Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Gone Fishing...

We are in the process of getting our trailer ready for our first camping trip of the season...
We will be leaving in a few days and going to beautiful
Fish Lake, Utah...

We go there every year with several of our friends including their families and we always have the best time!....
you can read all about it by clicking here:)

I'm looking forward to relaxing in the great outdoors...but I'm especially looking forward to having a good fishing, hiking, camping, marshmellow roasting, card playing time!

I love the mountains and I love to enjoy all of the gifts of nature ....I will be back the end of next week with pictures and another tutorial!
Until then...have a quilty time my friends:)


  1. I know how much you love Fish Lake. Have a wooonnnderfulll time!

  2. that looks so fun and beautiful!
    i just had to tell you that i think you are fabulous! i went to the shop hop last weekend and it seemed like every quilt i just loved had bee in my bonnet on it!!
    and then i came to your blog and you are such a vintage it!!

  3. Hi Lori, have fun on vacation. Can't wait to see your photos. And LOVE the saying at the end of your post. I've never seen it before. "Be ye fishers of men. You catch them - He will clean them". Love it!

  4. Have a GREAT TIME!!!~ Love the Church bulletin sign! :)
    Do you watch RFD-TV? I love Nadine's Church bulletins she puts put on Larry's Country Diner. Lol

  5. Have a wonderful time! I remember the great times I had with my dad when we went fishing.

  6. Have a wonderful time! I remember the great times I had with my dad when we went fishing.

  7. Have fun girler... and catch a few fish for me! Hope you come back feeling all rested up and ready to go again.
    I can't believe how much Cassidy has changed this last year and how much taller Sterling has gotten.

  8. Have fun Lori! I love the salt and pepper shakers, so cute!

  9. I have decided that I want to live in your adorable home... if that's not possible, I'll settle for your adorable trailer !!!! I only wish my was coming out half as cute !

    thanks for sharing and hope you're having a wonderful getaway,

  10. Lori, I'm your newest follower, I adore the brightness and cheerfulness of your blog. All the beautiful fabrics and colors are joyful. I know your on vacation right now and I'm leaving too, but I will be back next week.
