Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday Tute's - Vintage Valentines!

Isn't this vintage valentine fun?
Bring back memories?
I heart vintage valentines...suprised?...haha.

There are so many things that you can do with the one's you have collected or maybe you don't have any vintage valentines yet?...no problem...you can get some darling ones for free...here, here and here.
Maybe you could choose one to embroider ...

...and then sew it into this adorable red and white pom-pommy pillow!
I found it over at Brookhollow Lane and wanted to share it with you.
Such a clever idea!
You'll find the tute here.

And the cuteness continues over at Bakerella where she explains how she got vintage valentines on these cookies!
I love them!
You can find out how here.

The sweet and talented Elizabeth over at Creative Breathing always has the most adorable tutorials and this one is a must to go over and see.
Elizabeth shows us how she makes her own valentine works of art by starting out with a vintage valentine.
Go visit her here.

And after you have made all of your valentine treats ...go over to see Jessica at How About Orange and find out how to make heart shaped paper clips to help you package them up with extra cuteness and love:)
You can find out how to make them here.

I hope your week has started off well... and that all of you are knee deep in fun quilty fabric
Or...needle and thread
Or...glitter and glue...
Or...frosting and sprinkles...
Or...all of the above!...
At the same time...lol
Just remember to wear a cute apron:)


  1. Oh, I love those vintage valentines. I even scored a vintage card box from my grandma once that had them in it!

  2. And I am a TipNut fan and would have never thought to look for these. Thank you - I am passing this on to my daughter who just the other day asked where she could get cards to print for her son's class - these are just too cute!

    I would not eat those cookies - they are just too adorable to spoil. Loved her 'tute' on making these.

    Thank you for a lovely Vintage Valentines.

  3. Love all the ideas...thanks for sharing, Amy

  4. Now I need to run to the store and find pink or red paperclips. I think I could even do that!

  5. thanks for all the great links. I love the idea of redrawing the card to embroider it. Sweet!

  6. Thanks for sharing, I "ran right over" and collected several valentines.

  7. I LOVE this, and this is something I can do before Valentine's day!

  8. Vintage Valentines just make me feel all warm and good inside---such prettiness and wonderfulness and everything nice-lol!

    I adore How About Orange's blog---great ideas:)

  9. Such wonderful ideas, Lori! Thanks for sharing the tutorial links, too!

    I love Elizabeth (Creative Breathing)...she's one of my dear blog friends. Always so much adorable inspiration there!

    Hope you're having a beautiful day!


  10. I heart Bakerella and How About Orange too! Happy Valentines Day :-)

  11. Hola, muy lindos tus trabajos, te felicito! Un abrazo

  12. Your pillow is so stinking cute! Thanks for sharing with us all of those great links!

  13. Love the Valentine pillow - and now I feel like a kid in a candy store...I want it! I want it! So okay, I'll make myself one...just need to find the time! Love the new fabric you bought, too! Sorry you hurt your finger! But I'm sure it was worth it! Happy Valentine's Day! xo, Nan
