Friday, June 17, 2011

Homemade Pre-wound Bobbins...

I don't know about you but I hate it when I'm in my sewing groove.....and my bobbin runs out ...usually at the most inconvenient time I might add....and I have to stop my happy sewing time just to wind another.
So I thought you might like to know what I do so that doesn't happen to me anymore!

I know that you can buy pre-wound spools but I would rather make my own.
And because I love me some Aurifil thread ...that's what I use to
pre-wind my own bobbins.
I use the white on the orange cone for my machine piecing  90% of the time...
I usually keep extra spools on hand.

It's a really good quality 100% cotton thread that is made in Italy. 
I like the fact that it's a thin (but strong) thread ...which makes it possible to wind even more on my bobbin which results in
 less bobbin changes = more sewing time:)  
I use a cute red BobbinSaver donut to hold
my pre-wound bobbins...
And this cute little Sidewinder machine for winding them.
 Kassidy likes to use it so she is actually my little bobbin winding helper that does them for me...making it a win/win situation all around! 
Here you see empty bobbins...
un-fulfilled (pun intended) and serving no purpose ...awwww sad:)
Yay!....all wound up and ready to go!....
Just think of all the quilts I can make now....the possibilities are endless!
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  1. I just wound 4 bobbins tonight as I was sewing on another quilt. But I really like your idea of filling a Bobbin Saver donut. Thanks for the great hint!

  2. I need a Kass, Shelby never winds my bobbins, I will start to sew and run out of my bobbin thread, I always know when she has been sewing:)

  3. So, are all bobbins created equal? I know there are different types (for three years in my early sewing career I hated my machine cause it would always jam up, only to discover that I was using the wrong bobbin).

    I still only have the three that came with my new machine (7 years later). If I take one in and find a match will it work? I so want more bobbins, but I don't know if brands are all different. :)

  4. What a great idea, I need me one of them donut bobbin holders. I wind 4-5 bobbins each time I need them. I hate having to stop and wind thread on during a project, whereas inserting a new bobbin takes mere seconds.
    I use rasant thread, another nice thin, strong fibre.

  5. What a great idea! I also use Aurifil (the best thread ever) but in the light or dark gray for piecing and for the bobbin thread. Those two blend into everything!

  6. my mouth watered a little when i saw that donut full of white thread! mmmm!

  7. Nice way to get the kids involved. I will have to see if my grandkids want to help this way. They love to be in my sewing room.

  8. How clever you are...just one of the reasons I love your blog! I wind several of one colour sometimes but to have so many just sitting ready for action...ingenious!

  9. I could do that, I have a donut, lots of empty bobbins and a little electric bobbin winder but wait! I don't have a Kassidy!

  10. I really like this idea and I love Auriful thread, it's always my first choice in thread!

  11. I should do that! Thanks for motivating me.

    I am just about done with my "Count Your Blessings" block. I've been working hard on it lately to get it done and I just have to sew the buttons on and stitch the crows feet. Yay! I love it! Thanks for a great pattern!!!


  12. I just bought my first cone of Aurifill. I haven't used it yet. I'll have to try that. Usually I make 3-4 bobbins ahead but I should do more. I got your photo of the embroidery quilt. It is darling.

  13. What a great idea! I will have to get myself one!

  14. Have a safe trip and a wonderful time...Janice

  15. Kassidy sounds like one very handy assistant! I've never tried a bobbin winder but I do keep lots of filled bobbins on hand - I hate to stop and fill them when I'm in the middle of something.:-)

  16. i can't stand not having one and ending up with a black random half filled one to use --until i am not lazy anymore and fill a few. with this amount though-- think of all i could do!
