardly wait until tomorrow for part 2. Knowing Mr Honey... the Prince... I know that the ending will be real GOOD!
    Glad you were able to get away from it all and have a fun day.
    I am anxoius to see your dresdan quilt finished. I am loving it so far!
    You were one cute little girl Lori!

  3. Oh my word!! How absolutely frightening it would be to see your machine in pieces. I don't think I would have been able to watch either without sobbing *grin*. I sure hope the prince can put all the pieces back together again so it can continue stitching up your beautiful quilts :)

    PS. you were such an adorable little princess!! Super cute photos :)

  4. Lol...love the post! I truly hope your machine is magically repaired by the prince :)
    Your face in the picture is priceless...and what a COOL float!
    Smiles, DianeM

  5. What a creative post! I loved your old time photos of the kiddie parade. That fluff on your wagon is really beautiful. I hope your sewing machine story ends well.

  6. The more I read and the more I saw the parts of your Bernina being unscrewd, the more I felt the vapors coming on myself! I do so hope the Prince's rescue is successful. Can't wait for the conclusion to this epic tale!

  7. Oh my goodness Lori! This is frightful! I surely hope your prince can save the day :-)

  8. You are WAY TOOOOO funny!!! LOVE that cute little princess photo.

    And Holy Cow! I can't believe you let the prince mess with your machine - I fear the prince in my castle wouldn't quite have the confidence that your prince does. I have a feeling that your story will have a VERY happy ending!!!

  9. I thought that was Kassidy as a little girl on the float! She sure looks like you.
    I understand why you would get the "vapors" seeing your Bernina come apart in pieces, but I know Mr. Honey is very good at what he does.You are one lucky princess.
    (only 13 more days until our get away!)

  10. Ohhhhh my, you my dear are one brave Princess to allow your handsome Prince to dismantle your BFF!!! I'll be anxiously awaiting to hear if he was successful ... I'm actually putting my money on him :)

  11. Cute post! Can't wait to see the finish.


  12. Good luck with your machine. I hope your tragedy ends well. LOVED the creativity in your post. Made me chuckle.

  13. Oh, wow, I would be big time nervous to see my machine taken apart like that. Hope all is well soon.
    I thought the photo of you and your sister was so cute.

  14. What a great story! I'm hoping for a happy ending.

  15. O.K. fun post! And the float picture! What a hoot. That float is incredible! And even though my prince does a LOT for me. And can do just bout anything. I don't know if I'm even brave enough to let him at my sewing machine. LOL. I hope, hope, hope it's fixed!

  16. Isn't this a princesses worst nightmare! Her precious kingdom is at stake!! I love the pic of you on the float. Your expression is priceless. I can't imagine your machine stopping like that. I'm absolutely sure Kerry can fix it. I'm positive he can. It is just frustrating. And it is taking him all day. Yikes. I wonder what happened???? I want to know what stopped it. I mean you do have your trusty back up, but that's not the point. You need yours fixed!!!! I hope by the time I leave tomorrow there is a happily ever after ending to this tale.

  17. Oh Lori - too funny! And now that you told us who the princess was on the first photos, it all makes sense. Hope the vapors are gone and the machine is back together!

  18. Eeeek! Hope that handsome prince was also one clever man!

  19. I'm crossing my fingers for a happy ending!

    I love the part about Captain Crunch and hunting shows:)

  20. I love Fairy Tales with happy endings.....

    kitsch n Stuff

  21. I hope it's a fairy tale ending and your Bernina is sewing again.

  22. Hoping for a happy ending and that the Prince will be a hero! That look on your face in the photo is too funny...love it!

  23. Oh, my goodness! I'm on the edge of my seat, dying to know what happens to the sewing machine. Crossing my fingers for you and hoping all comes out well!

  24. The princess just has to have a happy ending!!

  25. Oh what a handy Prince you have..lucky girl. xoxo I know it will be a happy ending. xoxo

  26. See why I always read your posts in order when I'm behind?!?!!?
    That's the cutest pic ever of you and your sister... You look like you are sitting on a nest, where's you just hatched! Parents can really put us in some situations, can't they?!?!
    LOVE IT! Okay, I have to go see what happened next!..... bye.
